Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

I ripped her hand free, grunting obscenities.

“Did I do something wrong?” She blinked at me like an innocent, but her moves weren’t those of a na?ve woman.

She was playing with me.

I fucking liked it.

“Wasn’t kidding about being ready to explode, but if you want to suck me off before I fuck you into oblivion I won’t complain. After I see every single naked inch of you.”

Our lips met, the taut wet heat teased from tongue to tongue, traded from mouth to mouth. A bite. A nibble. An open-mouthed lick.

A murmur. A different angle. A deeper exploration that curled us so close together we’d be fused if not for the damn clothes in the way.

My mouth still clinging to every soft circle and foray of her tongue, I lifted her again and placed her on the bed.

My chest felt crushed by the sheer undiluted want for this woman. Dragging free while I could still think—sort of—I rested my palms on the bed on either side of her.

Shy immediately attacked the buttons of my jeans.

I snaked her hands down. “Stay.”

“Still not a dog, Handsome.”

I growled at her, snapping my teeth.

“We’re gonna go slow. Then I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll ask me to drill you into the mattress again, as soon as you get your voice back from screaming my name.”

Her legs scissored together, and she twisted her torso. Horny. Greedy. Seeking. “When does the fucking part start?”

“Soon as I get you naked.”

I didn’t have much patience when I tore off her tank top. Then I almost choked on my tongue when I saw the bra she wore underneath. Sitting back on my knees beside her, I nearly nutted in my jeans.

“What is that?” I rubbed a hand across my mouth.

“You like?” Shy stretched out, nothing short of one hundred proof sexuality.


She trailed her fingertips along the night-black lace bra that was strappy all over and stopped at the top of her tits where her nipples peaked through the webbing.

Weeks ago when I’d said she’d grown up I hadn’t realized just how grown up, up, up. And those tits were big.


“Your mouth’s open.”

Uh huh.

I think I grunted.

She slid a sexy grin my way, flicking at the pink nipples just beyond the lace.

“Asked you a question.” Her smoky laugh somehow drugged me. “Do you like it? Because I like reducing you to speechlessness, sexy man.”

Nod. Yes. Nod. Yes. Nod. Yes. God yes, I like it.

“So that’s a yes?” She reached over and ran her hand up the front of my thigh.

Uh huh.

“If that’s what you wear for a quiet night at home I can’t wait to see what you put on when I take you out on a date.” I was panting by that point.

And my pants were still too tight for the erection struggling inside.

“I have a whole dresser full of lingerie.”

Brain explosion. Cock-’splosion imminent.

Had to get my hands on her.

Leaning over Shy, I found the hook in the back and snapped her bra open with a quick twist of my fingers as my tongue delved into her mouth and my hips divided her legs.

I sat back long enough to pull the straps off her shoulders, lower them down her arms, and bare her breasts for me.

Full and soft, capped by tight pink nipples, they jiggled when I raised her wrists to rid her of the bra once and for all. Then I was on her. My lips going straight for home, zeroing in on the puckered flesh. Shy arched up, her fingers curling into my hair. My name gusted from her lips as I treated her tits to a sensual, fierce sucking all over. I grabbed both breasts and pushed them together. I lapped the surrounding surfaces, getting her shiny and wet. I pursed my mouth over one bud then the other, drawing each deep between my lips.

I roamed down her belly only when her hips kept jerking up against my cock.

I kissed her navel, her hipbones, and moved much more slowly lowering her sweats, sensing her self-consciousness.

“Don’t be scared, Shy,” I whispered over and over against the flesh of her waist, her hips, and then her legs.

I kissed both equally, prosthetic or not. And when I pulled her pants from her ankles, I immediately crawled back between her thighs, setting my hands on the spot where the cool prosthetic met living flesh at her left knee.

My eyes, however, drifted toward her barely covered pussy.

Those goddamn tiny panties matched the bra-to-end-all-bras. And possibly end my brain, too.

“Let me see all of you, Shy.” I eased my fingers into her panties and slid them from her legs.

I wanted to focus on her cunt—I could see she was already wet, glistening, and only a small strip of the lightest blond hair led to her slit I couldn’t wait to taste—but I gentled her with a hand on her tummy and curled up beside her.

“Dangerous woman.” I could barely breathe, I wanted her so much.

My fingers played with the little curls on her mound. And I toyed farther, just enough to gather her wetness and spread it around the peak of her clit.

Rie Warren's books