Live Me

My eyes sought out the door for the umpteenth time at the very moment a familiar silhouette filled its frame. A slow smile spread across my lips as I let out a huge breath of air. My body relaxed and a sense of comfort encased me like a warm blanket. It was as though I’d been walking around without a limb all night. I sprung to life in that instant, feeling my missing piece return.

Blake’s eyes locked on mine and we stilled at the sight of one another. We drifted toward each other like magnets drawn to an opposite pole. He sauntered over to the end of the bar and took his standard post, where I knew he’d be keeping his eye on me for the remainder of the night. I wasn’t going to admit to anyone how much I liked that—feeling his eyes on me, his sights seeming as though they were lying on my skin, touching me. Feeling protected—safe.

Clad in faded denim jeans and a baby blue button down that accentuated his eyes, the top two buttons were left open, exposing a slice of his perfectly smooth, tanned chest and the v-shape it created right below his neck. I wanted to explore that whole valley with my tongue. Dip in and out of it and swipe across the broad spectrum, nibbling the bones that housed it. On its own accord, my tongue flicked out to wet my lips.

He seemed to be evaluating me and my response as he took the seat I now thought of as his.

“Hey,” I breathed, my cheeks warm from my inappropriate thoughts. We didn’t leave on the best of terms to say the least, so I knew this would be a bit awkward.

“Hi,” he responded. Curt, and unsure of me, but still polite.

“Thank you for the flowers. They’re lovely.” I scratched my nail along the smooth surface of the bar.

“Glad you liked them.” His smile didn’t quite touch his eyes, but I could tell he was beginning to soften.

I rubbed my palms up and down my thighs to rid them of the sweat lining them, and bit my lower lip. I needed this off my chest. “Blake, listen, I’m sorry about the way I reacted last night. You didn’t do anything wrong—”

He put a hand up, halting me. “Not the time. You can tell me all about it later.” Good to see we were still tossing that bone back and forth.

“Fair enough. So, what can I get you?” I reached between the bottles and grabbed the Stoli Razz and Seven I’d hidden there earlier. I took a sip, trying to quench the dry mouth my nerves had created.

The corner of Blake’s mouth twitched as he tried to keep his expression serious. “A blow job please.”

A gush of liquid flew out of my mouth, my hand rushing up to try to catch it. The stream narrowly escaped hitting a patron in the face, who looked at me in horror and decided to vacate his seat.

Son of a bitch. I forgot how loaded of a question that was for his smart mouth.

“Excuse me?” I croaked, the vodka burning the inside of my nose and the back of my throat, causing my eyes to glaze over.

“A blow job. Shot glass . . . Baileys . . . amaretto . . .” he dragged out as if he was stating the obvious.

“Oh,” I coughed out.

“Call your friends over. I’ll buy a round. It’s time I get to know them a little better.”

“Hey, Jes,” I choke-shouted. “Grab Sandra and lover boy and come on over with Rick. Blake here wants to buy you guys a shot.”

Still leaning all the way over the bar, she tore her gaze away from Rick, but left her hands clasped in his. “’Kay.”

“What’s up, bro?” Eric slipped into the seat beside Blake, slapping him on the back. I hadn’t seen him come in.

“Just in time.” Blake beamed. “You in the mood for a blow job?”

“Music to my ears. It’s been a while since I had a good blow job, and if it’s coming from this fine lady,” he gestured to me with a smirk, “I’m sure it’s going to be good enough to make my knees weak.” Eric winked.

I looked at him with disgust. “Don’t get cute.”

“Too late, sweetheart. I’m as cute as a button, wouldn’t you agree?” His eyes twinkled with amusement. I needed to learn how to put up with him if I was planning on keeping Blake around. Awesome.

Squinting my eyes, I pointed my finger at him, opening my mouth to spit out a witty comeback when Blake sent his palm into Eric’s chest. “Back off this one.” He wasn’t kidding and his face held no room for misinterpretation.

“Take it down a notch, bro,” Eric defended himself. “I was only joking. I know this one’s yours. She’s just so easy to mess with.” He turned his mint green eyes back on me. “You forgive me, don’t you, sweetheart?” He smiled his flashy smile.

“Only if you stop calling me sweetheart.” I flashed a set of sarcastic pearly whites.

“Sure thing, Angel.” His eyes glowed with excitement at his goading.

“Don’t push me, dude.” Blake’s face turned red, the veins in his neck visible.

He raised his palms. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Eva. That good?”

“There you go.” I patted Eric’s forearm, condescending, and got back to business. By the time I returned, all was well, and Blake and Eric were laughing like nothing had ever transpired between them.

I poured the liquid that made up the dirty shot, topped it off with some whipped cream, and lined them across the bar. Jessie came bouncing over with Sandra and Jeremy, and Rick stood next to me behind the bar.

Celeste Grande's books