Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

At this moment, even if he broke through to the fourth layer of the tiger demon, it would be too late.

The Spider Queen gently caressed Li Qingshan’s handsome face before suddenly landing a slap on his cheek, leaving behind a clear palm print. Then she lifted him by the chin and said, “Now, who’s fucking who?”

“Me fucking you obviously!” Before Li Qingshan could finish, there was a smack, and he was slapped across the face again. His face turned and his scarlet hair flew into the air.

Li Qingshan continued to smile viciously despite facing absolute despair.

He had already used all of his tricks. He had already tried everything he could and did everything he could. When he had completely refined Strongboulder’s daemon core, when he had the greatest hope of breaking through to the fourth layer of the tiger demon, all of it had ended in failure before he could even launch a single attack back.

If he had succeeded, all of this would have been different!

However, there were no ifs in life.

The killing intent from Strongboulder’s daemon core receded like the tide, only leaving behind the bitterness of failure. Sure enough, fate never went along with plans!

Hah, it’s not like I’m the Hegemon King of Chu. If my strength is insufficient, then my strength is insufficient. Why should I blame fate?

Do I feel despair? Perhaps!

However, as long he was still alive, even for a second, he would continue struggling until the end. He gazed at the Spider Queen with shining eyes. He did not spit a mouthful of bloody saliva towards her like those revolutionaries. Instead, he calmly tried to put up a struggle, but it was still futile.

Although the Strength of the Earth continued to replenish his physical strength endlessly, every inch of his muscle had already been pierced by the threads. They no longer listened to him. He could not even move his little finger.

The Spider Queen admired this sight in satisfaction. She had finally subdued this stubborn beast. There had never been a prey that made her so excited before.

A hand landed on him below, fiddling around it gently. She licked his face with the tip of her bright-red tongue and whispered into his ear, “Serve me well and I’ll let you live a little longer. If you can satisfy me, I might even spare your life, so you can continue leading the night roamers and serve me diligently.”

To those in despair, nothing was more tempting than hope, just like how drowning people would even desperately clutch at a straw.

Giving him a shred of hope, taming him bit by bit before killing him in the most brutal fashion possible. This was the fate she had set up for him. Only like that could her anger be pacified.

“I still have something on me that your silk can’t pierce.” Li Qingshan smiled.


“My bones.”

The bones throughout Li Qingshan’s body could truly be described as the toughest part of him. Even the unstoppable spider silk could only pierce his skin and flesh, forced to bypass the bones.

At this moment, inspiration suddenly flashed through his head.

Even in death, the tiger’s bones stand!

“Then I’ll break them personally,” the Spider Queen said viciously. Abruptly, she saw Li Qingshan shudder and move, leaving her slightly surprised.

“Even if all my limbs and organs have been pierced, my bones can still move.”

As a result, Li Qingshan’s bones began to move. Indescribable agony filled every inch of him. All of his flesh that the spider silk had nailed down was being tugged at, but it did not budge. It was as if he was trying to forcefully separate his bones from his flesh.

Blood flowed along the strands, drenching the ground in the blink of an eye.

Even the torture of death through slow slicing felt enjoyable compared to this.

The Spider Queen smiled again. She enjoyed this kind of death struggle in the face of despair the most, but Li Qingshan’s expression left her rather dissatisfied.

His face did not become twisted from the pain. Instead, it smiled. He thought of a person.

Probably only that mad woman Qian Rongzhi can endure something like this. I won’t lose to her. No, I won’t lose to myself!

Suddenly, Li Qingshan felt like he had been filled with wisdom. All became clear.

I understand!

The figure of the tiger demon appeared in his sea of consciousness again, continuing to howl at the sky. There were clearly no enemies around it, yet it waved its claws and brandished its teeth as if it was fighting something invisible, as if killing intent had filled its mind, sinking into a frenzy.

The Tiger Demon Forges its Bones, with a Frenzied Heart!

But this time, Li Qingshan saw something completely different. The tiger demon did not fight in a frenzy without knowing who its opponent was.

Even if the world was destroyed, even if it killed all life, it would only have one eternal enemy—itself.

If it could not defeat itself, no matter how many opponents it defeated, it was still weak.

Those who dominate others are strong, but those who overcome themselves have strength.

TL: This is a phrase taken from Dao De Jing. It appeared earlier in the novel, in chapter 10.

In order to defeat this enemy forever, all it could do was fight constantly, again and again, to defeat fear, to defeat pain, to defeat setbacks, and to defeat challenges.

Even if it forgot about everything and sank into madness, it could not stop.

I thought the fourth layer of the tiger demon was the same as the three previous layers, only requiring the external pressure of survival and death to stimulate my killing intent and potential for a breakthrough. But that’s not true. This is the tiger demon’s true reason for fighting endlessly.

In the instant Li Qingshan came to this realisation, an intense aura of malice rushed out of his body. It was so wild and so violent that he seemed like he wanted to challenge the world.

The Spider Queen was slightly shocked, taking a step back, but she felt no humiliation. She could clearly feel that Li Qingshan had made another breakthrough, like a demonic blade released from its seal. She actually felt danger.

However, she soon relaxed again and smiled in a self-deprecating manner. He was heavily injured and without a shred of daemon qi. Even if he broke through, how was he supposed to escape from her hands?

As if Li Qingshan was responding to her thoughts, daemon qi flowed into him from nowhere.

The spirit turtle’s daemon core suddenly lit up!

Chapter 490: I'm Very Vengeful | Legend of the Great Sage

Li Qingshan’s daemon qi had indeed run out, but there was a power in his body that could be converted into daemon qi. It was much more effective than consuming any type of pill.

It was the power of belief in the Divine Talisman of Great Creation.

The reason why Li Qingshan had not used the Divine Talisman of Great Creation the entire time was not because he was saving it, having anticipated he would break through to the fourth layer of the tiger demon at this moment. Instead, given the situation earlier, even if he converted all of his power of belief into daemon qi, it would only help him last a little longer at most.

Compared to that, he was better off saving it and coming up with a way to transform this all-capable Divine Talisman of Great Creation into a final safeguard. Finally, it came into extraordinary use.

The Spider Queen sensed that something was amiss. She swung her hand towards Li Qingshan’s neck, even turning silvery-grey in the process, wanting to directly behead him.

Li Qingshan twisted his head and caught her wrist in his mouth. A shining, scarlet pupil on his turned head stared at the Spider Queen.

The Spider Queen felt her wrist ache, slightly shaken up. She felt something had already changed.

This time, not only could Li Qingshan keep up with her speed, but his sharp teeth could even pierce her silvery-grey skin. The taste of blood flooded his mouth. It was particularly sweet.
