Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 1-Chapter 150)

“Hehe…… Follow me!” Dorotte stretched his body leisurely, and his white bones creaked and crunched as if they were going to fall apart at any moment.

“Pay heed! Although our academy’s acolytes do a scheduled cleansing, there are still some living creatures, and polluted and evil beings roaming in this area. So if you were to stray off, I think we would be able to pay respects to your deceased body soon afterwards!”

Dorotte snickered, and the acolytes’ faces all changed. They followed behind Dorotte closely, for fear of losing him.

The group gradually traversed across the Abyssal Bone Moor.

“What is that?” Leylin walked in the middle of the group, and suddenly something black flashed in front of him. It seemed to be a blue creature with a horn.

“A.I. Chip! Begin scan!”

“Task initialising, Begin Scan!” The A.I. Chip chip’s robotic voice sounded.

[An unknown creature of high energy! Estimated Strength: 3-4, Agility: 4-5, Vitality: About 5, Assessment: Extremely dangerous!]

“Ss! Whatever it is, it’s much stronger than the direwolves and may have some strange tricks up its sleeves. A Knight would only die if they encounter one!”

Leylin hurriedly squeezed forward. In this land where danger lurked, it seemed like the black-robed skeleton, Professor Dorotte, was his only insurance.

“It seems like our little acolytes have finally understood the dangers!”

The green flames in Dorotte’s sockets flickered as he said indifferently.

The group proceeded forward, and very soon the barren earth lessened and more forestry could be seen around them.

Very soon, Leylin entered a black coloured forest.

He did not know if it was an illusion, but Leylin felt as if the sun in the sky had dimmed after entering the forest, and there was a layer of white mist in the surroundings giving off a chilly feeling.

[Warning! Warning! A high energy being is approaching! Position: In the air!] The A.I. Chip’s warning sounded.

Leylin hurriedly looked down and crouched.

“Kak!” A piercing sound rang.

A black raven with red eyes swooped down and passed by Leylin’s position, its sharp claws headed towards the face of a female acolyte.


A ball of greenish liquid struck at the raven directly, and the raven cawed as it fell onto the floor. A white smoke arose, giving off a corroding effect.

The female acolyte remained rooted to the ground and suddenly cried loudly.

Only seconds later, the raven on the floor disappeared without a corpse and there was only a huge impression left in the corroded earth.

“It seems like these red-eyed ravens increased in numbers yet again. I think I will need to distribute more missions after we return, and let the acolytes cleanse this area!”

“What are you all looking at? Let’s go!”

Dorotte’s voice sounded at the front and the crying female acolyte rubbed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she walked forward.

Leylin was startled, and hurriedly followed.

After another hour of journeying, the group arrived in the centre of the Abyssal Bone Forest.

“This is……” Leylin saw a spacious area in front of him.

And what was projected before their eyes was a large graveyard.

In the hearths of the Abyssal Bone Forest, a large graveyard sat there unknowingly.

This graveyard was extremely huge and was marbled in black and white, seeming luxurious.

Only, it seemed to have been forsaken for some time. Many of the graves had weeds growing on them, and some even had vines. Occasionally, the ravens caw on top of them, giving off a terrifying vibe.

“Welcome to your home of shadow and death – Abyssal Bone Forest!” Dorotte snickered, but no matter how Leylin saw it, Dorotte seemed to be taking joy in their unfortunate plight.

Chapter 20 – The Selection Of Mentors

Selection Of Mentors

“The Abyssal Bone Forest Academy has a satirical sense of humour, huh; they actually have their academy under a graveyard!”

Leylin shook his head, but he felt rather comfortable, the pores on his body were all open and absorbed the air of the surroundings here.

“A.I. Chip! What is the situation now?”

[Beep! Task Establishing! Acquiring sample of the environment, analysis in progress!] [There is a significant increase in a type of energy particle here which faintly resonates with the Host’s consciousness. They are conjectured to be Shadow and Dark energy particles!] The A.I. Chip’s voice travelled over.

