Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

“It’s not that big.” She shook her head against me, a smile in her voice.

“Well, something else sure is.” I nipped her shoulder, wondering what she’d do if I fucked her against the newly painted wall of the living room. “And it’s sucking all the blood from my body and sending it south.”

She gasped, and her eyes darkened with desire. “Really?”

“Yeah, Shy. Really.”

Chapter Thirteen

Soft and Slow

I NOTED A PAIR of crutches and a cane lying against the chair beside her bed when I found her room, but now wasn’t the time to think about all the implications of what she’d gone through.

I was gonna make Shy feel so goddamn good she forgot about everything else except the way we moved together, the way we kissed until she was on fire for my hot loving, the way I made her whimper my name and plead for more.

Sliding her down the front of my body, I was glad the small lamp next to the bed emitted a soft glow because I wanted to see every single naked expanse of her golden skin. The bar-piercing in her upper ear shined, and I started there, using my tongue to toy with the metal and the sensitive shell of her ear when her feet slipped to the floor.

She leaned against me, breathing heavily, her tits jutting against me.

Couldn’t wait to get my hands on them.

She gasped. “Oh, God. Max, that feels so good.”

I played with her other ear, running my hands to her ass. “Just getting started.”

Her neck arched, and she moaned.

I smiled against her warm skin, licking and sucking down the side of her slim neck. With my hands planted firmly on her ass, I pulled her real close and that little bit higher so my hard cock rocked against her pelvis.

“You feel me, baby?”

Her hands fanned on my back, and she grinded her hips back and forth.

“Mmm. I feel you.”

Taking her hands, I pushed them under the front of my shirt, my abs ruching and rolling at her hot, roaming touch.

She leaned back, lifting my shirt, biting into her sensual bottom lip. “I really feel you now.”

I cradled her cheek in my palm. “I’ll try to be gentle, Shy.”

“I don’t want you to be.” Her tone was as sultry as the summer night, as silky as the wet pink tongue she drew up the cords of my neck.

Sexual tension snapped my body into an unbearably tight knot centered in my groin. “You don’t understand. I can be rough.”

She scraped her nails down my chest then reached up to grip and twist my hair with force. “Good.”

The groan that fell from my lips began deep, deep down in the pit of my belly.

“It’s not nearly my first time. You won’t break me. And if you treat me like I’m sick or look at me with pity—”

I slammed my lips onto hers—the kiss volatile. She returned each caress, every wet lick, every nibble with one of her own.

I peeled back to look at her half-mast eyes and her shiny swollen mouth and her heaving tits. “Pity you? Not possible.”

Greedily, I licked along the skin of her neck.

Her fragrance overpowered me: ocean air and lapping waves and warm woman. “Someone should pity me because my cock’s about to explode already.”


A wicked smirk tugged at my mouth. “Learned something new about you, Shy.” My smirk grew into a full-on sex sneer. “You like dirty talk, baby. You like my filthy mouth? Want it all over you?”

Her nails drove into my shoulders and her hips undulated in ever-tightening circles.

Oh yeah. Shy was gonna be fun.

With a deeper grin, I slung off my T-shirt and muscled against her. “Like I said, we haven’t even started yet.”

She pushed me back, making moves of her own. Let’s just say I was not immune.

Her hands explored, lightly dragging down my chest. Her gaze roved, up and down and with such a hot look my balls felt full and heavy. My cock never harder. She kept touching my tats, the bikes and skulls and the words Ride or Die and Once upon a wish that rained down my arms from my shoulders Moving around me, she drifted one hand from my pelvic cut along my hip to my lower back as she kissed between my shoulder blades, the center point of the MC backpiece.

Chills erupted down the middle of my spine.

Her teeth bit into the skin at the crux of my shoulder.

My dick jerked, the awkward angle inside my jeans sheer fucking torture.

Shy pulled the leather band from my hair and buried her face in the waves, her tits squashed against my back, and her hands bracketed around my waist.

When I dropped my head, groaning, she slid around to my front, her eyes traversing the rugged terrain of muscles I’d built up through months of weight training.

The work was worth it.

A centerline of dark hair bisected my deeply cut abs, and she trailed a lone finger down that arrow. “You are handsome.”

When her hand landed on my aching cock, my groin rocked forward.

Her palm moved up and down, and intense, insane pleasure shot through me to the core.

Rie Warren's books