Warlock of the Magus World (Chapter 1-Chapter 150)

Bicky’s voice was extremely pleasing to the ears, and she was beautiful too. Her personality was also lively. Leylin’s mood improved a lot by spending time with her.

The two of them strolled through the academy. It was mostly Bicky leading Leylin around, as she spoke of a few places and restrictions along the way.

Unknowingly, the two of them walked into a garden.

“Fayle, well done!” “Good, once more!”

The sound of voices caught Leylin’s attention. In the middle of the garden, a group of acolytes were standing around a large, sturdily-built youth and chatting continuously.

In the centre of the crowd was a youth with a bright silver hair, with dark green eyes, and he seemed to have some sort of strange charisma.

“That is senior Fayle. He’s a genius; he became a level 2 acolyte just half a year after entering the academy!” Bicky’s eyes were widened, and her face shone radiantly as she muttered.

“This expression? It seems like Bicky has a good impression of this Fayle!” Leylin rubbed his nose.

“Bicky! Bicky!”

“Ah……What is it?” Only after Leylin called out to her several times did Bicky avert her gaze. At this moment, her face was a little flushed.

“Oh! I wanted to ask, why are there so many plants here underground!”

Leylin sniffed a red flower; the flower had a strong fragrance.

“There are huge patches of sunlight moss on the roof of the gardens, and these mosses can emit a light similar to sunrays, hence plants can also grow underground in here.”

Bicky explained.

“Oh!” Leylin nodded his head and wondered if he should come here more often in the future to bask in the sunlight since being exposed to more sunlight was not bad for a person after all.

Seeing Bicky’s reluctance to leave, Leylin purposely pretended to have a strong interest in the garden, until Fayle and the others left.

Only, Bicky would only glance at Fayle secretly, although she did not muster any courage to walk up to greet him even after such a long while. This made Leylin roll his eyes, as Bicky’s attitude towards romance can be considered rare in this academy.

“The academic area will often post the following day’s class schedule, and there are many free and public lessons to choose from. As a newbie, you cannot afford to miss these!”

After leaving the garden, Bicky brought Leylin to the academic area, and pointed to a large wooden board. In front of it were many other acolytes who were taking down notes.

“Free public lessons? That means there are lessons which one must pay for?” Leylin asked.

“That’s right! There are lessons which have fees, and many advanced topics charge 1 magic crystal for 10 lessons. Although they are much better than public lessons, they are still somewhat inferior to the knowledge given by our own mentors!”

Bicky smiled a little bitterly, “I’m afraid the only advantage is them being less expensive!”

Leylin nodded. On one side, there was a professor teaching dozens of students, while the other was an individual lesson, the advantages between the two are definitely different.

However, he had the A.I. Chip, so his learning capability was outstanding. He was confident that he would do well even in a large class.

“With this method, I can definitely save some magic crystals!” Leylin stroked his chin.

He only had two magic crystals left. Earlier, when he was in the mission area, he saw that the missions that awarded magic crystals generally had more troublesome tasks and required one to be a level 1 acolyte at least. Right now, Leylin did not meet the requirements.

“As for the cleaning tasks, they are all done by those spell slaves, and the rest are all snatched by others. There is simply no place for me!”

Leylin was a little frustrated. magic crystals were the currency among Magi and were also the most common way to obtain greater knowledge in the academy. Without magic crystals, his studies would be hindered.

“Hm…… I had better attend those public classes first and advance to a level 1 acolyte. After that, I’ll consider taking up missions to earn some magic crystals!”

Leylin sighed.

“A.I. Chip, how is the mapping of the academy?”

[Beep! 66.7% has been mapped]

The A.I. Chip replied. In front of Leylin was a blue image, each layer of the buildings was displayed and divided into multiple parts, and it looked like a beehive.

Some areas even had names attached, with Bicky’s explanation for them on the side.

The areas that could be entered freely were marked in green, while the dangerous areas were in yellow. As for the areas that even Bicky did not dare enter, the A.I. Chip indicated them in red, representing extreme danger.

For those red coloured danger zones, Leylin decided to walk around them. He even decided not to ask about them before becoming a level 3 acolyte.

“The mapping has been recorded!” Leylin nodded his head and said farewell to Bicky, “Bicky, thank you for accompanying me for a day, I remember most of the important areas of the academy now!”

“That’s great!” Bicky played with the little white flower in her hands, “If there are any things that you don’t understand, you can ask me!”

“Of course!” Leylin gave a small smile.

After bidding farewell to Bicky, Leylin ate his dinner and went back into his room. He began to practice the meditation technique.

A Magus’s meditation is a continuous journey, only with daily devotion and perseverance, can one achieve enough spiritual force to become a being that can control mysterious powers.

“The A.I. Chip is only useful for analysing the meditation technique. As for the creation of the mind runes, it was completely dependent on my own spiritual force, and it also relied a little on my comprehension and aptitude. In these areas, the A.I. Chip was not much help!”

After meditating, Leylin felt his spiritual force increase by another tiny sliver, and then he entered into a deep slumber.

Chapter 24 – Level 1 Acolyte

Level 1 Acolyte

“A level 1 acolyte is actually someone with a stronger spiritual force than an average person’s. At the same time, he is able to move energy particles and store them inside their body and is a newbie at conceptualising the creation of magic power. Only a level 2 acolyte will be able to access a magic spell’s formula and cast the spell in its complete form.

But once their body creates magic power, their stats can be strengthened through constant radiation as their body resists the poisoning from the external radiation.

Leylin made his judgment on the levels separating the acolytes based on the data on the meditation technique.

“A.I. Chip! Retrieve all the data I have gathered today, and begin analysing!”

This is what Leylin had been doing all this time. He would do his best to collect data from other people without drawing their attention, and store the data in folders.

He created a folder with the data regarding spiritual force and how to transform them, a lesson which Leylin learnt yesterday. The information required was too much, and the process may be measured in years.

[Beep! Analysis completed. Result: The entire surroundings of Abyssal Bone Forest Academy is contaminated with traces of radiation. The biggest sources of contamination are Magi, and a few experimental setups and materials. The Host is suggested to stay away from these sources, or to increase the resistance of the body!]

“As I expected! There are no regular human beings in the whole of this academy because of the environmental effects that the Magi and acolytes bring about. As for these effects, only a Magus can resist against it. A regular human would most likely have a lifespan of a few years in this environment!”

Leylin’s face darkened, and conjured up the images of a few people, including Bicky and Kroft.

“According to the readings of the radiation emitted by them, a Magus is actually a moving source of radiation. Each one of them is like a minuscule nuclear reactor, or, could they have made use of the radiation to advance??”

Leylin furrowed his brows.

“No matter what, I must hurry up and become a level 1 acolyte. The longer I take, the greater the damage my body will receive.

Leylin was resolved.

In the next two weeks, Leylin would report to where Kroft was every day, assist in the cleaning of the experiment lab, and sort out a few insignificant experiment resources.

In this period, he had seen Kroft’s genius apprentice Merlin, who was also his senior. Merlin was extremely tall and had a very taciturn personality. He constantly poured over his experiments. Besides Kroft, his interactions with Bicky and Leylin were minimal. This could be one factor attributing to his success in Potioneering.

In the remaining time, he spent them in the free public lessons.

The free lessons in Abyssal Bone Forest Academy were not many, and they only consisted of the history of Magi, the basics of the ancient Byron language, the principles of Magi spells, basic Potioneering, anatomy, and basic magic spell theory.