“No wonder! There is an increase in the energy particles here, which obviously benefits Shadow and Dark element Magi. It is like the novels from my previous world, where one must occupy an area that is filled with spirit energy when they practice the cultivation techniques of immortals!”

Leylin gained a slight understanding of the academy’s choices.


At this moment, Dorotte had already brought the group to the centermost area in the graveyard, where there was a huge grave. Black marble stones were piled up one by one, making it resemble a huge black castle.

Beside the marbled door, there were two stone statues.

On the left, there was a two-headed dog with spikes growing on its body.

On the right, there was an earthworm with a pair of wings and razor sharp fangs protruding out, exuding a cruel aura.

These two statues were lifelike. They had black jewels for eyes and looked as if they were alive.

When Dorotte walked in front of the statues, the earthworm on the left side spoke in a parched voice. With each opening and closing of the mouth, dust from the stone continuously fell down onto the floor.

“Enough! Jumal, don’t you recognise me?”

Dorotte had a look of annoyance on his face.

Right after Dorotte spoke; the earthworm and huge dog both guffawed. Their voices brought about a huge wind, which flipped the robes of the acolytes behind.

“Dorotte! Although we are pretty familiar with each other, rules are rules!”

Both of the statues seemed to have come alive. The huge dog licked its paws, and let out a female voice.

“Or, would you like to play with us?” The earthworm lifted its claw and made a human-like gesture, beckoning with the claw, “Then come! I feel itchy all over my body!”

“Alright! Alright! Let me think!” Dorotte rolled his eyes.

“Oh! Damnit! I should really take the head of the pig who set up this defensive spell formation and shove it up their ass!”

Dorotte suddenly bellowed.

“Hurry and say it! What is the password?” The huge dog roared and there were sparks coming out from its mouth.

“The secret password is – I hate smelly bones!” Dorotte spoke softly.

Leylin’s mouth twisted, and only by using a strong willpower did he manage to suppress his laughter. Although Dorotte wore a skull, Leylin was extremely certain that he was currently sulking.

“Haha! The password is correct!” The earthworm and huge dog laughed loudly and let them pass.

“I bet the overseer keeping watch with the crystal ball is laughing to death right now!” The huge dog snickered, then returned to his original stone platform and changed into its former statue state.

“Puchi!” An acolyte finally found it hard to bear and let out a noise.

“Hng!” Green flames suddenly ignited within Dorotte’s sockets, “It seems like we must educate the new acolytes on how to respect their professors!”

Pa! Dorotte snapped his fingers.

“Ah! What is this, don’t come over here, don’t come over!” The acolyte who laughed out loud earlier retreated several steps and fell onto the floor, wailing loudly.

“Rousey! What is it!” An acolyte beside him walked forward.

“No……Don’t come over!” Rousey screamed, and his face gradually twisted.

Seeing this scene, the nearby acolytes all felt a chill down their spines.

“Magi are equal among themselves, so they can afford to play jokes on each other. However, acolytes must always maintain their humility!”

Suddenly, Leylin understood the code of conduct in the Magi world. Only with equal strength, one will have the status to speak to another.

Jayden and Kaliweir also seemed to be deep in thought.

“Carry him up and let us go in!” Dorotte pointed at Rousey, who was still screaming.

Both of his servants walked over and carried Rousey, one on each side.

“Both of them are at least Grand Knights!” Seeing how the two servants subdued Rousey so easily, Leylin’s eyes flashed.

After opening to door to the grave, they all appeared in front of a stone staircase that spiralled downwards.

The flight of stairs was spiralled and descended all the way into the depths of the darkness until they could not be seen anymore.

Dorotte used his staff and knocked on the floor. Dong Dong!

Blue flames started to light up one by one, illuminating the ground within.

“Apart from the colour, it’s similar to an ancient castle from the medieval times!” Leylin exclaimed, and tread down the stairs of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.