Savage (The Kingwood Duet #1)

I lean against the table next to her, staring off across the library. The shock of her secret hits me hard. Oh my God. Poor Alexander. “What does Alexander say?” When she doesn’t respond, I look her way. Her eyebrows are bunched together, and I quickly catch on. “He doesn’t know, does he?”

She shakes her head. “He has no idea that he owns the majority of Kingwood Enterprises.”

“He has no idea that he’s worth millions.”

“He knows he’s set to inherit millions. What he doesn’t know is that he’s worth billions.”

And it comes full circle. “I can’t act like this because when he inherits the money and company, all eyes will be on him. Everything I do and say—”

“Will be used against him.”

Sighing, I drop down into the chair next to her. “So you’re looking out for me, and I didn’t even realize.”

“He loves you, Sara Jane. He’s made it more than clear he wants to be with you, that he wants to build a life with you. He’s been preparing and once asked me about rings and what you’d like. He told us he wants you to move in with him, but you weren’t ready. Roommate to roommate and friend to friend, I need to know if what you said back there to Maya is true. Are you moving in with him?”

“You make it sound ominous when it could be amazing.”

“Kingwoods die. There are only two remaining, so yeah, I worry about you.”

“Everyone dies one day, Shel.”

“It’s not the same and you know it. I haven’t learned much about his life, but I know that family is cursed.”

“Don’t say that.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to scare you. I know you love him. I care about Alexander too. He’s good to you, but he has a death wish, and I’m scared I’ll lose you.”

“I’m not leaving him. I tried.”

She stands. “Next time, try harder. For yourself. For your family. For me.” She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. “I’ve told Chad I want to move when we graduate.”

“And go where?” I ask, standing.

“Anywhere but here. There’s no good ending. We all know this. Alexander knows this, but he throws money at it as if that will make it better. Once we graduate, Chad and I can get jobs. We won’t need this dirty money.” If Shelly is defending Alexander, she is certainly not quiet in expressing how disgusted she is about it.

“You’ll be leaving me behind.”

“You can come with us.” But that’s the thing; I can’t leave with her. And she should know this.

She hugs me. “You’ll always be my best friend. I love you.”

I wrap my arms around her, willing my tears away. If she wants to leave, I may not like it, but I have to respect her wishes. “I love you, too.”

When we separate, she says, “You can’t tell him about the company. Not yet.”

Wanting to safeguard him from any dangers that might be lurking, I say, “His life could be in danger.”

“He’s safe. His father could have done something long before now if he wanted him gone.”

“You talk about his life so casually when I feel sick to my stomach. Are you sure he doesn’t know he owns the company?”

“Have you ever heard him talk about owning it?”

“He doesn’t even like it. He hates working there.”

“It’s not too late for you two. You can leave as well, start your life over somewhere else.”

“He won’t leave until his mother’s murder is solved.”

“Then we’ll make the most of the last year we have left.” Checking her watch, she adds, “We should get back to the project, but I want you to know, despite keeping the penthouse a secret, you can trust me, Sara Jane. You always could. I know it doesn’t seem that way right now, but I wanted you happy and the Kingwood family . . . just be careful.”

“I’ve been with Alexander for three years. I plan to be with him a lot longer. I know him. Don’t warn me about him. As for his father, I’ll need all the good thoughts you can spare.”

“Are you okay?”

“I will be.” This time I leave her standing there, needing to get Mr. Kingwood out of my head since he already controls my fear.


Turning back, I ask, “What?”

“Go easy on Maya. She’s an idiot, but I don’t think you need to worry about her.”

“She should learn to keep her hands off my boyfriend.”

“I’ve never seen this jealous side of you.”

I’ve never felt this kind of jealousy before. The rage of someone trying to take what’s mine away is getting the better of me, considering I’ve never even seen Alexander’s eye stray to another woman. The image of Maya touching him has amplified my irritation. “People change. Apparently.”

“Guess so.”

We wrap our project up early, all of us anxious to be done for the weekend. I was useless with this new information swarming around in my head. Alexander is majority shareholder of Kingwood Enterprises and doesn’t even know it. But I do. This secret is big. Too big to stay buried for much longer. I griped at him for doing what I’m expected to do now. I don’t want to lie to him, but until I know more about what his father’s plans are for us, I need to tuck away this secret.

I head back to Kingwood Manor with my stomach tied in knots. My feet feel sluggish as I walk up those stairs and down the hall. Once I’m in Alexander’s quarters, I scan the room. I’m alone. A rushed exhale of relief comes out, and I lock the door.

Checking the time as I cross the room, I have less than two hours to get ready. For Alexander, I’ll go. Only Alexander.

A note is taped to the mirror when I walk into the bathroom. I recognize the handwriting before I can read it. Taking it down, I read: Please join me tonight, Firefly. Kingwood Enterprises offices. 8 o’clock.

Smiling, I leave the bathroom and head to the closet to see if I have anything I can wear or if I need to go home to get dressed. When I open the door, a black, satin dress hangs from a hook above designer shoes that must have cost more than a few of my car payments combined. A typed note card is attached to the dress that reads: Please say yes.

“Yes, Alexander,” I say out loud just because I will always say yes to that man.


After parking my car in the building’s garage, I take the elevator to Kingwood Enterprises. I’m greeted with the shiny gold letters of the company, check my coat with the assistant, and make my way through the glass doors. Past the cubicles, the sound of the party escapes the company break room.

I wish tonight could be different. I wish I could walk right into Alexander’s arms and hug like we used to, like we did before his father ruined that dream. I didn’t tell Alexander about his father being in the bedroom earlier, or the offer, if that’s what it can be called. I might call it blackmail. I won’t keep it from him longer than I have to. Knowing his father and his evil deeds, he’ll twist it and set me up to look like I betrayed Alexander. I can’t have that. I won’t. With my chin raised high, I walk forward.

S.L. Scott's books