That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

Frowning, I shoot a warning glare at her. “So not funny, Leslie.”

“What? I thought it was funny. I rhymed!” Her sea green eyes are brighter and happier than I’ve seen in months. Maybe Jaci no K is a miracle worker after all. I smile to myself at how Vi can make even the happiest of people happier.

“This is awkward enough without you making it more awkward with lame sexual jokes.” I slice one hand through my hair and prop my head on it, feeling my thoughts scatter all around me. It’s strange that I haven’t been confiding in Leslie about all matters concerning Vi. Since my attempt, there’s an unspoken openness between us that makes Leslie the one I go to the most when I’m feeling troubled. I talk to Theo some, but there’s an ease with Leslie. She was in the trenches with me…She’s my sister in combat. She saved my fucking life.

“What’s awkward about it?” Leslie asks. “I love Vilma. I think she’s perfect for you.” Leslie’s tone is bright and excited, obviously feeling everything I’m trying to avoid feeling.

I sigh heavily. “Do you really think this is a great idea? I mean, how could you? She’s a mate of yours and I’m well…fucking crazy.”

“Hayden!” she snaps. “You’re not crazy and I will smack you if you call yourself that again.”

I roll my eyes. “I was in a loony bin for thirty days, Leslie. I’m a mess and Vi is well…Vi.”

“You were in rehab, Hayden. Hell, Ke$ha went to rehab. It’s practically a trendy hot spot these days.” I eye her harshly and her light tone falters a bit. “Hayden, look. I know you. If I tell you you’re worth it…you’re worth it!”

“This is different, Leslie. Vi’s special. She deserves more.” I bite out the last word and swallow hard thinking about the impending doom I feel every time I consider that thought I know to be true.

“Deserves more than a Clarke brother? No such thing! You guys have super powers.”

I shake my head, putting a pin in this conversation for now. “I’m being stupid,” I scoff and offer her a cocky smirk that symbolizes the complete opposite of what I feel on the inside.

“Hey!” her eyes flash with excitement. “Why don’t you bring Vi over to Frank’s tomorrow night? It’s family flick night. Could be fun!”

My face recoils. “I don’t know Leslie. I think it might be a little soon. Won’t Rey and Liam be there?” While it wasn’t horrid being around them a couple of weeks ago, avoiding them is a lot better for my own sanity.

“No, they haven’t come since the pub’s been up and running. And what do you mean, too soon? You guys have been hanging out together for a couple of weeks…and it’s not like you’re asking her to marry you. Vi’s my friend! It’s just a casual evening with some friends.”

I nod silently, mulling it over for a moment. “I guess it couldn’t hurt.” Leslie cheers at her win. She immediately starts texting Frank while I attempt to snuff out the painful ache of insecurity hurtling through me. Feeling everything I’ve allowed myself to feel for Vi isn’t just scary for me…it’s dangerous.

The next night, Vi meets us at Theo and Leslie’s flat so we can all ride over to Frank’s together. I feel a bit like a couple of pubescent teenagers stuffed into the backseat of Mum and Dad’s car on our way to a school dance, aside from Baby Marisa nestled snuggly between us in her infant seat.

“Everybody all buckled up?” Leslie crows from the passenger side as Theo slides in behind the wheel.

“You’re seriously wearing that?” I ask Leslie, my tone flat and clearly unimpressed.

“I wear it every time.”

Vi giggles. “You should have gotten me one, Leslie. I would have joined you.” My eyes swerve to her and I can’t tell if she’s joking.

“I’ll place an order for future flick nights, Vilma!” Leslie fist bumps Vi moronically and then cries out, “Boom. Converted another!”

“Still won’t get me,” Theo grumbles as he buckles up.

“Hey, I got Frank, I got Finley, I got Julie. Hell, I even got Brody!” She turns and nods her head eagerly, clearly impressed with herself. “It’s only a matter of time before you Clarke brothers submit to my redheaded superpower wiles!”

Leslie is referring to her cheetah print, onesie, footie pajamas. She’s actually wearing them in the car with trainers on over them, clearly not the least bit embarrassed to be riding through the streets of London in that getup. Apparently they all wear onesies on family flick night…It’s a part of their thing. I didn’t tell Vi about it because I was certain she wouldn’t want one. Apparently I was mistaken.

“Brody is whipped,” Theo grumbles. “You got enough leg room back there, Hayden?” My brother’s cocky chuckle gets right up my nose, but I let it pass. “How about you, Vi?”

Amy Daws's books