Legend of the Great Sage (Chapter 401-Chapter 500)

Li Qingshan thought. Wherever they walked past, the terrace collapsed loudly as if it were cutting off his path of escape. Up ahead was the Spider Queen’s dark, gloomy nest.

Normal battles were worth absolutely nothing to the tiger demon. Even with Strongboulder’s daemon core he had devoured, the effects of foreign substances would be extremely limited.

Only through battle, battle between life and death, frenzied, maddening battle, would the tiger demon be excited and unleash its true power.

If he were unable to break through to the fourth layer of the tiger demon, his chances of escaping from the Spider Queen’s hands would be pitifully small. It would be very likely for him to end up as the Spider Queen’s food, dooming him for good.

However, when he made up his mind and decided to carry that heavy promise of beyond the Nine Heavens on his back, it became fated that he would not be able to hide anymore and advance forwards carefully, cautiously, and safely. All he could do was stride ahead and throw himself into the face of danger.

The Spider Queen was obviously extremely terrifying, but compared to the enemies of brother ox, she was probably just a tiny spider!

Remember, don’t lower your head to anyone, to anything. You have once ridden on my back.

Lofty sentiments rose up in Li Qingshan. His fear and his worries all vanished. In the moment he stepped through the door, a strange thought crossed his mind.

Qiongzhi, you can’t blame me. This is infidelity with my life on the line!


The Academy of the Hundred Schools, Benevolence island, within a white room enveloped by formations.

This was a room completely sealed off from the outside world. There were no windows. Apart from a bed, there was not a single piece of furniture. The six snow-white walls were layered with flickering inscriptions.

However, these formations and inscriptions were not for killing or trapping, but for healing.

“My sword, my sword!”

Fu Qingjin jerked awake. He extended his hand and reached about randomly as if he was trying to grab something.

He had a nightmare. In the nightmare, he lost something extremely important. If it were possible, he would rather use his life to trade for that item.

“It’s broken.” Ru Xin said straightforwardly as she stood to one side with her arms crossed, earning herself a glare from Hua Ci.

As the two most skilled in medicine within the Clear River prefecture, the two of them were responsible for healing Fu Qingjin. Fu Qingjin’s wounds were not particularly heavy. His injured organs and shattered bones might have been fatal to regular people.

However, they could be easily healed for cultivators. And, most of these injuries did not come from the moon demon, but from using the heart of the sword. They had come from the Green Ruins sword overusing the body.

“It’s broken?”

Fu Qingjin murmured to himself. Ru Xin’s two, simple words were like lightning to Fu Qingjin.

The memories he refused to accept gradually filled his mind.

The nightmare had become real!

“Fellow Fu, your life bound weapon was destroyed, so your mind was injured. If you spend your time recuperating quietly, your cultivation won’t regress too much. You’ll still be able to maintain your Foundation Establishment cultivation.”

Hua Xi was dark-skinned and skinny, not particularly attractive, and his voice was rather cold. However, it did have a power to comfort others.

“Though, you’ll only be a regular Foundation Establishment cultivator, and one at early Foundation Establishment. Regaining control over the Daemon Suppression alliance won’t be possible.” On the contrary, Ru Xin’s face was fair, gentle, and delicate; her voice was soft and amiable, yet her words could shatter hearts.

Hua Ci could no longer bother with glaring at her anymore. He continued to comfort patiently, “You’ve already been extremely fortunate that your life and cultivation are intact. As for anything else, it’s best if you stop obsessing over them. It’ll be detrimental to your recovery.”

Ru Xin continued, “It’s all thanks to the moon demon who showed some mercy and spared your puny life. You should treasure it.”

Chapter 483: Chu Tian Emerges from Seclusion | Legend of the Great Sage

Fu Qingjin seemed to revolve between heaven and hell. When he heard Hua Ci’s words, his expression eased up slightly, but when he heard what Ru Xin said, he became overcome with anger.

“If you want to talk more nonsense, get out of the room!” Hua Ci barked.

“I’m only letting him know about the current situation so that he can accept reality. It’s stimulation therapy. You dark-skinned old man, don’t be so fierce with me. We’re both Foundation Establishment cultivators now!”

Hua Ci’s face became even darker, but he felt rather helpless. He apologised to Fu Qingjin, “Fellow Fu, my disciple’s words have always been unpleasant, so please don’t take them to heart.”

Ru Xin sighed gently. “Anyway, just recuperate in peace! It’s not like you have anything you can count on anymore now that the Green Ruins sword is gone.”

Fu Qingjin stared at the snowy-white walls before him in a daze. His face changed constantly as he recalled everything that had happened in the past. The more he thought, the more furious he became, and the more pain he felt. In the end, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he collapsed on the bed, fainting again.

“Are you satisfied now?” Hua Ci examined Fu Qingjin’s pulse in a hurry. Only when he confirmed the man had just fainted out of anger did he stop worrying.

“Humans sure are fragile!” Ru Xin lamented.

“Why did you set him off like that?”

Hua Ci was rather confused. He understood that Ru Xin was a person with a sharp mouth, but rarely did she go out of her way to target someone like this. Especially when it came to someone she was unfamiliar with, she knew self-restraint extremely well. At most, she would joke around a little.

“I just find him annoying.”

Ru Xin shrugged and turned around. With a wave of her hand, a door appeared on the snowy-white wall.

A group of cultivators from the Daemon Suppression alliance waited outside. They gathered over as soon as they saw Ru Xin and began blurting out.

“How is fellow Fu doing?” “How are his wounds? Has it affected his cultivation?”

“You have no reason to worry, everyone. Fellow Fu’s injuries are fine. His life bound weapon was damaged, which injured his mind. He needs to recuperate quietly, so it’s best if you don’t disturb him for now. I’m going back to my dwelling. I’ve specially prescribed him some medicine that can soothe his mind.”

Ru Xin bowed gently and calmly answered them. Her voice was soft, like the meekest and kindest girl in the world.

“Contact the Sword Collection palace!” “We’ve already contacted them, but they’ve given no reply.” “The daemons are completely out of their minds. They’ve actually destroyed one of the Ten Renowned Swords, the Green Ruins sword. The Sword Collection palace will never let this matter be.”

“With how great the Sword Collection palace is, there’s no need for us to worry about this. We better think about what we should do instead! Without the Green Ruins sword, he’s merely a young junior. How is he supposed to control the overall situation?”

“I think the moon demon has absolutely no interest in fighting with us. Otherwise, he could have easily killed us all. The war shouldn’t continue any longer. With all our disciples, surely we can’t remain in the Rose Cloud sect forever.”

“Yeah. We’re cultivators, so we should focus on cultivation and pursuing longevity and enlightenment. Why must we be constantly entangled in conflict like regular people? Why don’t we just engage in peace talks with the daemons?”

“Peace talks? You want to be a traitor?”