Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 1-Chapter 150)

Leylin did not know how long exactly he walked for under the illumination of the blue flames, but it was definitely over 20 minutes.

“So huge! The area of this underground building is so much larger than the area of the graveyard on top, and it is not even by several times. It almost resembles an underground kingdom already.”

Leylin calculated in silence.

“Our Abyssal Bone Forest Academy was constructed in the Gregorian Year 324, and it has been almost one thousand years since then…… As for our academy founder, it is Merlin Falek Driwilc……”

Dorotte led at the forefront, and occasionally gave them a few sentences of explanation.

“The door which you all had entered from earlier is the main door! And besides that, there are still many exits inside the academy. As long as you have become a proper Magus, you can apply and chose an uninhabited, empty grave for your own personal passage!”

Dorotte explained.

But Leylin’s lip never stopped twitching, “The purpose for us to advance as a Magus is so we can obtain a grave? How delightful!”

However, ever since the unlucky guy was used as an example earlier, Leylin only dared to rant in his heart and didn’t say it aloud.

Our Abyssal Bone Forest Academy is divided into several large areas: the dormitories, classrooms, laboratories, gardening areas, trading post, mission area and such. As for their exact locations, someone will bring you for an induction later. For now, all of you must follow me to register at the administration area, and then we’ll commence the selection of your professors!”

Dorotte came to the front of a slightly larger room, and pointed at the words on the steel door, “This is the administration area, however, I believe none of you will be willing to come here again in the future!”

Seeing the symbols on the door which seemed like both words and patterns at times, Leylin finally acknowledged that none of the characters were anything like what the brat1 had encountered in the past.

“Oh! I’ve forgotten that you guys don’t know the ancient Byron language!” Dorotte tapped his head, “No worries! This is one of the basics of incantation, you guys will learn it in the future!”

“Dorotte, huh? Enter!” An aged voice sounded from within, and the steel doors moved automatically. A steel hand opened the bolts on the door and even beckoned them in.

Leylin followed Dorotte inside and realised that this room was extremely large. An old man with white beard and red eyebrows was seated at the wide, black office desk. He was scribbling something with a feather pen, and beside him was a stack of parchment.

Behind him, there were countless bookshelves of over ten metres tall, and parchment and even crystal balls were disorderly arranged on them. It looked just like a library.

“You’re late!” The old man put down the quill pen in his hand, and his wrinkled face smiled gently.

“We met with some trouble along the way, a wandering giant storm sprite, so the dirigible was a little damaged, and hence the delay in time!” Dorotte explained.

The old man said, “That’s really unfortunate!”

And then he looked at the acolytes at the back and his bright eyes shone brilliantly. He scanned through the acolytes, before finally landing on Jayden.

“It seems like you are well rewarded this trip!”

“Of course!” Dorotte pointed, “Jayden, come over here!”

Pulling Jayden to his side, “I have made a contract with him already! He is now my personal apprentice! Hurry! Settle the procedures for him!”

Dorotte took a stack of forms from a heavy black pouch and handed it over to the old man.

“Mn! Fifth-grade acolyte, not too bad!” The old man took out an object resembling a pair of glasses with gold threads around its rim and hung it on his nose.

“Definitely! Melda, that scum, he actually pushed such a troublesome thing to me, haha! Now I want to see him angry!” Dorotte gloated loudly.

“So then! Jayden! Are you willing to become the personal apprentice of Dorotte?” The old man asked.

“I accept!” Jayden looked at Dorotte and agreed in a low voice.

“Good!” The old man took a sheet of parchment and wrote something on it, then handed Jayden a black sack too, “This is yours, hold it well!”

“Are the procedures done? I have taught him those meditation techniques, and right now I have to rush back to my experiments! It was difficult enough to find some inspiration along the way, but I did not have any ingredients on hand, do you know how much I was suffering?”

Dorotte let out a shrill voice and pulled Jayden along, leaving the room quickly.

“Alright! Mister Dorotte’s task is completed. What’s next are the things that you guys should be mindful of!” The old man knocked on the desk and drew the attention of the acolytes back to him, and then said in a satisfied manner.

“Since all of you have already handed in the fees and achieved the criteria for the contract, you are all acolytes of our Abyssal Bone Forest Academy now. Right now, all of you will begin with the selection of your professors!”

“There are two methods to choose a professor. The first is to chose by placing your name inside the crystal ball and my treasure will pick a professor for you! This method is absolutely free of charge.”

“Excuse me? What is your treasure?” An acolyte asked cowardly.

“Oh?” The old man laughed, and suddenly a black python appeared on the table, “This is my magical pet! Spotty! It does not recognise any of you, so I think it’s the fairest for it to choose! Any other questions?”

“No……No more!” Seeing the large python, the acolyte quickly retreated backwards.

“There is also another method, which is for the acolytes to choose their own professors. Here with me is a list containing short introductions of various professors and their requirements, all for your choosing. Of course, if you choose this method, you will need a magic crystal as payment!”

“It doesn’t matter which method you chose, but once you have decided on your professor, you can never change again!”

The old man said, “Next up, I will call your names, and you will come forward and tell me your choice!”

1. The brat refers to the previous host of Leylin’s body.

Chapter 21 – Kroft


After the old man finished speaking, the acolytes were a little flustered.

“What now? How should we choose?” Beirut asked worriedly.

“Paying is definitely better than not paying! This is common sense!”

“You should still have excess magic crystals, don’t you?” Leylin asked puzzledly.

“But…… I only have 1 magic crystal left; my family sacrificed one thousand troops to get merely 2 magic crystals!”

Beirut was a little reluctant. Leylin was startled too, as he could not help but feel his pockets.

“The value of magic crystals is higher than I expected. When I extorted some from Ourin earlier, I really lucked out!”

“That’s not right, the Chernobyl Islands is also known to Magi as the Barren Islands. magic crystals are already scarce, so the value of magic crystals being much higher here may be due to that!”

“A matter like this can only be decided by yourself!” Leylin said to Beirut.

“Alright! First up, Raynor!” The old man said.

“Which are you choosing?”

“I……I don’t have any magic crystals left, can I first buy on credit? I am a fourth-grade acolyte!” Raynor blushed.

“Not a bad aptitude! A pity, however, rules are rules!” The old man shook his head.

As he pointed at a crystal ball on the table, Raynor’s name appeared within, along with many other unfamiliar names, flickering as they appeared.

When the black python Spotty spat out a letter and dabbed on the crystal ball, the words finally stopped flickering, “Raynor! Your mentor is Gafrin!”

“Take this! A set of acolyte robes and an identity badge! A crystal ball which contains an elementary meditation technique! And your room number and keys are there too!”

The old man threw the black sack containing the items to Raynor and then snapped his fingers. Bang! A black ball suddenly appeared in the room and floated in midair.

“Follow this shadow slave, it will bring you to where your mentor is!”

The old man made a gesture to send him off, and Raynor helplessly followed the black ball out.

“Next! Rousey!”

The one, who laughed at Dorotte earlier, Rousey, was called. Although his complexion had recovered a little, there was still cold sweat on his face.

“Oh! What do I see? A nightmare hex! What a pitiful fellow! You’re going to suffer for the next month!”

“Could……Could you remove this hex?” Rousey’s voice quivered.

“Definitely! One hundred magic crystals! No credit allowed!” The old man agreed crisply!

Rousey shook his head and took a magic crystal from his robes, “I want to choose my own mentor!”