Rush (Carolina Bad Boys, #5)

“I don’t feel so dangerous right now.” Her voice hitched.

Kissing her neck, reaching to her prosthetic when I drew her knee up, I asked, “Can I take it off?”

She shrank back immediately. Her eyes filled quickly.

I lifted onto my elbow, my fingers coasting up her leg to caress her hot juicy slit. As I gently teased, she began to move in a languid rhythm against me.

“It’s your first time since the amputation, isn’t it?” I murmured against her lips.

I heard her swallow. I saw her nod.

Her body still arched against my swirling fingers, and she was wet, so wet the sound of my fingers playing inside and around her was audible and hot and horny and made me beyond desperate to be inside her.

Not until she’s ready.

“Let me, Shy. The only thing I want to see is you.” Bending over her, I kissed her leg just above the prosthetic.

I roamed higher, licking the length of her leg, setting my lips just at the crease of her pussy while my fingers still toyed with her wet slit.

Her breath shuddered. Her hips circled. And when she nodded hesitantly, I slipped my fingers from inside. Softly tracing her skin, my fingers left a moist trail I kissed and licked to taste her essence.

“Oh, God, Max.” Her body swayed fitfully against me.

Then her hand joined mine, and she pressed a button on the side of the prosthesis. She quickly pulled it off, along with that bit of jersey I felt earlier. I set everything aside before cupping the scarred flesh in a gentle palm.

Looking up, I saw her staring at me, wide-eyed, holding her breath.

A breath that hissed out when I kissed her once on her leg then again on her lips.

“Okay?” I asked, my voice no longer recognizable.

“Am I disgusting?” She shivered when I gazed at her completely bared body.

Chapter Fourteen

Fast and Hard

A LOW ROUGH CHUCKLE curled from the depths of my chest. I crawled down her body to lie between her legs. I looked up, first gazing at the wet, pouty lips of her pretty cunt then higher to meet her eyes.

“Know what you are, Shy?”

She shook her head, always watching me.

“Beautiful. A beautiful, brave fighter.” I massaged and kissed her thighs all the way to the apex. “All I can see is you, baby. And it’s all good.”

Her fear melted, and she moaned, a purely feminine sound. “Oh, please! Please, Max.”

“Tell me what you want, and you can have it.” I just wanted her to ask for something for herself.

“Your lips. I want your lips.”

I pressed her legs wider and lowered my face until my hot breath beat against the slick swell of her cunt. “Right here?”

“I want to come.”

“In my mouth?”


My deep hungry grunt resounded through the room. I licked up the fine line of her center, tasting her true flavor and knowing I could spend hours with my mouth on her and still be insatiable.

Her hips kicked up as soon as my tongue made contact. Her fingers swept over my shoulders to find purchase in my hair.

I ate her like a delicacy, avoiding the bud of her clit until the thrust of her hips grew insistent. Then I went at her with every naughty trick I’d ever learned. My mouth sampling, my tongue massaging, my teeth nibbling. When I flicked around and around her soft little clit, twisting two fingers inside her, she almost jackknifed off the bed.

Then her back arched and her eyes fluttered.

A smile flew across her parted lips.

I kept plucking her clit in and out of my mouth, and somehow she swelled around me, her body blossoming, getting wetter, riding higher as I ate her with ferocity. Grunting and growling, leaving wet vibrations to roll through her pussy. I reached up and grasped her nipples, teasing with a firm grip before rasping my rough palms up and down the bright peaks. Then twisting them again.

With my mouth latched against her, I almost exploded when she came. The sight of her, her tits thrust up, her head thrown back, her heat and taste searing my senses . . .

Eventually she relaxed her grip on my hair, and her hands halfheartedly petted my shoulders.

Sweat glistened along her body, and her lips folded up in a half-smile of pure contentment.

My cock was a raging beast caged inside my jeans, but I ignored the throbbing monster.

Moving beside her, I slid my fingers up the center of her body, through her cleavage, watching chills follow in my wake until I leaned over her and kissed her so deeply our tongues meshed together.

“Feel good?”

“So good.” Her soft shimmering silver eyes drifted open, and her hands coasted along my chest. “What about you?”


She laughed, a startlingly seductive sound. “I wonder if I should help with that?”

Her fingers wandered toward the bulging front of my jeans, leaving a trail of fire behind.

Once more I grasped her wrist. “I wish you’d lose the wig first though.”

Her face immediately flushed brighter, and her hand flew to her hair.

Rie Warren's books