Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 1-Chapter 150)

“Yes, I did, the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy!” Leylin replied.

“Abyssal Bone Forest Academy!” George touched his chin, “I heard from my female seniors that it seems to be famous for its Shadow and Dark element magic! I hope you won’t piss in your pants because of a skeleton during the night!”

“Female seniors?” Leylin shook his head and had even more admiration for George’s abilities for seducing women.

“Hehe……Those who are able to participate in the aptitude test are all of the nobility, and it just so happens that I met a distant cousin, an elder female cousin!” George laughed smugly as if having earned something.

“As for the skeletons and whatnot, I think we’ll see them not only at night but even in broad daylight!” Leylin laughed bitterly, as he had signed an acolyte contract with a skeleton not too long ago.

“No matter what, as long as you know the location it’s fine! Let’s keep in contact in the future!” George said seriously, a big change from his smug expression earlier.

“Let’s keep in contact!” Leylin nodded.

“Oh yeah! Do you know where Bessita went to?” George asked suddenly.

“Bessita?” Leylin shook his head.

After the previous attack of the wolves, the vibrant and beautiful girl had been much more silent, but at least she had endured and safely here arrived.

“Yeah! I heard from other companions that her aptitude wasn’t that great, only that of a second-grade acolyte, so she entered the Wetland Gardens Academy!

“I know now! Thanks!” Leylin was not too interested in the affairs of this girl.

Although she was the one the previous Leylin really admired, to him, a girl of thirteen or fourteen years of age was only a child! And the previous encounters were just a child’s mischief.

“How is it? Do you feel a little wasteful because you were unable to get her in your hands……?” George once again changed back to having a lewd expression.


After another one to two hours, the sky had already darkened. Leylin was in the camp of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy and enjoyed the dinner provided by the academy with the other acolytes.

This time, the dinner was extremely sumptuous, and because they were leaving tomorrow, they were generous with the portions.

Various fruit juices and wine, fragrant barbecue chicken, fish sauce, truffles, fruits, and salads had all satisfied the belly of Leylin who had not eaten much ever since he appeared in the grasslands.

The acolytes were eating and drinking within several groups, and Leylin’s eyes looked towards the corner and found Professor Dorotte and Jayden standing at a corner. Jayden also spoke a few words to him occasionally.

“Having a fifth-grade acolyte in this semester, we are really lucky!”

Beirut tore a huge strip of chicken thigh off the barbecue and gave it a huge bite.

“Ever since Jayden arrived, Professor Dorotte and him have spoken on a few occasions, I wonder what they are talking about?”

“For acolytes, the aptitude will greatly determine the progress of a Magus. What Professor Dorotte is doing is rather normal. Beirut, eat your barbecue chicken!”

Kaliweir’s voice turned cold, and only after seeing Beirut drink the fruit juice and lowering his head did he turn his gaze back on the barbeque.

“Although the aptitude is important for a Magus, it isn’t everything. Only the accumulation and comprehension of information is the true motivator and key to the rise of the Magi’s powers!”

A third-grade acolyte added.

Although it was the truth, the atmosphere in the group darkened as the saw Jayden and the professor chatting away. The group silently ate their delicacies, seemingly having lost their appetites.

“Ha ha…… Guricha, hurry, what happened, what happened next?”

On the other side, the lower aptitude acolytes sat in a circle with Guricha was in the middle, narrating a risky adventure.

He had eloquence and was humorous in his speech. Nyssa and Dodoria held their tummies and laughed coquettishly as if they were two happy skylarks.

Compared to them, this side was pretty silent.

The group looked at each other and craned their necks, listening intently. However, only Kaliweir retained his prideful expression.

Seeing that even the fourth-grade acolyte Raynor could not bear to go over and listen and seemed afraid of losing face, Leylin laughed silently.

“After all, they are just a bunch of kids!”

After dinner time was over, the group bade their goodbyes and went back to their respective huts.

After today’s simple cleaning, Leylin’s hut was barely accommodative. At least there was not as much dust as before.

Leylin lay on his bed without removing his clothes, and he stared blankly at the ceiling as if he was lost in thought.

“I finally entered an academy! It is also time for the cultivation of Magi to open its doors for me!”

Chapter 17 – Dirigible


Clang Clang

An alarm sounded, produced by the ringing of a copper plate, waking Leylin up from his deep slumber.

He opened his eyes. A hint of sunlight shone through the window, landing on Leylin’s shoes.

“It’s already morning?” Leylin got up, hastily washed up, and went outside.

“Good morning!”

“Good morning! Leylin!” Beirut had two dark circles around his eyes and kept yawning.

“The conditions here are the worst! There are actually fleas and fungi on my blanket, my god! I cannot remain here for a moment longer!” Voices of complaint sounded from time to time.

These acolytes were all of the noble birth and their daily accommodations had not been lacking, so naturally they were suffering now.

Today, everyone was lacking sleep and had dark circles around their eyes.

Although Leylin could not sleep at the start, he had managed to fall asleep later in the night. Right now his vigor was greater than the others, and he still had an inclination to walk around.

The whole campground seemed to be bustling with activity. There were many who were taking down the tents, and the floors were littered with rubbish.

As Leylin silently walked around, many thoughts crossed his mind. “Every year at this time, there will be batches of acolytes risking their lives to come here and walk on the path of a Magus. And right now, this is just my starting point!”

“Gather around! Gather around! Everyone gather according to your academy, and the respective professors will take charge! Do not wander off!” A white-bearded geezer shouted in the centre of the campgrounds.

His voice, however, was extremely piercing to the ears, as he used some kind of magic to make it resound throughout the camp.

“This has a much higher pitch than a trumpet from the previous world!” Leylin rubbed his ears, which felt like they had been trampled on, and hurriedly went towards the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy gathering area.

“Hey! Leylin, you’re back? Kaliweir was looking for you earlier.” Beirut greeted him.

During his short time here, Leylin had only managed to match the various faces with their names, but he had the best relationship with Beirut.

“My apologies! I strayed a little far and had forgotten to keep track of time! Did Kaliweir need something?”

Leylin revealed an apologetic expression.

“It’s nothing! Dorotte asked him to make a head count, so you’ll just have to tell him later. Right now he is being smug about it!” Beirut shook his head.

“Alright! How are we going to leave, by ship?” Leylin looked over at the distant blue seas with boundless horizons, but there were no traces of any ships.

“Not only there are no ships, from a geographical point of view, we are not in a suitable location for a port.” Leylin was filled with suspicion.

“I guess so? However, it might take another half a year to get to another continent!” Beirut scratched his head.

“Transportation in the ancient times is a little too behind in technology, needing around 1 year just to travel to school. Time cannot be wasted just like that; it needs to be used efficiently!”

Leylin touched the 3 magic crystals that he had snatched from Ourin, which was in a leather pouch hung around his waist, seemingly deep in thoughts.

“Taking a boat? What naive thinking!” A frosty voice travelled over, bringing ridicule along with it.

“Jayden?” Leylin looked at the approaching black robed student.

“We are close to the Death Seas; any random fish in it is able to kill a Knight! Not to mention enormous beasts, and even ancient creatures, they all loathe the ships of humans and often bring storms and waves to them. So we would just be courting death if we were to take a ship!”

“A fish with the ability to kill a Knight?” Leylin widened his eyes. Right now he was still a preparatory Knight, and if what Jayden said was true, he would die if he were to fall into the sea?

Leylin delved into his subconsciousness and retrieved his body statistics.