Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

A tiger’s markings appeared on Li Qingshan’s face. His long canines protruded, and his hands turned into tiger claws. A tiger tail dragged behind him, waving around like a steel whip. He had turned into a humanoid tiger.

Wondrously, his mind became exceptionally clear in that moment, as if his soul had been projected from his body, gazing over himself from above.

Li Qingshan arched his back and bent over. His murderousness and killing intent was completely withdrawn, like a vicious tiger about to pounce onto its prey. There were no singing birds or chirping insects. The entire forest fell silent.

This is my best opportunity at breaking through to the fourth layer of the tiger demon. Once I fail, I don’t have a second daemon core to heal myself-

His thoughts came to a halt. Violent killing intent dominated everything.


With a tiger’s roar, his murderousness skyrocketed!

The Spider Queen could not help but take a step back before feeling deeply humiliated. Had a mere Daemon General frightened her? Even if you recover a hundred times, I’ll defeat you a hundred and one times. No, this time, I’ll kill you here.

Her layered pupils locked onto the incoming Li Qingshan. She opened her mouth slightly, but silk did not spray out immediately. Instead, she paused for a moment to build up daemon qi. Just how powerful would an attack be when even she needed to build up to it?

In that instant, thousands of strands of silk emerged from her vermillion lips.

Her spider silk had previously managed to pierce the arcane artifact, the Bronze Cauldron of the Four Cardinal Directions, and kill the sect master of Bronze Cauldron mountain inside. Its penetrative power was so great that it was even sharper than the Green Ruins sword that Fu Qingjin wielded.

The Spider Queen had made up her mind. She gave up on her plan to capture Li Qingshan alive and torture him slowly. She wanted to kill him in a single stroke.

Chapter 489: The Fourth Layer of the Tiger Demon | Legend of the Great Sage

Since the very beginning, the Spider Queen’s objective with Li Qingshan had been to capture him alive before tying him up and slowly enjoying him. The pain and despair of the prey had always been the most important component of this dish.

Once she lost that component, all that remained for her to do was “eat”. However, before she ate, she still wanted to have some fun. She wanted to cut off his limbs and treat him as a toy in bed. After all, prey that could satisfy her desires were simply too rare.

As a result, she had never really planned on killing him, which was why Li Qingshan had managed to last until now. If she tried to kill him right from the beginning, perhaps it would have been completely impossible for Li Qingshan to burrow into the ground alive.

The close combat earlier seemed extremely intense, but she had plenty of opportunities and methods to kill Li Qingshan. But that way, it would be very difficult for her to control her power. It was possible for her to kill him directly, and if she forced him into dire straits, it was possible for him to directly blow up his daemon core.

It was exactly because of these various considerations that she had chosen the unwise plan of wasting away Li Qingshan’s daemon qi and physical strength. By then, it would already be too late if he wanted to blow up his daemon core.

However, the situation did not unfold as she had expected. Not only did Li Qingshan avoid being worn out, but he even riled up in vigour instead and used his daemon qi extremely conservatively.

The situation was becoming complicated, which was rather disadvantageous to her.

Of course, that was all, just disadvantageous.

She recovered from her exhaustion in a single breath. Although she had depleted a lot of daemon qi, it recovered quickly too.

Most importantly, she had decided to “kill” at this moment.

The moment she made up her mind, the spirit turtle’s daemon core in Li Qingshan’s body gave off a stern warning. It was almost an omen of death.

The strands of spider silk all flew over. Li Qingshan could not make any response in time. No matter what action he took, he could not avoid the fate of becoming riddled with holes.

“Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell!”

Li Qingshan bellowed out and hexagonal pieces of the Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell layered in front of him.

Time seemed to slow down. A ripple seemed to be produced as each strand of silk came in contact with the Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell, but it was impossible to discern because hundreds of strands struck the Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell at the same time.

Instead of being penetrated, it was probably better to describe the Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell as being annihilated.

Li Qingshan’s daemon qi depleted rapidly. There were no longer any tricks he could use anymore. The air filled with spider silk was like the direct advance of a million-strong army. If he did not block it, only death would await him, but even if he blocked it, it would only delay his death.

The silk was not as light as the spider web, which could have been blown away with fierce gales.

The other side of the thousands of strands of silk were still attached to the Spider Queen’s mouth as she constantly channeled in daemon qi. Let alone fierce gales, even axe-swings could not make a single strand budge.

The Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell was destroyed layer after layer. Li Qingshan’s daemon qi plummeted as the strands arrived right in front of him.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a pair of blood-red eyes, Li Qingshan punched out again and again, using the Tremors of the Ox Demon to snap all the silk.

However, the silk strands were endless. At a time like this, even if he wanted to turn around and flee, it would be too late.

Innate abilities consumed daemon qi extremely rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the daemon qi that Li Qingshan had conserved arduously the entire time so that he could use it at a critical juncture had almost run out.

Yet, all the Spider Queen did was stand there, constantly spitting out silk. With this move alone, she had pushed Li Qingshan into unprecedented danger.

This move, the Myriad Threads, also took quite the toll on her. However, as a Daemon Commander, both the quality and quantity of her daemon qi and her recovery rate was well beyond what a Daemon General could match.

In a battle that purely depended on daemon qi consumption, the outcome went completely without saying.

Seeing how Li Qingshan’s daemon qi had almost run out, but he continued to hold on without any intentions of blowing up his daemon core, the Spider Queen’s bright, red lips curled into a victorious smile. His desire to survive was much greater than what she had imagined. If she had known this earlier, she would have never held back in the beginning.

If this continued, she would achieve her original objective. Subduing a Daemon General who had run out of daemon qi was extremely simple.

Li Qingshan threw another punch, but there were no shockwaves anymore. His daemon qi had finally run out.

In that instant, thousands of threads pierced and swallowed him, pushing him until he slammed into the wall behind. He could not move anymore.

The Spider Queen breathed in gently. Her skin went from silvery-grey back to the smooth, snowy-white. As her plump hips swayed from side to side, she arrived before the humanoid figure that had been completely covered in webs.

With a wave of her hand, Li Qingshan’s face appeared without the slightest injury.

In the final moment, she had shifted the threads that shot towards his head, just in case she killed him. Of course, she avoided a certain part down below too.

Apart from those two parts, his body had been completely penetrated by threads, whether it was his limbs or organs. He was like an insect that had been nailed down by thousands of thin needles, completely immobilised. Even blowing up his daemon core had been reduced to a wild wish.