Monday (Timeless Teaser)

“No, thank you.”

When she finished half her plate, she pushed it away. “Damn, I’ll never eat again.” She placed one hand on her stomach like she was full.


“Well…not for another hour at least.”

I chuckled. “Never and an hour are very different.”

“You eat everything like a bear. It’s not fair.”

“I work out. You can too.”

“Does it look like I have time for that?”

She was lucky her body was perfect and she didn’t have to do anything to achieve it. “When you run your own bakery, you’ll be on your feet all day long. Then you won’t need to work out.”

“But I’ll be eating everything in sight.”

“You’ll still be just as sexy.” I looked her in the eye as I said it because I wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

She averted her gaze like she was uncomfortable—or warm.

The check arrived and I immediately slipped the cash inside.

Francesca grabbed it. “Why don’t we split it for once?”

“No.” I snatched it back and handed it to the waitress. “I don’t need any change. Thank you.”

Francesca glared at me when the waitress walked away. “Why are you so annoying?”

“Annoying?” I asked with amusement. “Why are you so ungrateful?”

“I’m not ungrateful—”

“Just say thank you and let it go.”

She pressed her lips tightly together.

“Is it really that hard for you to say?” I tried not to laugh. She was cute when she was stubborn.

“I don’t need anyone to pay for my things.”

“I’m aware of that. But I’m a gentleman and I like to pay for things.”

“A gentleman?” She practically laughed as she said it. “You?”

Gentleman was the last thing I was. I was a dick to every woman I encountered. I treated them like dirt and used them just to get what I wanted. Compassion and empathy weren’t in my blood. I was definitely the type of guy no man wanted for their daughter. I was dark, cold, and dangerous. “I am with you.”


I lay in bed as my hard dick rested against my stomach. I hadn’t had sex in a long time, and my body wasn’t used to the sudden withdrawals. Anytime the depression consumed me, I went out and picked up a girl from a bar. Or I called one of my regulars. But now I went to Francesca’s house and slept with her.

Feeling her body pressed to mine brought the sensual part of me to life. My body ached to be with hers. I’d already kissed her and it was the best I’ve ever had. When I felt her tits with my hands, they were soft and firm. I wanted to watch them shake while I fucked her. She turned me on in a way I’ve never been before.

I never jerked off because I preferred the real thing. But I was horny and it was late at night. All I had to do was call up one of my booty calls and they would be there in a flash. But I didn’t want that.

I pulled my Vaseline out and went to town on myself. Francesca was on my mind, and I didn’t feel guilty about it. But my fantasy surprised me. It wasn’t carnal or aggressive. It was sensual and slow. I imagined feeling every part of her, taking it slow and not hurrying to the finish line. Instead of imagining how her ass looked, I focused on kissing her. Instead of giving it to her as hard as I could, I focused on how good I made her feel.

It was completely different than what I was usually into.

There was a loud knock on the door and I stopped what I was doing. Who would stop by at this time of night? My heart leapt in hope when I realized it must be Francesca.

I shoved everything into my nightstand and pulled my boxers on. I didn’t bother putting on anything else because she’d already seen me this way. When I headed down the hallway, I practically ran. It was usually me coming to her but this time it had been reversed.

I opened the door to the frigid air but froze when I realized it wasn’t Francesca. It was Jessica. She wore a trench coat and heels. I had a strong suspicion there was nothing underneath.

“It’s been a while.” She slowly stepped over the threshold and opened her jacket. A black bra and thong were the only things she wore. “And I’ve missed you.”

Jessica was one of the few girls I bedded on a regular basis because she was good in the sack. She knew I was unavailable and only interested in using her. But she was using me too so it worked out.

But I didn’t feel anything.

She pressed her body to mine and immediately moved in to kiss me.

I pushed her back. “No.”

She looked like she’d been slapped. “No?” She said it like she didn’t understand the word. “Sorry?”

I stayed a few feet back. “Don’t call me anymore.” I held open the door and waited for her to leave.

“What?” Jessica left her coat unbuttoned in confusion. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing,” I said. “I’m just not interested anymore.”

“And why not?” She put one hand on her hip.

“I’m just not. Please leave.” I pointed to the doorway.

E. L. Todd's books