This One Moment (Pushing Limits, #1)

We followed the bundles of cuteness outside and played with them for a while. Like last time, when we’d first fallen in love with Rocky, it was clear that the puppy was as taken with Nolan as I was. Even when the other puppies chased after the ball Gail had thrown, Rocky stayed close to us, waiting for Nolan to toss the ball he was holding.

I sat next to Rocky on the grass and stroked his soft fur. At my touch, he rolled onto his side and gave me those adorable puppy eyes that melted my heart. “So what do you think?” I asked him. “You wanna come home with us?”

Rocky gave a little puppy yap that I interpreted as meaning “yes,” and then attacked the laces of Nolan’s sneaker. I laughed as Nolan gently dissuaded the little fur ball from his goal.

While Nolan played with Rocky, I watched the man I loved with all my heart prove that nothing about him was a reflection of his father. For years Nolan had been deprived of the love he deserved from someone who was supposed to love him unconditionally. Watching him with the puppy, it was easy to see how none of his father had rubbed off on him—and what an amazing dad he would be one day. I had no doubts about that.

I also had no doubts that nothing was hotter than a sexy tattooed rock star cuddling with a puppy—even more so when that sexy rock star was all yours.

To Neil

For telling your bandmates that I was a talented bass guitarist when I was anything but.

Love you, bro.


This is one of my favorite parts when it comes to writing a novel, but it’s also one of the scariest—because you don’t want to forget anyone. Many thanks to my fabulous agent, Marisa Corvisiero, for her enthusiasm toward this story after I told her about it. And to my wonderful editor, Susan Grimshaw, who always leaves me smiling after I read her e-mails. To my copy editor, Sue Warga, for making sure my words sparkle. And thank you to everyone at Loveswept and Penguin Random House who helped make everything about this book possible.

A special shout-out goes to my critique partner, Christina Lee, who has been with me on every step of my journey—and it’s been a long and wondrous journey so far. Her friendship and feedback are always appreciated. She also happens to be the best conference roommate ever. Also, thank you to my early readers Sybil and Brenda.

Writing could be a lonely profession if it weren’t for all the writer friends I’ve made over the years. They have selflessly shared their encouragement and their wealth of knowledge in all areas of publishing. There are too many of you to list, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you any less. I always look forward to attending conferences just so I can see you again.

And to all my readers and the bloggers who’ve supported me over the past few years: My books wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for you. I love you all. I also want to thank my Facebook reader group, The Swoon Room. Those hot male photos you all post are the best inspiration around. And a special thanks to Janett Corona, who brought me an especially yummy cupcake to the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention book signing in Dallas. Both she and that cupcake made my day.

And, finally, thank you to my family, Ralph, Anton, Stefan, and Anja. You’ve put up with so much just so I can make my deadlines. You’ve joked about my love of pictures with half-naked men and of my book boyfriends, but at the end of the day you still know that you’re the most important individuals to me. Thank you for your love and support.

Stina Lindenblatt's books