Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

The stone door opened loudly, and Ye Liusu walked in. As if she had seen nothing at all, she said, “Ma’am Spider Queen orders you to visit Cobweb city immediately.”

Li Qingshan was thick-skinned, but even with that, he was unable to maintain this posture with a naked woman under the gaze of another lady. Moreover, the Spider Queen was not someone he could brush aside either.

He gently placed Ye Liubo on the side and made his way off the stone bed. He tidied his ruffled clothes and shook off his lust with that.

“Master!” Ye Liubo said with hidden bitterness. She could not help but shoot a glance towards Ye Liusu. She had endured for all these years for this opportunity. Just when success was in sight, all her efforts were reduced to nothing. How could she simply accept this?

“This is something I’ve promised to you.” Li Qingshan glanced back and winked before breaking out in laughter helplessly. He found it all extremely interesting.

Making a child? I still haven’t tried that before. Should I try it with Qiongzhi? I wonder whether she’ll be willing or not. Though, while the various sensations are the same with a mirror clone, is that still possible?

He did not feel like Ye Liusu had interrupted anything. What’s mine will always be mine. Am I supposed to be afraid there won’t be an opportunity in the future?

Li Qingshan flapped his wings and left behind a fierce gale and a great laugh, ruffling the heavy curtains.

“Liusu, did you hear that? Did you hear that? Master is promising me this!” Ye Liubo was left dazed for a while before ravishing with joy.

“Hear what? Promise what? You better dress yourself first!”

“Making a child!”

“Congratulations on no longer having to deal with it with your hand.” Ye Liusu was surprised before commenting with a smile.

“Hmph, it’s all your fault, or I would have succeeded already!”

Only with Ye Liusu’s comment did Ye Liubo remember she was in the heat from the encounter earlier. There was already a moist patch between her legs.

“Do you want me to leave so you can do something about that first?” Ye Liusu smiled.

“There’s no need. Patience, patience. There is no enjoyment without patience.” Ye Liubo sucked in a deep breath. Since master had already promised her, this would definitely happen.

It was like how normal people handled going to a buffet. They would starve themselves for a few meals first, planning to crawl in and crawl out on their knees.

TL: I’ve adapted this analogy slightly by changing the cultural cues, but it still might not make sense. By crawling in and crawling out of the buffet, the analogy is basically implying that you’ve starved yourself so much before the meal that you have to crawl in on your knees, and during the meal, you’ve stuffed yourself with so much food that you can’t walk properly, so you need to crawl out on your knees.

Ye Liusu said, “Creating an offspring between a daemon and a night roamer probably won’t be that easy.”

“Then we’ll go at it a few extra times until we succeed. What, do you also want to partake, sister?” Ye Liubo snickered like her scheme had just succeeded. It would be for the best if she took part, but if she did not, it did not matter either.

“I have no interest.” Ye Liusu gazed at Ye Liubo as she waited happily, and her feelings became rather mixed. She was already closing in on her goal. What about herself?


“Northmoon, do you know that Bloodshadow is dead?”

Li Qingshan arrived in Cobweb city, and sure enough, Spider Queen Lolth was waiting for him on the high terrace. However, only Dragonsnail out of the three powerful Daemon Generals by her side remained.

“I’ve just heard about it. How did he die?” Li Qingshan was slightly surprised as he asked casually. He did not feign any sadness.

“He was ambushed by humans.” The Spider Queen’s face was rather ugly. If Dragonsnail was her brains, then Bloodshadow and Strongboulder would be her left and right hands. Now that they had both been severed, even she felt extremely unhappy despite her vicious nature.

“Losses are unavoidable in war, so please don’t take it to heart, ma’am Spider Queen. Even without them, the Daemon race won’t be defeated.” Li Qingshan played along as he felt extremely satisfied inside.

“You sure have had it comfortable! And, those night roamers never openly clashed with the humans. It’s all because of what you taught them! You’re actively avoiding the battle!” The Spider Queen’s voice coldened as she stared at Li Qingshan with her venomous gaze.

“I’ve been in secluded cultivation, preparing for my battle with Fu Qingjin. You had agreed to that, ma’am Spider Queen. I was also the one who ordered the night roamers to attack the spiritual stone mines, but that is to sever the humans’ supply of spiritual stones. At the very least, these spiritual stone mines are much more important than cities of regular people, and their defences are tight too. We have directly clashed with human cultivators, so how can you say that we’ve been actively avoiding the battle?”

Li Qingshan reasoned with her perfectly, which made the Spider Queen even more displeased. She suddenly swung her hand towards Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan felt a blur before him and unleashed the Spirit Turtle’s Profound Shell instinctively, blocking the Spider Queen’s slender, fair hand. In a single instant, it caved in and became covered in cracks.


Li Qingshan was sent flying, slamming heavily against the wall. The entire cave shook.

“I’m teaching you a lesson, so how dare you talk back? How dare you resist!?” The Spider Queen’s icy-cold voice reached Li Qingshan’s ears, which made his understanding of a certain fact even clearer. If the powerful wanted to be unreasonable, it would be futile even if the weak had a silken tongue.

The Spider Queen was like a vicious, capricious little girl. She cherished the toys that brought her joy to a certain degree, but if they could not bring her joy, she would toss them aside or even rip them apart forcefully and amuse herself through that.

“This is my punishment. Don’t get any other ideas. I have always favoured you too much and given you too much freedom. You are only permitted to win in your battle against Fu Qingjin. You are forbidden from losing. Do you understand?” In consideration of the fact that Li Qingshan was still of some use, the Spider Queen did not continue, only warning him coldly.

“I understand.” Li Qingshan remained calm, even smiling. He was no longer the child from the country, still wet behind his ears. There was no need for him to grind his teeth or become wrapped up in anger and resentment.

He would take note of grievances that he was supposed to take note of. Sooner or later, he would have them settled.

Chapter 476: The Fourth Layer of the Ox Demon, to Never Admit Defeat | Legend of the Great Sage

Li Qingshan’s mental state was not particularly affected, but with the battle on the horizon, he temporarily cast his lust aside to focus on a period of proper cultivation. He left Ye Liubo grumbling.

However, Li Qingshan still made some preparations. He ordered the night roamers to speed up their herb gathering process and offer them all up.

The war had continued for many years now. Many of the territories underground had been emptied out. The zones originally forbidden to the night roamers were now available. Daemons were even more ignorant about the usage of spiritual herbs than night roamers. All they knew was protecting spiritual herbs that could be directly consumed, so they should have left behind even more spiritual herbs in comparison to the night roamers.