This One Moment (Pushing Limits, #1)

Those few simple words might not have sounded like much, but they represented everything I wanted to tell them yet couldn’t.

“Don’t you have any decency?” Hailey said, her voice low but fierce. She was no longer kneeling next to me. She was standing in front of a man several yards away. Based on the massive telephoto lens on his camera, he wasn’t here visiting with a dearly departed.

Hailey looked ready to introduce his face to her fist or to snatch the camera away from him and hurl it against a gravestone. Most sane guys would’ve backed away, not wanting to experience her wrath. But when it came to the paparazzi, their level of sanity was questionable to begin with.

“This is a public place,” the douchebag said, leering at her. “Which means I have the right to take photos if I want.”

I scrambled up from the snowy ground and, before the situation could escalate, placed my body between Hailey and the asshole.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I recognized him and was positive he was responsible for the photos that had shoved Alyssa and me into the spotlight as a romantic couple. Just one more reason for me to want to slam him against a gravestone and tell him where the hell he and his sleazy lies could go. But I knew better. Experience was a bitch.

The leer on his face transformed into an ugly smirk. “Does Alyssa know about you cheating on her?”

“There’s nothing going on between Alyssa and me,” I ground out, purposely avoiding the question about Hailey. I didn’t want to drag her into his twisted lies.

Before I could stop myself, I launched my body at him. But he was quicker and eager for the lawsuit shot. He lifted his camera and before I had a chance to yank it away, he snapped photo after photo.

Hailey threw herself between us. It was too late. Unless I was willing to destroy his camera and memory card, there was nothing I could do—other than make things worse for Hailey. She didn’t need me dragging her into this, destroying her career along with mine. My career would bounce back. Hers might not. The media would always be in her face and business, rarely giving her a moment of privacy, constantly putting her and those she worked with on guard, disrupting her life.

“Does Alyssa know you’re the son of a mass murderer?” the asshole taunted. “Does she fear for her own safety when she’s with you?”

As much as I wanted to pound on him, I kept silent and turned away, doing my best not to react to his questions.

Does she fear for her own safety when she’s with you? His words echoed in my head, twisting with my own fears.

“Hailey, is your recent attack linked to what happened to Tyler’s family?” he called out.

I froze at his comment for many reasons. First, the asshole knew her name and knew what had happened to her. Second, was it possible the two events were linked? Third, I wasn’t sure what game he was playing by using my fake name, but I had a feeling it wasn’t good. This was his way of telling me he was content with the idea of destroying my career and the life I’d built for myself since moving to L.A.

The asshole must have gotten everything he’d come for. He didn’t follow us. Hailey was so pale and visibly shaken, I wanted to hug her and tell her it would be okay. But I also didn’t want to risk that he was still lurking around, taking photos of us, so I kept my arms plastered to my sides.

“How did he know my name?” Hailey asked as we drove away, her voice bordering on panic.

I gripped the steering wheel, imagining it was the scumbag’s neck. “You’d be surprised at what these guys discover. Nothing is sacred to them.”

“But how did he even know where to find you?”

“I have no idea. But don’t underestimate these guys. Their hunting skills put the CIA to shame. I’m sorry you got dragged into this, Forget-Me-Not.”

She shook her head. “He hasn’t done anything to me. I’ll be fine.”

“It’s not that simple. Based on his reaction back there, I wouldn’t be surprised if he plans to use you to drive a wedge between Alyssa and me.”

“But…but I thought you said there was nothing going on between you two.”

“There isn’t. But because of assholes like him, it will look like I cheated on her with you.” I checked the rearview mirror to make sure we weren’t being followed.

“Me? Why? Because I was with you in the cemetery? That’s crazy.”

“Doesn’t matter. And I wouldn’t be surprised if those weren’t the only photos he took of us today.” I quickly glanced at her to see if she was putting it all together.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, God! He saw us kissing at the sports center?”

“There’s a chance he didn’t.” A fairly nonexistent chance. “Or he might just focus the story on my father and leave you out of it.”

“But you don’t think he will, do you?”

“I think he’ll find an angle to twist both together. I don’t know how he’ll do it, but by the time he’s finished, it will be as far from the truth as possible, yet at the same time very believable.”

Stina Lindenblatt's books