Savage (The Kingwood Duet #1)

The doors are open and the staff has overflowed into the hall just outside the room. I’m tempted to hit the bar, but I want to see Alexander first. Looking around, he normally stands out with his tall frame, chestnut hair, handsome face, and cut jaw, so it’s weird that I can’t find him.

Working my way through the crowd, I feel empowered by how men look at me. This dress is flattering to my frame, making me feel pretty. I’m also starting to believe I’m the woman Alexander always thought me to be.

The height of the heel of my new shoes gives me a good vantage point, but I still don’t see my boyfriend. A sickening feeling starts to fill my belly though. I feel exposed and vulnerable, like unwanted eyes are caressing me in ways that are a violation to my body. Looking over my shoulder, I see Mr. Kingwood—champagne in hand, smirk firmly in place, eyes on me. I lower my gaze and move past the buffet into a shadowed corner. With my bare shoulder blades against the wall, I examine the room more thoroughly.

He’s not here. I check my watch. 8:05. Where is he? Why would he be late, knowing I would be here on my own? With my eyes scanning, I make contact with the one person I would love to avoid. Again. Unfortunately, he’s coming right for me. “Good evening, Ms. Grayson.” I don’t reply, biting my lip to hold in the curse words on the tip of my tongue. “I knew you’d look stunning in that dress when I saw it.”

Looking down at my dress in horror, I ask, “You bought this?”

“I did. The shoes are perfection with your delicate ankles and toned legs.” Oh, God. I feel sick. He chose this dress for me?

“Please don’t speak to me like anything about this conversation is okay. It’s not.”

I move to leave, but he says, “Speaking of conversations, we need to have one in private. Let’s go to my office.”

“You are not my boss, and as someone who is not my boss, you don’t get to tell me what to do.”

Coming up behind me, his hand wraps around my upper arm as he walks forward, taking me with him. “That was not a question. If you’d like to continue to see Alex, you will grace me with five minutes of your virtuous time.”

I stop fighting and walk on my own accord. “Where’s Alexander?”

“So untrusting. Were you always this paranoid?”

“Not until I met you.”

He laughs. “Good one. I enjoy a spot of humor from the female persuasion.”

“Humor? I don’t find anything funny about this situation.”

He unlocks his office door. “Good. Then we can skip the foreplay and get down to business.”

“I want to wait for Alexander.”

“He’ll be joining us shortly.” He holds the door open for me. “If you please.”

Standing at the gates of hell, I glance around once more, hoping to see Alexander. When I don’t, I push down my fears, and walk straight into the devil’s den.


Sara Jane

He closes the door behind me. I don’t sit. I cross the room and look out the window, at the city lights around us before turning to face him. All my strength stiffens in my muscles. “What business do we have to discuss?”

Mr. Kingwood, the rat bastard himself, takes his seat behind the desk and steeples his fingers. “I was checking to see where we stand from our last discussion.”

“I haven’t thought twice about it.”

“Let’s not do this. I’m well aware that it’s probably all you’ve thought about. You’re a terrible liar, and I don’t have time for it anyway.”

“I’m not onboard with whatever plan you’re scheming.”

Chuckling, he says, “You make me sound awful.”

“You’re not?”

The smile is gone. “Be careful. My patience wears thin.” Alexander’s dad is a vile, unpredictable man. Before I met Alexander, I never would have spoken to an adult the way I’m speaking to his father now. Alexander’s influence? Or just how I would have turned out anyway? He stands, pressing the tips of his fingers against the desktop. “Let me rephrase what I want from you. Consider it a job. You’ll be paid very well to continue to appear on the arm of my son, but when necessary, like any other beautiful asset, you’ll help close deals.”

“You want me to be a whore for you?”

“So crude,” he says, shaking his head at me. “What about Alex? Will you be a whore for him if he asks you to be?”

“He would never ask that of me.”

“You sure?”

I head for the door. “We’re done here.”

“I thought we weren’t going to play games, Ms. Grayson?”

“I’m not. I don’t understand why you want me to do this. There’s something more to it that you’re not sharing.”

“I’ve been very forthcoming with you. More than I should have been.” He leans back on the console behind him. “Please sit. This doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. I’ll go easy. I understand you’re a virgin, in a way.”

Affronted, I reply, “Why do you say things like that?”

“Because I can. Just like I control Alex’s future.”

“I think you and I both know better.” It slips out before I can stop it.

“We do, don’t we?” His eyes pierce mine, and he shouts, “Sit down!”

Two breaths. I keep him waiting for the count of two long holdout breaths before I move as I’m told, too scared to disobey. The blinds to the office are closed and no one can see in. My heart and mind plea for Alexander to walk in. Where is he? I’m in way over my head, and a sob forms in my chest but gets caught in my throat.

Taking the seat across the desk, he stares at me. “You have been a problem for me. On one hand, you’re my son’s girlfriend, and from what I gather, one he’s quite fond of. On the other, you’re distracting to both him and me. What do you think?” How am I distracting to him? Up until a few weeks ago, he’d barely spoken to me.

“I love your son.”

“I didn’t ask that.” Sitting back, he sighs. “In simpler terms, I’m not sure if I want to fuck or kill you.” My gasp loosens my sobs and tears threaten to fill my eyes. I refuse to show him weakness. “I don’t kill people, Ms. Grayson.”

Did he not kill Madeline Kingwood after all? Before I can really understand the depth of that, the reality of what he’s inferring clenches my heart, squeezing until the ache is felt tight in my chest. “I won’t sleep with you.”

A smile that is too relaxed for the circumstances crosses his lips. “I’m sure you’re aware that my son has become my enemy.”

“He’s your ally.”

“He’s on a mission to make me out to be a monster. It’s very troublesome.”

“You are a monster. If for no other reason, how you talk to me.”

“No, Sara Jane, I’m not. And some women find me quite alluring.”

“Most people would refer to them as paid escorts.”

He laughs. “You’re witty.” He bites back, “It will make fucking that sarcasm out of you that much more pleasurable.”

I stand to leave, his threat fueling my reaction, but freeze when he says, “Sit down if you care about Alex.” I glare at him but refuse to sit. “Alex may be my blood, but he’s his mother’s son.”

“You loved her,” I say, hoping to remind him of that love Alexander remembers so well.

“I did.”

“The woman you loved gave you Alex. How can you hate anything that came from that love?”

S.L. Scott's books