Say You Love Me

“Aww, my love.” Mila beamed and I tried not to groan in envy. Why did they have to be so sickeningly sweet all of the time? I could still remember when they used to trade barbs back and forth. I could still remember when Mila was in my position, loving a man she thought didn’t even want to give her the time of day. Only life looked favorably upon her. Life gave her the love of the man she wanted. I wasn’t so lucky.

I wanted to slap myself for my thoughts. I knew I was feeling sorry for myself. I knew that I was part of — if not all — of the reason that I was feeling miserable, and that jealousy was a horrible trait. I knew it, but I just couldn’t stop myself from dwelling on my despair and heartache. I needed to make a change. I needed to get over it. I’d been reading online articles about unrequited love and for all intents and purposes, it seemed like I just needed to cut Cody out of my life and move on. Though, I felt loathe to do that. Instead, I was holding on to some inner hope, some flame of fire inside of me that wouldn’t die out. I was wasting my life away and slowly eroding my soul from the inside. If he was my soul mate and I was his soul, then I knew that we were both destined for a fiery fate.

“Come on, Sally,” Cody called me from a couple of steps up and I hurried up my pace to catch up with him. “You were spacing out again?”

“No.” I shook my head.

“Are you really that scared of horror movies?” His eyes searched my face. “If you want, we can watch something else. If you’re really that scared.”

“No, I’m fine, but thank you.”

“No worries.” He smiled and grabbed my hand and squeezed. “I’m sure the witches won’t come and get you. Or the bogeyman.”

“Yay for that.” I rolled my eyes at him and giggled. “Hopefully they don’t come and attack me in my bed tonight.”

“I can protect you there as well.” He raised an eyebrow at me and then winked.

“Oh, really?” I gazed at him and winked back. “How do you propose to do that?”

“Well, I think my presence alone would scare them off, but I’d put my arms around you and hold you close and then I’d...” His voice trailed off as Mila and TJ sat down next to us. “Wow, you two slow-coaches decided to join us.”

“Why, of course.” Mila gave her brother a look. “Did you miss us?”

“Do I miss heartburn?” Cody retorted and I giggled. He looked up at me and smiled. “Aren’t you glad that you have me now, and not just Mila?”

“Oh, so glad.”

“Why would she be glad to have you?” Mila gave him a look.

“I can do things for her that you can’t,” he said softly and my heart fluttered, but this time not in a romantic way.

“What things can you do for her that I can’t?” Mila asked with a scoff.

“You mean, aside from impregnating her?” Cody said with a laugh and my face grew hot.

“Cody!” Mila looked shocked. “You’re disgusting.”

“I’m disgusting? You asked the question.” His face went all innocent. “And unless I’ve been lied to all my life about your gender, I don’t think you can knock Sally up.”

“I just can’t with you, Cody Brookstone.” Mila rolled her eyes and looked at me. I knew the look was saying, I have no idea why you like this Neanderthal, and I grinned back at her. I had no idea why I was so in love with Cody. Maybe I secretly loved his very immature side. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I knew he always made me laugh.

“You just can’t with me, Mila Brookstone, soon to be Walker,” Cody said and moved his head back and forth. “You just can’t do what with me, sister?” He snapped his fingers in a sorority girl movement and we all started laughing.

“TJ, I have no idea how you have remained best friends with Cody for all these years.” Mila looked at her fiancé. “It seems to me that you are suspect yourself for being his best friend.”

“What if I told you I only stayed friends with him to be close to you?” TJ said dryly and Cody groaned out loud.

“Dude, why are you feeding her this bullshit?” Cody shook his head.

“You don’t know its bullshit,” Mila said and then laughed. “Though, even I think that was a bullshit line, TJ Walker.”

“Hey, hey, don’t attack me now.” He put his hands up and laughed. “Help me, Sally.”

“How can I help you?” I grinned back at him.

“Can you guys be quiet, please?” A portly guy sitting in front of us turned around and glared at us. “The movie is going to start soon and I don’t need to be listening to your commentary.”

“Yes, sir.” Cody saluted him and we all laughed. The guy gave us one last glare and a huff and turned back around. I looked over at Cody, who winked at me again, and I giggled as we all sat there in silence. I felt Cody reach over and rub my leg and I looked up at him in surprise. He gave me a small wink and I slapped his hand away. He then grabbed my hand and I looked at him in confusion.

“Thumb war?” he mouthed and I nodded with a smile.

“One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war,” I said quietly as our thumbs tackled each other’s as if we were still little kids. I tried my hardest to hold his thumb down, but not because I wanted to win. I tried my hardest because I didn’t want the game to end and for me to lose the contact of his hand, which was so warm and silky that it was making me feel things in places I hadn’t felt things in a while.

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