Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 1-Chapter 150)

With the continuous transmission from the A.I. Chip, Leylin began to gain an understanding of the elementary meditation technique for acolytes.

Elementary meditation techniques are, as their name implies, special meditation techniques given to acolytes, and are the most basic of techniques. After many years of modification, they have already reached a nearly perfect stage, and the content of the elementary meditation techniques from the various academies did not differ by much.

To be specific, they are similar to the visualisation techniques from his previous world. An acolyte draws mind runes inside their mind to increase their spiritual force, and as they draw more mind runes, their spiritual force grows stronger.

Every Magi liked to record all the precise details and processes down.

In regards to acolytes, they have divided the practice into three levels: level 1 acolyte, level 2 acolyte, and level 3 acolyte.

As for the division between levels, it is seen through the progression of the elementary meditation technique.

When one has the ability to meditate with 8 runes, they have passed the criteria for a level 1 acolyte. Being able to meditate with 24 runes is the sign of a level 2 acolyte. As for level 3 acolytes, there seemed to be other conditions needed.

As for the meditation progress, it is closely related to a Magus’ aptitude.

“In regards to meditation practice, the superiority of a fifth-grade acolyte is extremely obvious; they can become a level 1 acolyte in only five to six days. No wonder Jayden, who was a regular human before boarding the dirigible, was able to use a magic artifact in just half a month’s time.”

As for a fourth-grade acolyte, the time needed to become a level 1 acolyte is approximately fifteen to twenty days. Third-grade acolytes will need a month’s time; second-grade acolytes will need half a year, and first-grade acolytes will need several years!”

“This difficulty in progressing will only increase when ascending to level 2 acolyte and level 3 acolyte, hence is it understandable for professors to favour acolytes with high aptitudes. After all, maybe one can receive the remuneration of a proper Magus in a dozen years, with just a little more effort put in now!”

[An independent file has been created for the meditation technique data, analyse or not?] The A.I. Chip prompted with a window.

“Begin analysing!”

[In the process of analysing! Progress: 0.11%] The A.I. Chip showed the current state.

“This crystal ball seems to input the information directly into the acolytes’ brains, but the method is a little too crude and it does not care if you remember it completely or not. But the A.I. Chip is able to defragment and store it directly in the memory bank, and is even able to aid by analysing the process!”

Leylin indifferently compared the differences between the two.

Chapter 23 – Within The Academy Compounds

Within The Academy Compounds

“Tick Tock! Tick Tock!”

The hands of the bronze clock in the room swivelled around once more, as another hour passed.

[The first mind rune has been analysed, start transmitting or not?] The A.I. Chip prompted.

“Has it finally been analysed? Begin transmission!”

In this period of time, Leylin had also been studying the blueprints of the meditation technique, but it was to no avail.

The mind rune appeared as a 3D image and the patterns inside were extremely complicated, with no room for errors.

To display this image in book form, not only would the author need to have outstanding training in the fine arts, but the reader’s comprehension skills would also be put to the test.

Leylin estimated that regular acolytes would need to spend a good number of days to even begin to understand a single mind rune, before starting to construct them in their brains. However, with the A.I. Chip, it was done in a matter of hours.

“This pace may very well be comparable to a fourth or fifth-grade acolyte!” Leylin estimated.

After the A.I. Chip’s transmission, Leylin had already completely comprehended the structure of the first mind rune. It was in the shape of an ‘A’, without the horizontal line in the middle, and was filled with patterns and helixes, making one dizzy the more they looked at it.

“To begin the meditation, I must first have peace of mind and imagine a serene lake……”

Leylin slowly closed his eyes.

In the dimly lit room, the youth sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, as if he was in a slumber.

After an unknown period of time, there were a few spots of lights flickering in the youth’s surroundings. They entered the body of the youth, and very soon they disappeared.

Leylin’s eyelids fluttered, and he opened his eyes.

“So tiring! It seems like the meditation technique and a Knight’s breathing technique is the same, there is a time limit! A.I. Chip! Check my body’s status!”

[Beep! Scanning the Host’s body!] [The Host’s brain cells have been stimulated, and all of the cells in the body have increased in activity as a whole!] [Beep! The Host’s vitality has increased by 0.05!] [Oh…… Meditation techniques, there’s no doubt that they are cultivation techniques for Magi. I can feel that the key purpose of this meditation technique is to increase the spiritual force, and the increase in vitality is only an added benefit.”

“The spiritual force affects my stats! After practicing the meditation technique, my vitality has actually started to exceed my previous limit!” Leylin’s expression was complex, and there was an indescribable joy in his heart.

“According to the introduction in the data, sleeping right after meditation will provide the most optimal effects!”

Leylin stripped his outer robes, laid on the bed, and then entered into a deep sleep.

[Beep Beep! The alarm is ringing!] The A.I. Chip’s voice rang and brought Leylin out from his sleep.

“It is already the time that I set my alarm for, time really passes quickly!” Leylin stretched lazily and saw that the clock showed the time as 5:30.

“I’d better hurry up and tidy up! I still need to see mentor Kroft!” Leylin washed up quickly, went to the dining hall and gobbled down a bread for his breakfast, and then rushed to the experiment lab from yesterday.

“Good morning Sir!” Leylin greeted.

He noticed a female acolyte beside the white haired Kroft. She had fine curves and looked beautiful, and seemed to be another apprentice of the professor.

“Hm? You attempted the meditation technique?” Kroft furrowed his brows, “How did it feel?”

“My head ached, and I felt a little dizzy!”

“This is a common aftereffect of the transmission from the memory crystal ball; you just need to get more rest during this period!” Kroft said.

“Come, let me introduce you! This is Bicky, my other apprentice. This is Leylin, the new acolyte from yesterday!”

“Hi!” Bicky bowed, giving a virtuous greeting.

“Hello!” Leylin placed his right arm on his chest and displayed the elegance of a noble.

“Bicky is your senior, besides her, you also have another senior called Merlin. His Potioneering skills are excellent!” Kroft said to Leylin.

“Merlin has been called a once-in-a-century genius of Potioneering, and is regarded as the most likely successor of our mentor!” Bicky added.

“Haha! Indeed! Merlin has shown outstanding talent in Potioneering! If there is anything you don’t understand, you may seek his help!” Once he mentioned Merlin, Kroft’s face revealed a smile, and he seemed extremely satisfied with that student of his.

“So Leylin, are you familiar with my rules?”

“I have seen them when going through the professor requirements during the selection of mentors!” Leylin nodded.

“Okay! From now on, you have to come here every day and help with the cleaning up, but you may go listen to the free lessons during breaks! As for the benefit of being under me, which is receiving information on a topic, you can choose and ask me after learning the basics!”

Kroft said.

“Thank you, Sir!” Leylin hurriedly bowed. Right now, he had no inkling whatsoever about the Magus world, so even if Kroft wanted him to choose, he would not know which was best. It was only right to choose at a later time when he could reap the most benefits.

“Right now, I will give both of you half a day’s break. Let Bicky accompany and show you around the academy. Bicky, tell him about the few restrictions!”

“Yes!” Leylin and Bicky nodded their heads and left the laboratory.

“This is the residence of the professors, acolytes usually aren’t allowed to enter……This is the trading post, where acolytes can make transactions with others. And here, we have the mission area. The different missions and levels will be written on this stone wall. acolytes can complete these missions and obtain contribution points and magic crystals!”