This One Moment (Pushing Limits, #1)

“Is there anything else?”

“He discovered what happened to my mother and sister. He also found out Hailey was attacked and asked if the two were linked. So right now he’s got enough story angles to keep the tabloids fucking happy for a while.”

The long, slow breath of someone doing her best to stay calm when the entire manure patch was hitting the fan whispered from the phone. “You’re not to talk to anyone, Nolan. And I need you back in L.A. so I can manage the damage better.”

“I’m not leaving here yet. I need another week. Plus the band’s flying out next week so we can work on the album together.”

“Fine,” she sighed heavily. “I’ll discuss it with Mr. Remar, but you will have to do what I tell you so I can minimize the fallout. Are we clear on that?”

“As long as you can keep Hailey out of this, then I’ll do whatever you want. I mean, other than going home on the next flight.” I highly doubted the cops would’ve solved Hailey’s attack by next week, and I was beginning to wonder if they ever would. I was simply buying more time with her.

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to do that if there are photos of you kissing her. They will only complicate things. But if they don’t exist, we can have Alyssa confirm she knows about your friendship with Hailey and she completely trusts you.”

Huh? “What difference does it make if Alyssa trusts me? I am not her boyfriend!” Pictures or no pictures.

“I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, Nolan, but this relationship between you and Alyssa that the media fabricated has been the ideal opportunity for you. Her clean-cut image and the fact she was willing to give you a chance to turn the bad-boy reputation around has gained you more respect in the industry.”

This was fucking unbelievable. How had the real me become this fabricated persona? Even as Tyler, I’d planned to be the same person deep down that I was as Nolan. How had things gotten so screwed up? “So what are you saying?”

“Alyssa has always been favorable to aligning herself with you.” Which explained why she had never denied the rumors we were together. “Right now we have to wait to see what angle the media will take. We don’t want to waste time extinguishing fires that were never an issue.”

I glared at the abandoned thumbtack in the stretch of white wall in front of me. “Lemme guess. You’re not issuing a statement confirming that the only relationship I have with Alyssa is purely professional, because she’s the spokesperson for the emergency women’s shelter in L.A.?” One of the reasons she had such a favorable reputation.

“That’s correct. We’re going to let people continue to believe you two are romantically involved. And in the meantime, you’re to keep out of the spotlight. Don’t leave that apartment for any reason, and don’t get into any more trouble.”

“And what about what happened to my sister and mother? What’s going to happen once it’s made public?”

“You’ll have a lot of experts pointing out that the root of your bad-boy reputation stems from what happened to your father and your family.” Her tone was cold and impassive, and I had no idea why. I also couldn’t tell if she believed her own words. “I won’t lie and tell you it will be easy. Far from it. Those who’ve never liked you will have a field day. But we can also use it to our advantage when it comes to your relationship with Alyssa. You’ve been donating to the emergency shelter for the past few years. Alyssa can talk about how she fell for your compassion toward those women in need, and that’s how the two of you became romantically involved.”

I could almost hear the wheels turning in her head, and I could tell there was no point reminding her once again that Alyssa and I weren’t romantically involved.

And if the photos of Hailey and me kissing were leaked, where would this all leave Hailey? She’d be labeled as the bitch who’d stolen me away from the selfless Alyssa. No one would see Hailey for the beautiful and equally selfless woman that she was.

And in the end, only Hailey would be hurt.

Chapter 31


The moment Nolan walked into my room, I knew the news wasn’t good. He’d been relaxed, satisfied after the shower. But now the corners of his lips curved down and he couldn’t even look at me when he entered the room.

“What happened?” I asked, walking the short distance to him.

“I just spoke with the label’s PR person.”

My insides clenched into a tight fist, and I felt more raw and bruised than I had after the attack. “And you don’t have good news?” Maybe they should redefine the term PR as meaning “personal ruin.” That sounded more fitting, given the bad news I sensed coming.

“They’re still figuring out what to do about the paparazzi situation, since we have no idea what kind of story will be leaked. They don’t want to put out fires that don’t exist.”

Stina Lindenblatt's books