Monday (Timeless Teaser)

“I say we take them back to a hotel room and share them. We haven’t done that in a long time.”

My eyes moved to the window, and I watched the cars drive by.

Axel checked his t-shirt for wrinkles then looked at me. “Want to head over at the same time? Or should we go one at a time so it doesn’t seem like we’re bombarding them?”

I didn’t want anything to do with this. “I’m not feeling it tonight. You go.”

Axel was about to take a drink but stopped himself. “What did you say?”

“Go on without me. You’ll have a good time.”

“Dude, they’re really hot. You haven’t even looked.”

“You know you don’t need me. You’ve been with two women before.” I took a drink to cover the irritation on my face.

“Are you being serious right now?” He stared at me like I was a Martian. “When did you start turning down an easy lay?”

“I’m just not in the mood tonight. You don’t need me anyway.”

Axel’s eyes narrowed on my face in suspicion. “Okay…what’s going on?”

“Nothing,” I snapped. “Does there have to be something wrong with me just because I don’t want to fuck two girls tonight?”

“For you, yeah,” he said bluntly.

I used to fuck anything that moved. It was the solution to all my pain. I buried myself in someone else because it was a strong enough distraction. It pleased me and brought me some happiness…even if it was only temporary. But I hadn’t done that in a while. In fact…I couldn’t remember the last time I had. “You don’t need me to get laid, Axel.”

“I’m aware of that. But it’s fun when we swap.”

“The answer is still no.” How much firmer could I be?

Axel leaned back in the booth with a defeated look on his face. “Are you seeing someone?”

Francesca’s face appeared in my mind. She was the only girl I ever thought about, and not in a sexual way. I used to want to fuck her senseless but now…I thought about her in a whole new light. “No.”

“You have to be. Why else would you act this way?”

I was cornered with nowhere to go. “I’m talking to someone. It’s nothing serious.”

“But serious enough to keep your dick in your pants?”

I drank my beer.

“Who is she?”

“You don’t know her.”

“Do we work with her?”

“I just said you didn’t know her,” I snapped.

“Why won’t you tell me?”

“Because it’s not serious. It’s just…I’m not sure.”

Axel shook his head slightly. “I just…can’t picture you as the monogamous type. You’re such a dick all the time.”

I couldn’t picture it either. “We’ll see where it goes. For now, I’m not interested in crashing a hotel room.”

He chuckled to himself. “Damn, this girl must be hot.”

Beautiful was a better description.

“You got a picture?”

“No.” Axel would come after me with a hatchet if he knew about my feelings toward his sister. And I wouldn’t blame him.

“Well, film her and let me see.”

I shot him a glare.

He laughed again. “Possessive…another new side of you.”

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” I looked out the window and severed eye contact.

“Well…” Axel turned his gaze on the two girls. “I’m untamed, and I’m going to enjoy it.” He slid out of the booth and left his beer behind.

I stayed in my spot and looked out the window. The streets were wet, and the night sky was blanketed with clouds. Not a single star could be seen. I was in a room full of people but I felt alone. All I wanted to do was find Francesca.

And never let go.


“Your brother invited me to spend Christmas with you.” We were sitting in a diner a few blocks from the beach.

“He did?” She put down her sandwich and gave me a heart-warming smile. “Good. I thought he would.”

“Should I bring anything?”

“No.” She released a quick laugh. “There will be too much food as it is.”

I was excited to enjoy her cooking for a week. But I was more excited to see her every single day of the holidays. She was the only thing that drove my depression away. The second she was gone, it came back in full force.

“There’s snow up there, so we’ll probably go skiing. Have you ever been?”

“No.” I missed out on all the family activities everyone else did.

“I’ll teach you. I’m pretty good.”

“Yeah?” An amused grin broke out on my face. “You don’t fall on that beautiful ass of yours?”

“Not often. But when I do, I’m really sore.”

“I’ll rub it for you.” I gave her a cocky grin.

“I’m sure you will.” She rolled her eyes dramatically then returned to eating her sandwich.

“Are you excited the semester is almost over?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” She released a heavy sigh. “I hate school. It’s stupid.”

“It’s stupid?” I asked with a laugh. “It’s the best investment you’ll ever make.”

“Yeah, whatever.” She wiped her mouth with a napkin. “But why do they have to make it so expensive and boring?”

I shrugged. “You got me there.”

She picked at her fries and ate slowly. She was one of the slowest eaters I’d ever met. “You want some?”

E. L. Todd's books