Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

In a single instant, Fu Qingjin had already stabbed out three times. As if he had predicted all of Li Qingshan’s responses, each strike was more vicious and resolute than the last.

Li Qingshan’s bold, extravagant blade style seemed to meet its nemesis. He was constantly suppressed by the Green Ruins sword. Often, he would be interrupted before he could even begin his swing. Despite his great strength, he was constantly picked apart by Fu Qingjin’s ingenious swordsmanship.

He suffered over a hundred wounds in a short while, but his smile only grew wider. Now this is the battle that I want!

Regardless of how many wounds he suffered, his attack did not weaken at all. It only became even more frenzied.

Li Qingshan did not take a single step back. He swung the blade aura around, meeting the sword with his blade without using any abilities at all. However, this did not give him the upper hand. He suffered a thousand injuries, but he had yet to land a single attack on Fu Qingjin.

“Master, use your abilities!” Ye Liubo called out anxiously.

The flames of hope lit up in the hearts of the human cultivators. If this continued, they had a chance at victory.

To match the opponent’s strength with your weakness is not a clever decision. Wait, he’s gradually growing accustomed to Fu Qingjin’s swordsmanship. Originally, Gu Yanying objected to his battle tactic to a certain degree, but she suddenly realised it was becoming more and more difficult for the Green Ruins sword to harm him, while his sword was growing closer and closer to Fu Qingjin’s body.

He’s battle hungry and skilled at battle. If he were to enter the six realms, he would definitely be an asura of endless slaughter!

The flashes and blurs of weapons filled the surroundings. The two of them battled from the sky to the ground, gradually becoming blurry until only scarlet and green remained. They constantly collided.

All of their gazes were fixed to it. They forgot to breathe.

The two of them suddenly parted. A bloody hole had appeared in Li Qingshan’s throat, but he began laughing madly. His voice reached hundreds of kilometers away.

A horrific wound stretched from Fu Qingjin’s left shoulder to his right waist. There was not any flesh or blood within the wound, only specks of green light.

I’m willing to take a thousand slashes in exchange for a fraction of strength.

If this continues, I’ll be devoured by the Green Ruins sword intent! Under Fu Qingjin’s cold outer appearance, a voice moaned painfully. The sliver of a struggle flashed across his eyes.

However, his realisation came too late. Sword intent had already begun to surge. In a daze, he saw a person in green staring coldly at him. The person in green’s appearance was blurry, with many faces vaguely overlapping together, both men and women. The person clutched a clear, shiny Green Ruins sword, while Fu Qingjin’s hands were empty.

The blood-red blade whistled madly, spitting out an aura several hundred meters long that pierced the landscape and slashed across Fu Qingjin’s waist. The struggle in his eyes completely vanished. He did not check the wound on his waist. He only stared at Li Qingshan.

The wounds closed up instantly. With a flash of green light, he arrived before Li Qingshan. He completely ignored the blood-red blade that fell down from above and stabbed towards Li Qingshan’s forehead, as if he wanted to take Li Qingshan down with him. Normally, only when Fu Qingjin merged with his sword could he demonstrate such speed.

Li Qingshan frowned. He could sense there was something wrong with Fu Qingjin, so he turned his head in a flash, and a gash appeared on his chest. He raised his fist and threw it at Fu Qingjin’s face, but it did not feel like he had struck someone’s body. At a closer glance, Fu Qingjin’s body shone with a metallic sheen.

“Is my opponent now this sword? That’s far too boring.”

The Green Ruins sword stabbed out again. Li Qingshan raised his hand to catch it, and his palm ached, having been pierced by the Green Ruins sword. He grabbed the blade of the sword and shook hard, but Fu Qingjin seemed to be glued to the hilt. His ears, eyes, mouth, and nose all shone with light.

Li Qingshan used the Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell to block the light and unleashed the power of tremors, shattering Fu Qingjin’s sword-wielding hand and finally separating him from the sword. As if his soul had been sucked away, he shut his eyes and hurtled towards the ground.

Li Qingshan gripped the trembling Green Ruins sword with his left hand and constantly poured his power of tremors into it to prevent it from turning into light and escaping. He raised the blood-red blade in his right hand and swung down viciously.


The Green Ruins sword produced a sorrowful thrum, and a mark appeared on the sword.

“Stop!” Fu Qingjin jerked awake and cried out involuntarily.


Li Qingshan swung down again, striking the mark accurately. The mark turned into a fracture.

Chapter 480: A Broken Sword | Legend of the Great Sage

Fu Qingjin used his last bit of spiritual energy to fly over.

Li Qingshan let out a crazed burst of laughter and swung down with his blade.

With a crack, the fracture expanded across the entire sword.

The treasured sword renowned throughout the world was severed into two pieces just like that. Green light poured out from the crack, permeating the surroundings.

Regardless of the toughness of the sword, it was unable to escape the fate of being destroyed when it sustained such forceful damage without the support of spiritual qi.

Fu Qingjin felt like a bolt of lightning had just struck him. He was thrown into a daze, spraying with blood violently.

The blood-red blade and the Green Ruins sword had clashed countless times. They had already become riddled with damage. Now, it turned to fragments with the Green Ruins sword.

Fu Qingjin flew into a frenzy, lunging over madly. This was a sword that had been passed down in the Sword Collection palace throughout the ages. This was a sword even more important than his life. If he lost this sword, what right did he still have to return to the Sword Collection palace and face the palace master, the elders, and his master!?

He took out a handful of scarlet talismans from his hundred treasures pouch. He could no longer care about whatever oath he had sworn. He wanted to drag Li Qingshan down with him.

Li Qingshan casually tossed out the hilt of the blade and struck Fu Qingjin’s chest.

With the Green Ruins sword broken, both Fu Qingjin’s body and mind suffered extremely heavy damage. His cultivation had receded drastically, so it was impossible for him to dodge or block that. He was unable to turn into green light and drift away anymore, nor did he possess a body as tough as metal.

With the sound of cracking bones, the talismans were thrown into the air.

“Fu Qingjin, that’s the end to our grievance!”

Li Qingshan held back the killing intent in his heart. Having reached a point like this, slaughter had already become pointless. Leaving Fu Qingjin to bear with the pain of losing the Green Ruins sword was the best revenge there was.

A daemon core that came from a thousand years of cultivation for a sword that had been passed down for a thousand years. This was very fair.

Fu Qingjin fainted once again.

Before they knew it, the dark clouds had gathered over once more. The battlefield under the clear skies gradually shrunk.

“We’ve failed!” Liu Zhangqing murmured. The gloominess infected all the cultivators.

This was not only a single failure. The one-sided strength the moon demon had demonstrated left everyone astounded. In this realm of cultivation, did he still have any opponents? If he wanted to massacre them all, just who could stop him?

As Gu Yanying had said, this was a battle between commanders. They had been checkmated before they even reached the end game.

“Northmoon, I order you to kill him!”