Say You Love Me

“Oh, Cody.” She moaned as my hand moved to the top of her panties and she stilled on my bed.

“Yes, Sally.” I groaned as my fingers slipped inside her panties and then withdrew quickly as she gasped out loud. I wanted to touch all of her. I wanted to feel her wetness. I wanted to slip my fingers inside of her and bring her to orgasm before I fucked her hard.

“Cody,” she moaned as she ran her fingers down my chest and over my boxer shorts. She wasn’t as hesitant as I was and I felt her squeezing my hardness between her fingers before she slipped her hands into my boxers and ran her fingers up and down, squeezing the tip gently. I groaned as her fingers worked their magic on me and before I knew it I was taking my briefs off and throwing them to the ground. I looked up into Sally’s eyes and they were full of lust and pleasure. I couldn’t stop myself anymore and I found myself unhooking the back of her bra and peeling it off. I stared at her beautiful breasts for a few seconds before lowering my mouth to her right nipple and sucking on it. She moaned loudly as she continued to pleasure me with her hands and I found my teeth tugging and pulling on her nipple as my fingers played with her other breast. I then found myself kissing down her stomach towards her panties. I wanted to make her come. I wanted to hear her screaming my name.

I felt her body stilling as I reached her panties and I grinned to myself. My teeth grabbed the top of her panties and I pulled them down slowly, enjoying her scent as I worked my way down her legs. Once her panties were off, I kissed back up her legs and parted her thighs. I looked up at her face, and her mouth was slightly parted as she waited for me to continue. I leaned down and placed my face in her wetness, my tongue working its magic on her as she trembled beneath me. I felt heady with power as I brought her to the brink of orgasm and I could feel her hands in my hair as she shook beneath me. I knew she was close to orgasm and so I paused and kissed my way back up to her lips before lowering myself onto her. I positioned my hardness between her legs and just rubbed it there as I kissed her. She groaned as her arms went around my back, and she spread her legs wider, wanting that release, needing me to enter her as badly as I wanted to enter her. She was wet against my hardness and I positioned myself at her entrance, ready to bring us both the release we both craved and needed. Her breasts were crushed against my chest and I kissed her hard, my tongue devouring her mouth as her fingers squeezed my butt-cheeks.

I slipped the tip of my cock inside of her and then looked down at her face. My whole body was on fire and all I craved was bringing her to orgasm. I wanted to hear her screaming my name. I wanted to fuck her slowly and then quickly. I wanted to flip her over and take her from the back. I wanted her on her knees, sucking me off and then begging me to fuck her again.

It was then that I froze. I could feel her legs squeezing together, forcing me farther inside of her, and as much as I wanted to take her, I knew it was a mistake. Not like this. Not with Sally. I couldn’t just fuck her and expect to go on like normal the next day. And I knew she was drunk. And I was drunk. And I knew she might regret it. She might resent me. Hate me, even. She might think I was taking advantage of her. Or she might make it more complicated than it had to be. I rolled over and lay next to her on the bed and she looked at me in confusion.

“What’s going on?” she purred, her eyes hazy as she gazed at me.

“I think we’re making a mistake,” I said, too harshly, my eyes on her heaving breasts, my hand on her stomach.

“Huh?” She looked confused and I felt her hand reaching down to touch my hardness again. I groaned as her fingers worked their magic. I knew that if she continued, I was going to blow, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

“I just don’t think...” I paused as her fingers tightened their grip. “Sally.” I groaned and closed my eyes as my body shuddered. My fingers worked their way down to her wetness and I ran them across her quivering bud. I felt her whole body trembling as I played with her. “Sally,” I said again as I slipped a finger inside of her. I felt her contract as I slid another finger inside. “We can’t do this.”

“Why?” she said sexily as her fingers left my cock and reached down on top of my hand. “We can.”

“Sally.” I felt her fingers pushing my hand down harder, so that my fingers were going deeper inside of her.

“I want to feel you inside of me.” She moaned as she guided my hand faster. I grew harder at her actions, knowing just how badly she wanted me.

“I want to be inside of you,” I muttered under my breath, but I withdrew my fingers from her and turned to face her. “I don’t want us to ruin our friendship,” I said, feeling like a fraud as I looked at the hurt on her face. “I don’t want this to complicate anything.”