Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“You’ll always be a Lanza girl, don’t you forget that.” Joe said from behind Cara, causing her to turn and look at the elder Lanza. He was wearing a pair of linen shorts and a Hawaiian style button down shirt. His tube socks were half up his calves and to everyone’s surprise, he wasn’t wearing loafers but instead a pair of sneakers. Let’s not forget the fisherman’s hat that he donned on his head. Cara bit back a smile and her eyes found Deb’s. She shook her head as she took in her husband’s appearance.

“What time does the boat leave?” She asked and by the sound of her voice she was hoping it was soon.

Joe slung his arm around his wife’s shoulders. “Trying to get rid of me darling?”

“Never.” She said with a smile and looked down as Ava dropped her hand and ran to Cara, wrapping her arms around her waist.

“Cara, can I stay with you and Grandma while Daddy and Grandpa go fishing?” She said, swaying from foot to foot as she peered up hopefully at Cara.

“Sure, what do you want to do?” She said as she fixed the little girls fallen ponytail.

“Let’s go swimming.” Ava said excitedly.

“Ooh, they are having bingo by the swimming pool at noon too!” Deb said sealing their plans for the afternoon before she glanced at Lucille. “Lucy why don’t you join us?”

“Where is Luke?” Joe said, glancing down at his watch. “If that boy makes me miss my fishing expedition I’m going to use him for bait.”

“Nice, Pop. Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?” Luke said from behind him.

“Daddy!” Ava released Cara and ran around her grandpa to her father’s waiting arms.

Joe turned spun around and pulled his sunglasses off his face to peer at his son. “I guess you’re well rested?” He said eyeing him suspiciously.

Luke clapped his hands before he rubbed them together. “Are you ready to catch some fish?” He said, ignoring his father’s prying. The old geezer definitely knew something was up, it was evident in his eyes that held a hint of humor in them.

“Alright all, you have fun doing whatever it is you all do on vacation.” Nick said as he tugged on Sam’s hand. “We have a plane to catch.” He made a rush to kiss everyone’s cheek, making sure Sam followed his lead and before his mother in law had a chance to become emotional he grabbed his bride and hurried out of the dining room. After all, he had a honeymoon to get underway.


Luke casts his line out into the clear blue ocean before leaning back and taking a pull of his beer. He had removed his shirt and let the sun beat down against his chest.

Joe watched his son, lean back beginning to relax and decided that was the perfect time to dig into him.

“So are you going to tell your old man where you learned to dance like that?” He said casually. Thirty plus years living with Deb taught him the fine art of prying into his children’s lives, you know in that subtle way.

“Sam forced me to take lessons.” It wasn’t really a lie. She did coax him even though he went willingly once he knew it would make Cara happy. He took another sip of his beer.

“They paid off.” He said as he grabbed a beer from the cooler. “Cara seemed impressed.”

“I didn’t notice.” He said quickly.

Joe chuckled. “Nice try kid. I’m going to let you in on a little secret of mine.” Luke turned and eyed his father suspiciously. “I only play it off like I have no idea what is going on that way everyone leaves me alone.”

Luke’s eyes narrowed. “What are you getting at?”

“You’re in deep with our Cara.” Joe said evenly as he saluted his son with his beer. “Nice to know your tastes have improved.” He said and took a sip of the beer.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Luke said flatly.

“Ha! Shit, kid, that, only works for me. I’m flattered you’re trying to imitate me.” He put down his beer and grabbed a cigar from his pocket.

“I’m not imitating you and what did you mean by my tastes improving.”

“Don’t get all defensive. Let’s just say the last couple years the dames you’ve brought home have been a little bland for my tastes.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Luke bit back sarcastically.

“Cara’s a good girl.” He said, ignoring his son. “Been through hell and back and deserves some happiness.” He puffed on his cigar.

“Agreed.” Luke said not giving anything else away in his statement.

“You deserve happiness too. Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you smile as much as I have these last few weeks. It’s a good look on you, Luke.”

Luke studied his father for a moment and then decided to test him. “You think Cara and I can make one another happy?”

“I think you already do.” Joe said with ease watching Luke look out at the water. “Your brother would want her happy Luke and what I’m even more certain of is that he would want you to be happy too. My boy Jake, he had a big heart, God rest his soul. He brought that girl into our lives. He never asked us to love her, we just did, how could you not?” He flicked the ashes of his cigar. “It’s no surprise you fell in love with her, son.” Luke’s eyes shot to his father. “Don’t deny it, boy. It’s written all over your face.”