Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

I’d placed a pillow beneath her knee. After that I’d just watched every single second of her slick cunt sliding down my upright cock.

“Good,” I grunted out. “So fucking good.”

I sat up enough to suckle at her tits, my teeth and tongue biting then soothing.

When the beat of her hips drove up and down and up and down I lay back and watched those high round mounds bounce.

Her juices ran down to my balls, and I thrust upward, taking her airborne. She leaned onto my chest, her nails digging in, her breath stuttering across my mouth.

“Keep fucking me, Shy.”


I crossed my arms over her back and drew her down. Flat-footing the mattress, I drilled up. I thrashed inside her pussy until a high keening noise at my ear mirrored the tight ratcheting pressure of her cunt, and she threw her head back.

I fucking loved being so deep inside her my cock hit the mouth of her womb and her clit crushed against my pubes.

I wanted my come inside her.

It pelted into the condom, and the bruising brutal pleasure of our fucking destroyed me again.

I huffed out several chugging breaths, drawing my arm around her neck, her leg over my hip.

“You okay?” I asked.

“If I said you broke me, would you still let me snuggle with you all night long?”

“You’re funny.”

She planted a sloppy satisfied kiss on my chest. “You know it.”

My fingers tripped around the small dimples at the top of her ass. “Lemme clean you up. Get you something to drink and some food.”

“Max?” She lifted drowsy eyes.

I stopped halfway off the bed. “Yeah?”

“You are not now, and never will be, my nursemaid.

I sat with the sheets and blankets stuck under my butt, completely fucking naked.

Still hard.

No surprise.

“I don’t want you to think you have to take care of me. I do that.” Shy sat up.

“Right.” I nodded. “Okay. But say I wanted to make sure you were okay because you mean a lot to me. And I’d like to clean you up because I fucked you hard, and this isn’t casual sex or a one-night stand.”

“I don’t want us to be about my cancer!”

“Well, shit.” I stood, running my hands through my hair. “You think this is how I pity-fuck chicks or something?”

She crossed her arms over her breasts. “I don’t know,” she whispered.

“Trust me, baby. You are not a pity-fuck.” I sat beside her, looping an arm around her shoulders. “You’re not.” I kissed her cheek. “I want to take care of you—”

I held up a hand when her mouth popped open.

“Because you’re important. You’re also sexy as hell. And I think we should maybe date exclusively, because I can’t stand the thought of another man’s hands on you. Okay?”

Her cheeks heated. “Okay.”

“Okay.” I strolled out of the room after dropping a kiss to her shoulder.

“You have a great ass by the way!”

I bent my head back around the doorway. “That’s the kind of comment that’s gonna get you fucked another couple times tonight if you’re not careful.”

“Bring it.”

I brought it all right. A glass of water. A warm washcloth.

Shy watched me curiously as I smoothed the terrycloth up her legs, over breasts, along her neck. She fell back with a sigh when I drew the washcloth between her thighs before replacing the towel with my fingers.

Her orgasm that time was like heat lightning—a soundless flash of flesh that fastened down on me.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t ready for another go at her, but I spooned behind her instead, my obvious hard-on burrowed deep against her ass.

“That might be a no-go zone,” she dryly commented.

I drew back then thrust against her.

Her ass nudged toward my cock.

I kissed her shoulder. “We can discuss that later. But it doesn’t feel like your ass is off the table.”

“You are wicked.”

“Only with you.”

“Keep it that way.” Shy giggled, pulling my arms around her and letting me palm her generous tits.

Her breathing slowed into a soft lament.



“So the cancer, that’s why with the hefty donation to the children’s hospital?” I burrowed my nose against the sweet skin at the nape of her neck. “And what about the pop-up shop?”

“Of course. All those kids. Like the boy you met—Wyatt. The shop is temporary for now.” She simply shrugged and chuckled. “If it fails I’ll find something else. Life’s too short to worry about and too precious to waste with not going after what you want.”

“That’s why I’m here.” My low voice rippled across her skin.


“Jesus. You are so fucking brave.” I turned her in my arms, admiration pouring from me.

“Not really.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I’ve never been more scared than when I decided to go after you.”

“Oh yeah?”

“You’re not supposed to be smug about that.” She hit me on the shoulder with her balled fist.

“Can’t help it. Your fault.”

“I’m not kidding, Handsome.” Her hands fell to my hips then to the bed. And she turned her head aside. “Telling you scared me. And showing you . . .”

Rie Warren's books