Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

Her claws reached towards Li Qingshan’s shoulders at top speed. If she managed to gain a grasp, Li Qingshan would have to leave behind his forelimbs even if he objected. Otherwise, he would become wrapped up in close combat that he had no chance of winning.

However, Li Qingshan seemed to be prepared. His right arm suddenly broke free from the web, directly hurling towards the Spider Queen’s beautiful face.

Li Qingshan had begun using the Spirit Turtle’s Method of Sea Suppression a long time ago to push his mental processes to a state of intricacy. In the moment the Spider Queen vanished, he experienced a strange sensation as if he could predict her next move. It did not come from close analysis. It was purely a feeling.

With his punch, the Spider Queen’s sudden lunge seemed more like delivering her face to his fist.


However, Li Qingshan failed to achieve the intimate contact with her face as he wished.

In that critical moment, the Spider Queen used her superior reaction to catch Li Qingshan’s fist. A silvery-grey colour began to spread, dyeing her entire body rapidly, which made her seem like an exquisite metal sculpture.

The power of Tremors of the Ox Demon produced cracks in her silver palm, but that was it.

“These puny tricks of yours only have some use in bed!” the Spider Queen said coldly, biting towards Li Qingshan’s neck.

This time, it was no longer a passionate kiss, an intense act of love. Instead, she wanted to inject venom directly into his body. This was completely different from the weak poison on her legs.

She only needed a single kiss and that would be enough to destroy all of Li Qingshan’s abilities to resist.

Chapter 487: Facing the Spider Queen | Legend of the Great Sage

Her current form should be one of her innate abilities. Her defences are ridiculously tough, so I completely lack the means to deal a life-threatening wound to her right now. However, she only needs to bite me or trap me in her web and I’d probably be done for.

The constant warnings from the spirit turtle’s daemon core had already become pointless. All it told Li Qingshan was, You can die at any time. Obviously, he knew that already. He needed no warning.

The Spider Queen’s venomous teeth were inches away, but her left hand maintained a firm grip over Li Qingshan’s right fist, while her right hand grabbed his left shoulder like a vice, pushing him firmly against the web. He could not move.

Li Qingshan could not dodge, nor could he escape. He could only take her on in a battle to the death.

“The Ox Demon Butts its Horns!”

Suddenly, Li Qingshan raised his head. He completely unleashed the pair of sharp ox horns engraved with “Northmoon”, butting towards the Spider Queen’s throat.

Even the Spider Queen was reluctant to clash with the toughest part of Li Qingshan’s body. She tilted her head gently to avoid it. Although she had failed to deliver a venomous kiss as she wished, this was not enough for Li Qingshan to break out of the dire straits she had placed him in.

The slender fingers on her right hand had already stabbed into Li Qingshan’s shoulder. Crippling his arm was merely an issue of time. Simultaneously, eight legs turned into eight blurry shadows as they darted out from behind her.

This time, they were not stabbing out, but “embracing”. They were like eight extended arms, reaching around Li Qingshan and pulling him firmly into her arms.

A mesmerising smile that Li Qingshan found extremely familiar appeared on her silvery-grey face. It only appeared during the extreme pleasure of intercourse. If intercourse gave her physical pleasure, then she was experiencing mental pleasure currently. She was enjoying the primitive delight of hunting prey as a predator, but it made her seem especially cold and eerie.

Once she embraces me, I probably won’t be able to break free ever again! I refuse to believe my innate ability only has a use in bed. Tremors of the Ox Demon, shatter!

Li Qingshan unleashed as much of the power of tremors as he could again. He felt like thousands of zither strings had snapped on him as the tough spider web finally ripped apart from the vibrations.

He used all of his strength to forcefully wrench his fist back from the Spider Queen’s hand. A few streaks of blood spattered from his shoulder, now with five additional bloody holes. He had directly abandoned a portion of his flesh.

Finally, his body was free once more. He fell downwards, and the wings of wind unfurled to their full extent, sweeping downwards like wind blades.

The Spider Queen’s smile became even more enchanting. Just like her tastes for other things, she liked an intense, stimulating performance. The more her prey struggled, the more excited she would become. She raised her hands and casually smashed apart the wings of wind.

However, Li Qingshan had already achieved his objective. He had widened the distance between them with a flap of his wings.

The wings of wind condensed once more and flapped desperately, rushing downwards as quickly as they could.

Fortunately, the Spider Queen was not particularly proficient at moving through the air. This was expected; after all, she was a daemon that lived underground.

The Spider Queen flipped in the air and landed on the vertical wall dexterously, running downwards along the wall.

Each step she took would blast open a gaping hole in the wall. Using this to advance, she accelerated instantaneously, turning into a silverish-grey shadow. She completely shook off the rising dust and falling rocks behind her.

As the king of the underground world, she had never required the ability of flight in the first place.

In the blink of an eye, she closed the distance between them once more. The Spider Queen smiled at Li Qingshan and opened her mouth, spitting out swathes of silk that rapidly fell towards Li Qingshan.

If Li Qingshan dodged, then the web would unfurl beneath him and trap him once again. However, he came up with a plan with only a single thought. Taking in a deep breath, he opened his mouth wide and whistling gales surged out violently like a passing typhoon.

The spider web was extremely tough, difficult to break with brute strength alone, but it was exceedingly light. It began to shift from the fierce gales or open up prematurely.

Li Qingshan used this breath of his to widen the distance between them once again.

With a great boom, he travelled through several thousand meters and struck the bottom in the blink of an eye.

Li Qingshan came to a halt.

How could the Spider Queen let such a good opportunity slip by? Suddenly, she stopped and bent her slender legs, like springs being pushed to the limit. She unleashed all of her power abruptly and shot downwards like a silver streak.

At this moment, she had completely lost interest in fooling around anymore. To be able to escape from her hands consecutively, he possessed strength that definitely did not belong to a mere Daemon General. He basically showed signs of crossing the chasm between Daemon General and Daemon Commander.

Not only did he have numerous innate abilities, but he also grew at a startling rate. If she allowed him to continue growing, eating him would become more and more difficult. She definitely could not allow him to escape again. She had to trap him in spider silk as soon as she caught him, and then she could deal with him slowly!

This thought flashed through her head. Suddenly, she saw a scarlet figure appear on a spiral staircase on the side. It leapt up and lunged over. Its scarlet hair and eyes were exactly the same as Li Qingshan’s.

The Spider Queen was slightly taken aback before realising this was his mirror clone.

Li Qingshan had already begun mobilising his mirror clone to set up an ambush the moment he entered the Spider Queen’s chambers. He had been waiting for this moment.

The mirror clone was much slower than his original body, so he had it lying in ambush here. Moreover, it had launched an attack when the Spider Queen had struck out with full strength, when she was unable to maneuver freely.