This One Moment (Pushing Limits, #1)

I moaned at just how great it felt against my skin.

His lips left mine and moved along my jaw and down my neck. Unconsciously I let my head drop to the side, opening up the area for him to explore. I could never get enough of this from Nolan. All the guys in my past paled in comparison, and all the guys in my future would fail to compare too. I already knew that much. Sucked to be me.

My hands wanted to do their own exploring. They traveled his body, mapping out my favorite parts, memorizing them so I could remember this moment once he returned to L.A.

My fingers caressed his jutting length, and I bit back a giggle. Nolan and I might have changed a lot since he’d moved away, but he was still the same guy who used to be my best friend. Even though I felt slightly awkward intimately touching the guy I used to share my deepest secrets with, it also felt natural. Like this was the way it was meant to be.

Nolan made a low, guttural noise as my fingers teased the most sensitive parts of him. He was definitely relaxed now, his thoughts about this afternoon long since forgotten.

Wanting to give him something new to focus on, I knelt in front of him and slipped my lips over his tip. I wasn’t big on going down on a guy. I’d only done it once before with my ex, which might be why he’d cheated on me. He was big on being the recipient of blow jobs. The gifter? Not so much.

I took in as much of Nolan as I dared while my hand worked the rest of him. To his credit, Nolan didn’t force me to take in more. Using my tongue and my hand, I entertained myself, grinning at the erotic sounds coming from Nolan’s mouth. Those same sounds boosted my own aroused state. He didn’t need to touch me, and I was certain if he did at this point, I’d come in three seconds flat.

The fingers of my free hand reached for his nuts and gently squeezed them. “Oh, God,” Nolan moaned.

Before I could do anything else, he wrapped his hands around my biceps and tugged me up. “I want to be inside you.”

I stood, my hair wet from the water that had found its way around Nolan’s body as he shielded me from it. His mouth was on mine again and our kiss deepened, the time for talk long since forgotten.

Just as I was wondering how we were going to do this, Nolan squatted slightly, hooked my thigh with his hand, and moved my leg to wrap around his hip. The tip of his cock rubbed against the most sensitive part of me and the aching throb between my legs screamed, Yes, please.

Then my legs were around him and he was inside me, thrusting hard, driving our bodies wild with desire. My back pressed against the cool bathroom tiles and I jerked forward, taking him in deep.

The moment before I came was like rushing over the rapids—that singular moment when it was too late to turn back. All I could do was hold on tight and enjoy the ride.

And as my scream joined Nolan’s satisfied grunt, I was sure my neighbors didn’t doubt for a second that he and I both enjoyed the ride.

Later I’d be mortified at just how noisy we’d been. Later I’d be mortified when my neighbors realized I’d fucked Tyler Erickson—like the tabloids would confirm.

But for now, I wanted to enjoy what we’d shared. For now, I wanted to hold on to him for as long as I could, before I had to let him go.

Before I had to walk away.

Chapter 30


When Pushing Limits had first signed with LS Records, we were told what was expected of us to ensure the band’s success. “Keep out of trouble” might’ve been stressed a few dozen times. And each time they’d straightened out another one of my screwups, we were given the same lecture. I swear those four words played on repeat mode in my head during my dreams and my nightmares. But that still didn’t change anything.

All those times, I’d been the fall guy. The guy who protected those I cared about, most notably the other members of the band.

This time was different.

This time the fault was all mine.

My phone played the opening of Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer” from the nightstand. Hailey was in the bathroom, drying her hair. I answered the phone instead of letting it go to voicemail, which would’ve been the preferred option given what I was about to tell the label’s PR person. “Hello?”

“Nolan, this is Jennifer Stephens. I got the message you needed to speak with me.”

I told her what had happened at the cemetery. “He might have stalked me from Hailey’s apartment, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he took pictures of us kissing.”

“Is she your girlfriend?” She wasn’t asking because she was curious. Her tone was calm and calculating.

“She’s a friend.” Who I wish was my girlfriend. “But the paparazzi asshole figured I was cheating on Alyssa Graham with Hailey. I wouldn’t be surprised if that makes front-page news in the tabloids.” By this time tomorrow, it would be trending entertainment news all over the Internet. “You need to make sure it’s clear that I’m not dating and never have been dating Alyssa. Neither of us needs this crap right now.”

Stina Lindenblatt's books