Say You Love Me

“I didn’t turn him away because he had just come up to me.”

“I saw he had his hands on your back.” Cody’s eyes never left my face as he continued chugging his beer.

“He had his hands on my ass, too,” I snapped, feeling annoyed.

“And you liked that?” Cody looked pissed and he slammed his empty beer bottle down on a table next to us.

“No, I didn’t like that.” I shook my head and sipped some more of my drink.

“Finish your drink,” Cody said aggressively as he came closer to me.

“What?” I frowned up at him, not sure why he was acting so funky.

“Finish your drink,” he said again, staring down at me with alert eyes. “Then we’ll dance.”

“Dance?” I said, surprised. “You want to dance?”

“We’ll dance and then we’ll leave.” He shrugged.

“Leave and go where?”

“We’ll see.” He continued to watch my face. “Wherever we want.”

“I guess.” I sipped my drink quicker this time. My heart was racing and I wasn’t sure what was going on. As soon as I finished my drink, Cody took the glass out of my hand and placed it on the table next to me.

“Come,” he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance floor. “Let’s dance.”

“Okay,” I said, following behind him quickly. He pushed us through the throngs of people and then stopped and pulled me into his arms and started moving back and forth. “This isn’t a slow song,” I said as I moved with him as best as I could in time to the music.

“So?” He grinned, holding me close to him. I could feel his warm body pressed up against mine closely and it felt like heaven. I decided to just go with it and I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder as we moved. Something felt different between us and I wasn’t sure what it was. I didn’t want to think about it. I didn’t want to overanalyze. Part of me wondered if he’d been jealous of Tom, but then I didn’t want to think that too strongly. I didn’t want to think that maybe he did have feelings for me after all. That could only lead to more heartache. But as he held me in his arms and we moved back and forth, our bodies pressed together, I couldn’t stop the feeling of hope and excitement spreading through me.

* * *

“Let’s go to my place,” Cody said as we left the bar a few hours and five drinks later. We were both buzzed to a point of almost being drunk and we’d been holding hands all night.

“Are you sure?” I said, my words nearly slurring as I looked up at his handsome face.

“Yes.” He nodded and then it happened. The moment I’d been waiting on for what seemed like most of my life. Cody pulled me into his arms, leaned his head down and I felt his lips pressing down on mine, softly at first and then with more pressure. I felt his hands in my hair, pulling my tresses, as he deepened the kiss and I felt my knees trembling as his tongue pried its way into my mouth. He tasted of beer and apples and I kissed him back passionately, my tongue entering his mouth smoothly. Immediately, he began to suck on my tongue and I felt him pushing his body closer to mine. I reached my hands up around his neck and played with his hair, reaching into his scalp and taking in his entire essence. I writhed against him as I felt his right hand sliding against my side and then reaching towards my breast. I moaned as his fingers rubbed against me and we both pulled back slightly, breathing deeply.

“Let’s get out of here,” he said, his voice deep and husky.

“Okay.” I nodded, not knowing if I was in a dream or not and not even caring.

“My place?”

“Sure.” I nodded, knowing what he was asking and not even sure how we’d gotten to this place. I could feel my entire body shaking in sweet anticipation and the hope in me that had been starting to fade erupted into huge flames once again, and I thought to myself that my moment had finally come.

Chapter 9


Sally’s hands were on my naked back and her nails were digging sharply into my skin, just like I liked it. Her body felt warm against mine and I ran my hands down to her stomach eagerly and played around in her belly button. I knew that was an erogenous zone and Sally’s writhing against me let me know that I hadn’t lost my touch. I kissed her lips softly and then moved my tongue down her silky neck and to her collarbone. Her black bra-straps interrupted my movement and my hands automatically moved up to bring them down, but I stopped myself. As much as I wanted her braless, I didn’t want to rush it. Our clothes had come off pretty quickly, but we still had on our underwear. I felt extremely hard in my briefs and I knew she could feel my erection next to her. She was wearing a lacey black bra and panties and it took everything I could do to not rip them off of her.