Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

He did not just see a change in strength from Li Qingshan. His entire vigour was completely different, which made him feel like he was facing a new opponent.

Aren’t daemons supposed to cultivate extremely slowly? Northmoon, how did you achieve this?

“Have I?” Li Qingshan answered calmly. Strongboulder’s daemon core was still in his belly, affecting him in the same way as before.

In only a few days, he had undergone pain and struggle that regular people could never even imagine, yet he still failed to break through to the fourth layer of the tiger demon. Sure enough, cultivation was becoming more and more difficult.

The ever-growling tiger demon became even more excited now, urging him to a battle to the death with Fu Qingjin.

At this moment, Li Qingshan actually hoped Fu Qingjin was a little stronger, strong enough to force him into dire straits. Only a true battle to the death could stimulate the tiger demon’s bloodthirstiness and craziness, allowing him to use this opportunity to break through to the fourth layer.

Suddenly, he discovered that he no longer placed so much importance on this battle that he originally cared so much about. Even his grievances with Fu Qingjin had become negligible. All he saw before him was a chance to become even stronger, a stepping stone leading to beyond the Nine Heavens.

“However, defeat is certain for you today,” Fu Qingjin said firmly.

PS: A bow and thank you to Antenna Baby (Machine Baby) for becoming a new Alliance Head. A thank you to Shangguan Dizzy (Shangguan Giddy) for becoming a new Sect Master. Thank you for your powerful support, which fills me with fighting will. With seven Alliance Heads assembled, we’re not far from summoning the holy dragon. May the two of you enjoy eternal happiness and the same longevity as heaven itself.

Chapter 478: A Battle Under the Clear Sky | Legend of the Great Sage

“That’s good to know!” Li Qingshan laughed aloud.

In the past, he would never accept Fu Qingjin posing around, wanting to teach him a proper lesson. But right now, he saw the absolute confidence of a swordsman, who was also filled with a certain will.

This was a good opponent!

“But I’d like to say the same thing to you. Your defeat is certain with this battle!”

Fu Qingjin smiled. “In the past, I only treated you as a measly daemon with good luck, but I must admit that the current you indeed threatens me a little. If I get the chance, I will kill you.”

“I’d hope you can escape from my hands with your life intact instead.”

“Oh? Why?”

“Killing a disciple of the Sword Collection palace with a renowned sword is a very troublesome matter,” Li Qingshan said in an unconcerned manner.

“In other words, you’re going to be holding back?” Fu Qingjin’s face sank as his lips curled into a cold sneer.

“That’ll depend on what you’re capable of. Once my killing intent is roused, even I won’t be able to control myself. If you can escape, then fate is on your side. If you can’t, then I’ll have to deal with some troubles.”

Li Qingshan stood with his arms crossed and smiling, gazing at Fu Qingjin from above as if Fu Qingjin had already been defeated and he was considering at leisure whether he should finish him off or not.

Fu Qingjin discovered he had already lost the upper hand in this verbal clash, so he no longer said anything. The Green Ruins sword thrummed as he drew it from its sheath, declaring an end to this conversation.

Li Qingshan drew his blood-red blade. With a casual swing, the blade aura cut through all the rain in the air.

The clouds ebbed and surged, filling the hole that Li Qingshan had created very quickly. The golden light vanished, and the surroundings sank back into darkness.

Faint, green light rose up from Fu Qingjin’s body and wrapped around him, isolating him from the fierce wind and rain. His green robes and hair began to float.

He was like a torch within the endlessly dark night, burning on the cliff and becoming brighter and brighter.

Li Qingshan’s daemon qi rushed into the sky. His scarlet hair danced around like fire. His blood-red pupils locked onto Fu Qingjin and murderousness surged around him like wind.

He raised the blood-red blade high into the sky before suddenly pausing. He smiled. “You sure have brought a lot of helpers!”

Within the dark clouds, a brilliant bolt of lightning twisted and turned rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the bolt of lightning had pierced the clouds, but it moved much slower than regular lightning. At a closer glance, it was Zhou Tong riding over on his Lightning Slaughter wooden sword.

The Divine Heaven Method of Lightning Wielding circulated to its limit within him. Zhou Tong was slightly pleased. Weather like this was perfect for unleashing the power of lightning.

Lightning Slaughter flew into his hand. He raised it high up, pointing it at the sky as he began chanting.

“As the Lord commands, may the Lord of Thunder and Mother of Lightning cast the divine lightning to slay the daemons!”

Light poured through the dark clouds. Countless bolts of lightning weaved into an electric net, turning into a colossal bolt of lightning that fell right towards Li Qingshan. The surroundings were dyed white.

Suddenly, Fu Qingjin fished out a scarlet talisman from his sleeve. It turned into a long, slender, golden sword and shot out, catching Li Qingshan in the middle of a pincer attack.

Further away in the sky, specks of light twinkled like stars. There were many Foundation Establishment cultivators. They were slower than Zhou Tong, but they all hurried over as quickly as they could.

Li Qingshan raised an eyebrow, but he did not move. Over a dozen meters above his head, the golden sword and the lightning collided.

“Fellow Fu, what are you doing?” Zhou Tong said in surprise and anger.

“This is our battle,” Fu Qingjin said indifferently.

“You idiot! Why would you still bother with fighting alone against a daemon? Take a look for yourself!” Zhou Tong pointed at the distant mountains. Black figures flashed past the mountains as daemon qi erupted from the underground caverns, rapidly drawing closer.

Li Qingshan and Fu Qingjin’s battle definitely did not only impact their lives and sense of honour. It also impacted the direction of the entire war.

If Li Qingshan fell in battle, then only Dragonsnail would be left, which would not be enough to prop up the situation. The night roamers would lose their leader and fall into disunity again. If Fu Qingjin died, then no one would be able to continue leading those sects. The Daemon Suppression alliance of the Clear River prefecture would collapse, and their alliance with the academy would not be able to continue either.

Even without these consequences, Fu Qingjin and Li Qingshan’s individual strength alone was enough to tamper with the scales of victory. As a result, neither side dared to be careless. They all brought their full strength.

The battle between the two of them had evolved into a decisive battle between humans and daemons.

Daemon Generals, powerful night roamers, and Foundation Establishment cultivators all converged towards the two of them. They were like countless sparks, about to collide together.

A great battle was on the verge of breaking out!

Suddenly, swathes of sunlight fell from the sky. The sun shrouded by the thick, dark clouds emerged, radiating with endless light and warmth.

Tornadoes ripped apart the thick clouds. Everyone could not help but raise their heads. A figure in white clothes even paler than snow stood under the azure skies.

“Commander Gu!” Liu Zhangqing, Wang Pushi, and the others all cried out in surprise.

“Gu Yanying!” In Cobweb city, Spider Queen Lolth currently watched this unfold through a mirror. Her face coldened.