Monday (Timeless Teaser)

“You found someone better?” The hurt was in her voice.

I didn’t understand my feelings for Francesca. I had no idea what was going on or why everything was changing. All I knew was sleeping with Jessica would be wrong. And I didn’t want to anyway. “I guess you could say that.”

Hatred moved into her eyes. “You’re such a pig.”

“And you’re a slut. So what?”

She slapped me across the face.

I moved with the hit but didn’t feel anything. “Are you done?”

She looked like she wanted to slap me again.

“Go before I throw you out.” I moved my hand to her lower back and gave her a gentle push over the threshold.

She turned around and looked like she was about to throw a hissy fit. “You’re such a—”

I shut the door in her face and locked it. Then I went back to my room and finished what I was doing—my thoughts still on Francesca.


Francesca came out of the house wearing black leggings, boots, and a loose fitting sweater. Her legs looked long and lean, and I wished her sweater wasn’t covering her ass so I could see how that looked too. She had two bags with her.

“My sister always over-packs.” Axel got out of the passenger seat of the car. “We’re only going to be there for a week. How much shit do you need?”

“I’ve got another bag inside.” Francesca ignored her brother’s insults. “Why don’t you grab it?”

“Another bag?” he asked incredulously.

I got out of the truck then grabbed Francesca’s things from her and placed them into the bed of my truck. “Grab the last one, Axel.”

He released an irritated sigh then walked into the house.

Francesca’s hair was curled and it trailed down her chest. “How do you get him to do that?”

“Do what?”

“Listen to you.”

I shrugged. “He knows I can take him.”

She chuckled and shook her head slightly.

“You look cute.” I blurted that out without thinking. I did stuff like that all the time. When it came to her, I didn’t need a filter. I could say pretty much anything and she would take it without offense.

“Thanks. You look cute too.”

“Cute?” What kind of compliment was that?

She shrugged with a playful smile on her face. “What? You do.”

Whenever I saw her, I wanted to hug her. It was a natural compulsion I was struggling to understand. Even when I didn’t see her for a few hours, I wanted to do it the moment I saw her again. I kept my hands to myself because her brother was around. But even if he wasn’t there, I would probably keep my hands to myself anyway.

Axel came out of the house with the last bag. “Dude, when did Marie get hot?”

“Marie has always been hot,” Francesca said.

Axel tossed her bag into the back.

“Hey!” She slapped his arm. “My hairdryer is in there.”

“Whatever,” he said. “Yaya will let you borrow hers if it’s broken.”

“Ugh, I hate you sometimes.”

“Wow,” he said sarcastically. “I hate you all the time.”

“Merry Christmas,” I said sarcastically.

“Now back to Marie,” Axel said. “Is she single?”

“She’s not your type,” Francesca said automatically.

“Not my type?” Axel asked incredulously. “She’s hot. Yes, she is my type.”

“She’s not some girl you can bang and never call again,” Francesca argued. “She’s my best friend. I’m not letting you anywhere near her.”

“Come on,” Axel said. “I can tell she’s—”

“I’ll slap you,” Francesca threatened. “And you know I have a good arm.”

Axel dropped his last sentence. “Tell her to call me if she wants a good time.”

“No.” Francesca headed to the truck and got into the passenger seat.

“What the hell?” Axel asked. “I called shotgun.”

“No, you didn’t,” she argued.

I tried not to laugh at their bickering.

“Get the hell out,” Axel said. “I’m sitting there.”

“Nope.” Francesca put on her safety belt.

“You’re such a brat,” Axel snapped.

“Leave her be,” I said. “I’d rather listen to her silence than your running mouth the whole way.”

Francesca stuck her tongue out at Axel.

Axel glared at her then got into the back.

I got into the driver’s seat then started the engine. “Try to get along. It’s Christmas.”

“I hate her,” Axel said.

“I hate him more,” Francesca said.

“And I hate both of you right now.”


The house was blanketed in snow and so were the surrounding trees. Smoke rose from the chimney, and the lights from within the house made it look like it was glowing. It was a safe haven out in the middle of nowhere.

After we got inside, Yaya greeted us like she’d never been so happy. Having all of us in her home was the best Christmas gift of all. And like I expected, she hugged me and made me feel like part of the family.

“You’re such a handsome boy.” She cupped my face then kissed me on the cheek.

“What about me?” Axel asked. “Aren’t I handsome?”

“You’re definitely a boy,” I jabbed.

Yaya laughed then kissed Axel on the cheek. “You’re very handsome too, dear.”

E. L. Todd's books