Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

“As long as you can get it up again.” She bit my bottom lip with a stinging little nip.

“Like that, is it?” Slipping one hand under her ass, I tilted her for my first thrust.

“Mm hmm.” Gone was self-conscious Shy.

She was gonna take everything I gave her, and take exactly what she wanted from me.

I can’t fucking wait.

I thrust inside, just the head of my cock suddenly swallowed into a hot haven. Goddamn miracle I didn’t erupt right then and there. With each inch I slowly plowed into Shy, I clenched down on my muscles, keeping the need to use full force at bay.

Her head tilted back. She sucked in a breath.

“Ohhh. So good, so deep.” She lifted her hips, linked her arms around me.

And when we were joined completely she looked up wonderingly at me.


It took all my restraint to keep a long, slow pace of in-and-out as she got used to me. Shy was snug and wet and her undulating body absolutely fucking hypnotic. Pushing up on both fists, what started as gentle and tender built and built. My hips swung, my groin smacked her cunt, and my balls bashed against her ass.

The hot slap of cock in cunt. The insane tightening heat of pussy. The sucking pull of her. I withdrew, all the way, before slamming back inside. Over and over as Shy gripped my forearms, howled my name, dragged me down to meet her lips.

I wanted to come inside her so fucking hard.

She curled her right leg over my ass, her left settled at my hip.

I cupped her ass, pulling her up, up, up to meet each long thick stroke inside her tight sheath.

“Shy!” My voice bellowed.

I could feel it. Like thunder in my veins. Like lightning lancing down to the base of my spine.

Her back arched. Her neck bared. Her hips rocked against me erratically.

She convulsed around me, her creamy cunt a hot vise pulling the come from my cock.

With every new jet of seed I buried myself inside her, my hips pumping, my arms crushing her to me.

My brain fucking fuzzed out. Hoarse harsh breathing sounded like static in my ears. When my dick finally stopped jerking, I flipped to my back and quickly rolled Shy on top of me.

I stayed buried deep inside her, though, and clearly there was no way my cock was taking no for an answer all night long because the fucking thing was still raging hard.

Blowing out my first full breath in hours, I beat my head back against the fluffy pillows. Oh, not pillows. It looked like we’d ended up sideways on the bed. My bad. And the quilt had gotten allll bunched up, padding my head. I’d take it. Because even though my cock had more fuck-bragging to do tonight, I needed a moment of downtime.

Shy rotated her hips, sort of swirling my dick inside her depths.

Guess she didn’t need the downtime at all.

I placed my hand on the top of her head, feeling the silky curls. “If I told you you just broke me, would you still let me sleep with you on top of me tonight?”

She swirled her hips again, working on the unrepentant erection sheathed deep inside her. “Funny. Doesn’t feel like I broke you.”

I swept my fingers down her back, along the soft indent of her spine. They wandered over her firm, full ass and lower to where her leg hitched over my waist. She stopped running her palm up and down my side when I casually ran my fingers over the bottom of her leg where it stopped just below her knee.

I wasn’t gonna ever pretend I didn’t see all of her or let her believe I thought she was anything less than one hundred percent beautiful. Just the way she was.

And no way was I ever gonna let her hide from me.

“It doesn’t bother you, Max?” she murmured against my neck.

“Did it feel like your amputation bothered me? Or that I don’t like your hair and just about everything else about you?”

“Just about?” She propped up on my chest, flashing those sleepy, seductive eyes at me.

“Yeah. Just about. Because I don’t like the way you flirt with Tail and Coletrane.” I gnashed out my words, strengthening my arms around her. “Those two don’t need any encouragement.”


“Yeah.” I scowled just to make sure she understood I was serious.

“But I thought you weren’t interested.” She snuggled more deeply against me, and those slamming tits wiggled on top of me.

“Think I proved I was just lying to myself about keeping it platonic with you.”

“Hmm.” She lay her head down. “I always had a crush on you, Max.”

“I know.”


Chapter Fifteen

Sweet Ride

SWEET, SOMETIMES SHY SHY was anything but an hour later when I coerced/begged her to ride my cock.

Hypnotic? Fucking mesmerizing. As soon as she seated herself on me, I grabbed her hips to steady her.

“Okay like this?” I could barely breathe let alone talk, so those few words took a lot of effort.

“I don’t know.” She tousled her hair and arched backward, hilting me even deeper. “What do you think?”

Rie Warren's books