That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

I kiss her firmly, cementing my point before dragging the white scarf I found in her closet across her lap. I move it up her body and over her face, dropping it across her eyes as her face remains angled toward the chandelier above us.

“I’m going to lay you back, Bunny. But it’s your job to hold this scarf across your eyes. We’re not tying it. This is your one job. Think you can manage?”

She lets out a throaty giggle. “I’ll do my best, Sir.”

I shake my head, grinning at her sass and mumble about her being a naughty bunny. I slide off the bed and push her back onto the mattress so her feet still remain on the floor. She reaches out and holds the white scarf to her eyes by gripping each side with her fists. She squirms nervously.

I stand back and admire the scene before me. Perfect, pert breasts with the pinkest nipples I’ve ever seen. Creamy, smooth skin that dips in all the right places, and sexy sculpted legs that I can’t wait to have wrapped around my face in two seconds.

The bed dips as I lean over her and take a nipple in my mouth. Her hand releases the scarf and cups the back of my head. “No, no, Bunny. Hold that scarf.”

She groans out in frustration and I smile as her legs wrap around my upper body. I nip my teeth from her shoulder to her nipple. She’s greedily thrusting herself up toward me, her arse rising off the bed giving me just enough room to…


Her lips part with a mighty groan as my palm connects with her arse, proving she was made for a rude rabbit like me. Growing impatient myself, I continue my nibble down her body until I reach her centre. She continues to squirm and writhe on the bed as I blow cool air all around her. I take my hand and push aside the strip of blue fabric that covers her. I exhale my hot breath right on her slickened nub. She moans out my name loudly. A deep throaty sound. I snap the thin strips of her thong on her hips before twizzling them down her legs and tossing them to the floor.

I drop down onto my knees and grab her by her hips, yanking her to the edge of the bed so her thighs rest on my shoulders and her arse is suspended in the air for my greedy hands to fondle. Fuck, her arse, I think with a throaty growl. It’s the most magnificent arse I’ve ever seen. I inhale deeply before pressing my mouth happily to her vertical lips. A frenzy takes over as I taste her. Never in my life has a woman’s scent called to me like such a siren before. Her scent was fucking made for me. Like a starving man, I devour her with all the passion I feel for this sexy, beautiful, understanding, and surprising woman.

Any time her hands stray from the blindfold, I give her pert bottom a punishing slap. I’m beginning to think she likes it based on the frequency of her disobedience. In a shorter time than I anticipated, her body hardens like a bullet as she hits her climax at an alarming velocity. She screams out my name and, just as quickly, her legs sag with relief.

After a moment, she props herself up on her elbows and I chuckle proudly as she tosses the scarf at my face. My cock strains against my briefs as I take in her messy blonde hair that makes her look properly fucked. The pinks of her cheeks glow rosy and healthy. Her lazy smile, the perfect expression a man wants to see after he’s just properly serviced his most prized possession.

“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” I ask, my smirk turning into a lustful gaze as I fantasise about how good it’s going to feel when I push myself inside of her.

She smiles broadly. “If fighting with you gets me that, remind me to do it more often.”

“And we’re just getting started.” I tenderly kiss the inside of her thigh and surprise her with a playful nip.

Her giggles set the mood for our rousing round two in her shower that ended happily for both of us this time. It was the kind of fuck that would put even the sexiest pornos to shame. But it was better…because it was Vi. There’s no rules with her. Sexy and silly moments ebb and flow seamlessly, never once pulling us from the glorious moment.

Now I lay once again, entangled in crushed velvet with a stunning Vi draped across my chest. I alternate twining the blonde strands of her hair between my fingers and trailing my fingertips up her bare spine while she plays with the cuff on my wrist—a custom I’ve noticed she enjoys doing. It took a great deal of effort on my part to allow her to do so at first, but now I can rest into it.

“How do you see me so differently, Vi?” I ask, quietly staring up at the chandelier above her bed. At times I still can’t wrap my brain around how normal she makes me feel. How normal she looks at me despite my past.

“What do you mean?” Her voice is soft and sleepy as she continues picking at the seam of my cuff without looking up at me.

I squint my eyes and elaborate. “I look in the mirror and I see a broken, suicidal screw up with a laundry list of vices all working against him,” I quietly admit. “What do you see?”

Amy Daws's books