That One Moment (Lost in London #2)

“You sure you’re ready for this?” I ask, glancing over at Hayden nervously.

“I’m not afraid of your brothers, Vi.” He furrows his brows and pins me with a sobering look. “I’m afraid of you.”

My face falls. “Hayden—” I start, but he pulls me through the door before I can finish. A familiar voice calls out, ripping my attention from my Hayden bubble.

“Vi!” Tanner comes jogging over with a pint in hand. He tosses his head back to flick his shaggy blond locks out of his eyes. He passes his pint off to an unsuspecting Hayden so he can yank me into his arms for a brotherly hug. “Who’s this wanker?” he asks, laughing and snatching the pint back from Hayden.

“Just kidding, mate. This one’s yours.” He tries to pass it back.

I roll my eyes. “Hayden doesn’t drink, Tanner. I told you.”

“Oh yes, that’s right. Vi hardly drinks either. One pint and she’s pissed. I don’t know what’s with people like you.” I reach out to give him a shove and he dodges me easily.

Hayden laughs good-naturedly, but I’m cringing inside. “Hey, Booker!” I exclaim and smile sheepishly as he comes walking over. I swear his tall muscular frame seems to grow every time I see him. “This is Hayden.”

Booker reaches out and shakes Hayden’s hand, his eyes narrow as he scans him up and down. He looks downright impolite which shocks me. This whole brotherly meet-and-greet was his idea. His demand, really. I had made the mistake of telling Booker that I was seeing Hayden, and he sussed it out that Hayden was the same guy I’d told him called me a “blonde distraction.” He said the only way he could be convinced Hayden isn’t a prat was to meet him himself. And there’s no such thing as one Harris brother. One goes, they all go.

Hayden and I make our way over to the booth where Camden and Gareth are seated, while Booker heads to the bar for more drinks. Gareth is properly moody toward Hayden, which doesn’t surprise me. I’d warned Hayden of that. Camden is indifferent. And Tanner is Tanner…Nothing fazes him. Booker rejoins us and passes a beer to me and a water to Hayden.

“Tell us how you two lovebirds met,” Tanner sings in a high-pitched feminine voice. Camden picks up where he left off with a flicker of his wrists and a happy clap. “Yes…and don’t leave out a single scrumpet of detail!”

Hayden laughs and looks to me for an answer. “Well—” I start, but he cuts me off.

“Her dog attacked me.” The pleased grin on his face as he eyes me with contempt makes me giggle.

“That a boy, Bruce,” Gareth mumbles and takes a drink.

“Bruce didn’t attack him…More like his leash attacked you,” I add, shoving Hayden in the side playfully. “We were going to a pub opening and sort of smacked into each other. The pub owners are friends with my coworker, Leslie. You guys know Leslie.”

“Leslie is marrying my brother,” Hayden adds helpfully, and I briefly realise the wedding is next weekend and we haven’t discussed whether or not we’re going together.

“Sounds like destiny,” Tanner sighs dramatically and flutters his lashes. We all laugh. Tanner’s always the clown.

“And just like that…smooth sailing love story.” Booker states with an edge to his voice. “So, Hayden…what do you do? Like…for a living?”

Hayden’s brows lift and a small smile plays on the corners of his mouth at Booker’s blatant challenge. Build-wise, Booker is maybe just a touch larger than Hayden, but they are very nearly evenly matched. “I am a partial owner of a custom furniture business with my brother. C. Designs? Theo’s the designer and creator. He’s got a pretty large following. I’m just the bookkeeper.”

I frown. “Hayden’s very talented as well. He’s got a great eye for designing smaller detailed pieces.”

Hayden pulls a face at my defensive addition to his story. “None of that is making me money yet. I just do it as a hobby for friends. For now, my brother’s business keeps us all very busy.”

“And that earns you a proper living?” Camden barks, taking a large swig of his dark beer, all evidence of playing vanished. I down a gulp of mine as well.

Hayden nods. “Yeah, I’m living with my brother right now, but not because of financial reasons.”

“His brother just had a baby,” I interject. “She’s three months old and beautiful. Hayden is great with her.”

Hayden frowns at me again. “She’s a great niece. I’m very attached.”

“So you’re close with your family then?” Tanner asks kindly.

This makes me nervous. Diving into family details so quickly wasn’t expected. I thought they’d start talking football to be honest.

Hayden swallows but keeps his tone light. “My family is great. My parents and youngest sister live in Essex. I live with my brother not far from here. And I had an older sister who passed away four years ago.”

My brothers all look at him in stony silence.

Amy Daws's books