That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

He crawls up on the bed and hooks his fingers on the edge of my knickers, pulling them down my legs. His eyes hood with arousal seeing me bare for the first time. He continues inching his way up my body and finally reaches my face. Leaning down, he steals my lips for his own. They’re yours, Hayden. All fucking yours.

His fingers trail slowly down my side as goosebumps erupt on every surface of my skin. After removing my bra, he finds my pulsing, wet centre. I writhe beneath him as he continues to tickle me softly everywhere except the one damn place I want him the most. I pull my mouth from his and moan, “Hayden, please!” I thrust my hips up greedily toward his hand and without thinking, reach down and attempt to touch myself for some semblance of relief.

“No, no,” he chastises, then bites his lip and whispers against my mouth, “When I’m here…this is mine.” And with that, he plunges his fingers deep inside of me.

My eyes slam shut as I cry out, relieved that the torture is over. “God,” I moan out with wonton abandon. The foreplay from the cinema and then here is the most intense I’ve ever had. Every passionate encounter I’ve had with Hayden flashes before my eyes. The fighting, the spanking, the kitchen kisses, the striptease, the * tease…it’s all so…heady.

Hayden pulls his fingers out and flicks my swollen and drenched clit. I yelp in delirious agony as he quickly pushes up to his knees all the while tossing me over onto my belly in the same fluid motion. He leans over top of me, wraps my wet locks around his fist, and then uses his other hand to drop a swift slap to my bottom that I was already shamelessly pushing into the air toward him, ready and waiting.

Fuck, this is too much. I need him inside me right the bloody hell now.

“So fucking sexy,” he moans, stroking the area he swatted affectionately. He releases my hair and grips my hips, positioning me up so I’m on my knees, but my chest is still resting on the bed.

I hear him rustling with the condom wrapper, so I look over my shoulder to watch just as he pushes his briefs down. His penis is exactly as I was picturing it. It’s thick and pulsing, clearly showcasing every bit of hard desire he’s got for me.

He rolls the condom on and looks down at me with lust deep in his eyes. “You ready?” A half grin teases the corner of his mouth.

I nod and bite my lip just as he surges himself inside me with one swift push. I’m already soaked, so there is very little resistance, aside from the tightness, as he fills me completely.

“Hayden,” I nearly scream, looking out the window and thanking fuck this is my life right now. God, it’s been too long since I’ve been properly shagged.

“Vi,” he groans, pushing and pulling himself in and out of my channel in slow, long strokes. “Vi, I want to try so many things with you and your hot fucking arse. But tonight, oh Christ, tonight I’m just going to give it to you fast and hard and hope to fuck you’re okay with that because I’m not sure I can manage it any other way.”

“Sounds like the best thing you’ve said all night,” I shamelessly admit, my mouth muffled against the duvet as I feel my impending climb to release approaching already.

And that’s exactly what he does. He slams into me for who knows how long because time ceases to exist when Hayden Clarke is inside of me. I am suspended in the time and space continuum, floating and completely oblivious to the number of seconds that tick from present to future.

Completely oblivious to the number of seconds it takes my body to slam into a roaring climax.

Completely oblivious to the number of seconds I scream out his name in utterly blissful pleasure.

Completely oblivious to the number of seconds that it takes me to fall for the brooding, broken, complicated, demanding, and sexy as fuck…Hayden Clarke.


I lie awake, checking my watch nervously and waiting for 11:11 to approach. Vi is asleep, draped completely across my chest. Her bare breasts soft and supple against me. I watch her back rise and fall with each breath, relishing in the feel of her faint heartbeat pattering against me. I play mindlessly with her drying blonde hair that’s fanned out on the grey sheets.

Exhausted from our exertions on her bed, in her shower, and then on her bed again, she’s been out for nearly an hour now. But her last noises weren’t those of sexual ecstasy. They were the sexiest fucking noise I’ve heard come from her lips yet: her giggles over some daft joke I made about rude rabbits.

She fell asleep so easily, so trustingly. Nothing troubles Vi, I think as I’ve been lying here, watching her and trying to figure out how I can slip out of bed. I hate that I have to leave her. I hate that my body forces me to feel the tick of 11:11 like the timer on a really hot oven. Like if I don’t get up and deal with whatever is cooking inside, everything will go up in flames.

Amy Daws's books