Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

“Do you really think I’ll let you rough me up as you please?” Li Qingshan said with hidden meaning. He weighed the Lightning Slaughter sword in his hand and said, “I’ll spare your life, but let me keep this to fiddle around with!”

Although the Lightning Slaughter was an item connected to the slovenly daoist priest’s life, his power to control the sword remotely obviously paled in comparison to Li Qingshan’s fourth layer of the ox demon.

Zhou Tong stared at the Lightning Slaughter sword in Li Qingshan’s hand. Overcome with humiliation and fury, his face became twisted. He was forcefully dragged away by Liu Zhangqing. He did not put up much of a struggle, as he knew if he continued, he would only be inviting humiliation.

Never would he think that the disaster he faced today would be connected with the karma he had sown several years ago.

Li Qingshan pointed out. “Is there anyone else who refuses to accept this? I’ll specially deal with the discontent today!”

“Let me try out this daemon!” Cheng Kaishan called out.

“But if you do plan on continuing, I’m going to start killing.” Li Qingshan rubbed his fingers and glanced at Cheng Kaishan indifferently.

Cheng Kaishan felt all his hairs stand on end. He saw how Li Qingshan had no intention to kill, which was why he contemplated taking on the moon demon in battle. Even if he was defeated, it would not exactly be humiliating. However, when he heard Li Qingshan say that, he immediately became filled with regret.

“Fellow Cheng, keep your cool. The daemons have the advantage. We must consider the greater picture!”

“Fine. Today, I’ll spare-” Cheng Kaishan immediately used this to get out of the situation without humiliating himself. Originally, he wanted to say “I’ll spare you.” but upon further thought, if he ended up angering the moon demon with that, it would probably be difficult to pull out, so he simply shut up unhappily.

“Mighty be sir Northmoon!”

Among the celebratory cheers of the night roamers, the cultivators all flew away in low spirits.

Just when Li Qingshan gave up on stopping the war, the war had instead approached a premature end due to his will.

With all these grievances resolved, he was filled with utmost delight.

However, he understood that the chaos was nowhere close to coming to an end. Once the game of chess came to an end, the chess players could finally break free from their final restraints and enter the stage gloriously.

His troubles had only just begun. Whether it was the Sword Collection palace that had lost its sword or Wen Zhengming who had lost his disciple, they all viewed him as a mortal enemy. However, these matters were still far away in the distance.

Ye Liubo said anxiously, “Master, how do you plan on dealing with ma’am Spider Queen’s side of things?”

Li Qingshan gazed at the sky. Gu Yanying had already vanished. He lowered his head and smiled.

“I’ll go see her right now!”

Chapter 481: The Spider Queen's Wrath | Legend of the Great Sage

The underground dwelling, among the sea of Blue Butterfly flowers.

"All of you may leave!"

Under the revering gazes of the night roamers, Li Qingshan waved his hand without even looking back as he strode towards the stone bed.

Milliped raised his head as if he sensed something. His pink carapace clacked around. He had already become very large, taking up the entire stone bed even when he was curled up. However, he was still much weaker compared to before.

The stone door closed loudly. Li Qingshan patted Milliped’s head and took out a daemon core, placing it before him. It was the daemon core from the lizard Daemon General.

Milliped had no concept of courtesy. He swallowed it in one gulp and curled up like a snake.

A while later, resplendent light seeped out from his carapace, becoming brighter and brighter and blurring Milliped’s figure. The light swelled at a visible rate, exceeding the size of the entire stone platform before slowly shrinking again. Milliped’s body shrunk with it.

The light dispersed, and the dazed Milliped in a pink cloak appeared before Li Qingshan again. He rubbed his bald head and stared around with his slightly bulging eyes, still rather uncertain about what exactly had happened.

Li Qingshan laughed aloud freely. He was filled with delight. Seeing Li Qingshan chuckle, Milliped also began to grin and laugh.

Their resonant laughter echoed through the cavern, continuing for quite a while.

Li Qingshan opened his hundred treasures pouch afterwards and took out jars of fine alcohol. He removed the clay seals, and the fragrance of alcohol filled the surroundings.

There were many cultivation sects that would plant a few crops with spiritual qi aside from spiritual herbs, which were for feeding their disciples and for making spiritual alcohol.

Among the many hundred treasures pouches Li Qingshan had obtained, many of them contained spiritual alcohol. After accumulating them over time, he actually ended up with several hundred jars. They all varied in class and age.

However, while he did have fine alcohol, he struggled to find a drinking buddy, nor was he in the mood to drink. Now that he had both a drinking buddy and a drinking mood, these jars of alcohol finally saw the light of day again.

Milliped sniffed the fine alcohol. His eyes widened as he began to thirst for it.

“Come drink!” Li Qingshan passed a jar to Milliped while holding one for himself. He touched the jars gently.

Milliped picked up the jar and glugged it all down. He wiped his mouth. “Tasty! Food!”

“This glutton!” Li Qingshan cursed in a joking manner before lowering his head again and flipping through his hundred treasures pouch. He failed to find any snacks to go with the dishes, but he did find many fruits and vegetables with spiritual qi. Thinking about it, they had all been given to him by his friend from the same hometown, Li Long, but they happened to suit Milliped’s tastes.

The two of them simply sat down and ate as they drank. Aside from lifting their jars and touching them, there was not a lot of talking.

However, Li Qingshan felt extremely delighted. Pouring the spiritual alcohol into his mouth, it washed away the gloom in his heart. He had also resolved something on his mind, and he was able to drink till they were drunk with Milliped. Nothing was more delightful than this!

Milliped hugged a jar of spiritual alcohol. Half-way through it, he suddenly shut his eyes and collapsed on the stone bed. His snores rose up thunderously as he simply fell asleep like that.

The jar tipped over, alcohol flowed freely, and the fragrance of alcohol permeated the surroundings.

Li Qingshan stood up with a jar in hand, tottering about slightly. He had already become completely drunk. He raised his head and drank the last drop in the jar before tossing it far away. He heard a clatter, and it had been smashed to pieces.

Spider Queen, I’m coming!

Li Qingshan bellowed out at the top of his lungs and strode away.

“Master, it’ll be dangerous!”

Ye Liusu and Ye Liubo stood outside the door, blocking Li Qingshan’s path. They were both worried.

“How will it be dangerous?”

Li Qingshan pulled them in by their necks and asked with a drunken smile with the two beautiful faces right in front of him.

“You disobeyed ma’am Spider Queen’s orders in public. She’ll definitely punish you!” Ye Liubo was frantic, but as she gazed at his tipsy face, she could not help but be taken away by it.

“Daemons are forbidden from killing one another, but with how vicious and cruel and the Spider Queen is, she’ll never let the matter drop.”

Ye Liusu had never been in such an intimate situation with a man before. She did everything she could to keep herself calm, but she was just as concerned as Ye Liubo. Of course, she was also concerned about the future of the entire Night Roaming folk. Without him, the night roamers would probably descend into chaos again.