That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

Finley smirks and opens the door. Following her lead, we all walk in to one of the most beautiful nurseries I’ve ever seen. Not that I’ve seen many. Honestly, I feel a bit poorly because I’m in the bedroom that would normally be Marisa’s perfect little nursery at Theo and Leslie’s flat if it wasn’t for me. But Leslie says she wants to keep Marisa close for a while anyway, so having her crib upstairs next to them works best for everyone.

I take note of the expensive-looking crib covered in a funky, loud, floral print of fuchsias, pinks, reds, and oranges. Next to it is a safari baby bouncer, a fire-engine-red changing table, nappies, wipes, the works. The walls are a soft cyan colour with white crown moulding everywhere, allowing the decorations to make the statement. A modern, grey, upholstered rocker is nestled perfectly in the corner. It’s a trendy baby’s dream come true nursery. A day bed even rests along the window making it not just a nursery, but a place for mum and dad to stay when they visit as well.

Leslie hands Marisa off to Theo and does a complete survey of the room, remaining completely silent. I think we’re all waiting to hear her reaction as she runs her hands along the crib. Finally, she covers her mouth as she turns to look at Theo. Her eyes are drenched with tears and, without pause, Theo rushes up to her and hugs her with his free arm—an unknowing Baby Marisa smashed happily between them.

I look away and rub my face annoyingly as my own damn eyes start to prick. Vi catches sight of me and I frown, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room.

“You okay?” she asks softly.

I nod. “Yeah. That’s just…I know that means a lot to Leslie. Her family isn’t the best.” I don’t offer any more details on the matter because it’s not my story to tell.

“You’re really close to her, aren’t you?” Vi’s eyes squint curiously as if she’s trying to piece together why I’m reacting so strongly.

Feeling strangely, like I need to minimise what Leslie means to me, I huff, “It’s nothing. Let’s go downstairs.” I take Vi’s hand in mine and lead her toward the flight of stairs. I freeze in my tracks when I see Reyna standing below.

“Hey,” she says, looking up at me in surprise and pausing her climb up the steps. “I didn’t expect you to be here.” Her eyes cut down to my hand in Vi’s and, for some reason, I quickly let her go.

I swallow awkwardly. “Leslie invited me.”

Reyna looks at Vi, her eyes narrowing. “Vilma, right?”

“Yeah. It’s Vi, I told you before. Hi Reyna. Nice to see you again.” Vi tucks her long blonde strands behind her ears, her eyes squinting with speculation.

Reyna’s grey eyes chill, which puzzles me, but we’re all suddenly distracted by a huge commotion behind us.

“FUCKING CUNT-FACED SPUNK BUBBLE!” a woman’s voice screams from the bedroom down the hall from the new nursery.

Frank, Leslie, Theo, Finley, and Brody come dashing out into the hallway just as a box of men’s clothing is launched out the open bedroom door. Next comes a cell phone. It strikes the hallway wall and crumbles to several pieces with a cringe-worthy crack.

A besotted Julie comes storming out of the room dressed in a lime green onesie, her almond-shaped eyes wide, her black hair tangled, and her stance braced with a menacing gait that makes me fight the urge to cover my balls.

“Men are fucking PIGS! The lot of them!” she screams.

My eyes flash to Baby Marisa who begins fussing in Theo’s arms.

“Fuck, I’m sorry…but they are. Men are fucking spunk bubble twats. I will tell all of you this right now. You’re all in love and you all think love can conquer the universe. It fucking doesn’t. The only men you can trust are the arseholes who have no feelings….they just have…ARSE HOLES!”

She turns and storms into the bathroom at the end of the hall, slamming the door loudly in her wake.

“Well, there goes our tender family moment,” Frank huffs as he sashays down the hall to console whatever is eating at Julie.

Finely turns and sees Reyna and rushes to welcome her surprise visit. I overhear Rey tell Finley that Liam is running the pub tonight and that she needed a night of relaxation. Leslie joins in the greeting, but watches me nervously. I try to give her a look that tells her I’m okay because I know she tries to hide her friendship with Rey from me. But I’m not an idiot. Theo and Liam are best mates. I know Leslie has naturally grown closer to Reyna as a result. It’s not just that, though. Having Rey around with Vi here makes me uneasy. Last time I properly spoke to Rey, I told her that lust and recovery don’t mix. Now I’m standing here feeling like a hypocritical prat. Although, a quiet, annoying voice in my head knows that this is more than just lust with Vi. But admitting that thought is more terrifying than tempting my recovery.

We make our way to the living room and eventually begin watching a film. It’s charged and awkward and I feel horrid because I’m not touching Vi like I normally do. My body yearns to throw a claiming arm around her, but Rey’s presence and the thoughts rattling off in my head make me feel…disjointed.

Amy Daws's books