Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

“Yes, Shy. Everything.”

“It’s my one vanity, I suppose.” She peeked up at me. “The hair sometimes changes when it grows back. Color. Texture.”

Easing my hand back down her body, I fluffed the curls on her mound. “Oh yeah? Is it blonder like down here? ’Cause I like it.”

“Oh, well . . .” She sighed with an impish grin. “It is hot under here.”

“I bet. Especially after that workout I just gave you.”

She slapped her hand against my chest, and I chuckled in a wicked tone.

Sitting up, she started to raise the wig. I took the moment to just plain stare at her tits that tipped up with her movements, and her perky nipples that looked pouty and ready for my mouth again.

After setting the wig on the table beside her bed, nearly covering the condom packet I’d dropped there, she turned to face me.

I rubbed my jaw, considering her. All of her. From the new hair—an adorable short cap of blonde curls–to the curvaceous body that was way more smoking hot than cute.

“Well?” she asked impatiently.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” As I brushed past her to climb off the bed, I briefly kissed the top of her burnished curls.

Standing next to her, I popped the final buttons on my jeans. With no briefs underneath, the base of my thick, rigid dick sprang into view as well as the thatch of pubes.

Shy swallowed, her eyes locked on my groin.

I dropped the jeans down and kicked them off, revealing my shockingly hard cock. The tip was wet, and as she watched, another drop of precome slid down my pulsing glans.

“Does this look like I think you’re anything but the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen?”

“And no underwear for you at all, oh my God, fuck,” she breathed the words out in a rush.

“Now”—I prowled back onto the bed and pulled her beneath me—“I’d really like to grab a handful of that hair while you suck my cock.”

The pupils of her eyes dilated, almost obliterating the richly colored irises.

With a hand wrapped around the root of my dick, I climbed farther over her. I sat on my haunches, just above her tits, and aimed my slick cockhead toward her parted, plush lips.

Her tongue rolled out, but I pulled back.

“Close your mouth, Shy,” I whispered.

She complied, and I swiped a drop of precome across her lips, listening to her whimper.

“Now lick them,” I ordered.

Her pink tongue tripped out, and she tasted the clear fluid on her lips. “More.”

I guided my cock forward, and she eagerly lapped around the thick ridge before closing her mouth around my glans. Her first full suck almost sent me over the edge. She wrenched my hand free, replacing it with her own, both of them curling around the fat shaft of my dick.

“Fuck, baby.” The hoarse words were thick in my throat, and I reached over to grab the headboard as sensation skyrocketed through me.

She fisted her hands up and down, rotating them in a slick slippery slide as her saliva gathered along my cock and pooled in my pubes. I dipped my hips farther, and she sucked a few more inches in, licking the steely rod of meat stretching her lips.

When one of her hands dropped to cup my balls, I cranked my head back, already seeing goddamn stars as a sharp tingling shot to my groin. My thighs quaked, my muscles from my chest to ass flexed, and harsh grunts tumbled from my throat in time to each one of her lusty, lapping, slow wet sucks.

I had to pull back. My hair hung in my face as I searched her eyes—wild and dark and aroused.

“Don’t wanna come in your mouth the first time.” I slid, skimming my pulsing cock down her tipped-back neck, between the cushion of her tits, and onto her flat belly.

“What if I want it?” Her voice was rough from sucking my dick.

So fucking hot.

“Later.” I was too busy trying not to nut all over her body while I wrestled a condom on.

Before she could say anything else to make cock jerk and throb, I crashed my lips to hers.

Her arms wound around my back, but I soon broke her hold. Had to make sure her tits had been paid enough attention, those pink nipples calling to me as they rasped against my chest.

I covered each pouty little pebble with my lips, smoothly working my cock along her wet slit. Every time the broad head brushed her clit, she moaned my name. With her nipples nice and bright and aroused, I smoothed my tongue up her neck, capturing her earlobe between my teeth.

I softly kneaded a hand down her left leg, touching those places on her body that made her a survivor, made her more beautiful.

Then I reached up to find the slick warmth of her sex, parting her pussy with my fingertips.

Shy pulled me all the way over her. “Now. I can’t wait any longer, Max.”

I laughed a little—another deep rumble tugged from my chest—when the tip of my dick kissed against the hot wet entrance of her cunt. “May not last long.”

Rie Warren's books