Live Me

“Bad.” I settled myself closer, fingering his arm. “More than anything I’ve ever wanted. My mouth waters for it. My body aches for it. If I don’t get it soon, I think I’ll die.” I let my eyes settle on his mouth and then trapped my lip between my teeth. I could play the double meaning game too.

He began to peel the paper down each side, taking his time. “That bad, huh? Sounds pretty serious. It must mean more to you than you let on.” He looked up at me through his long lashes.

“It does. It means . . . everything to me.” Though I wasn’t sure how or why, I genuinely meant those words and I needed to get my point across.

He dragged his finger through the icing once more and brought his finger to my lips, tracing the salivating circle. My tongue slithered to one corner and followed the same path he’d just taken. His eyes widened, not expecting my boldness. Hell, I wasn’t expecting my boldness but it felt good and I wanted to test the normal waters for a change.

“Sure you can handle this?” I said through shortened breath.

Mouth tipped in a cocky grin, he grabbed my finger, dipped it into the icing and brought it to his parted lips. His eyes seared into mine as he flicked his tongue over the tip, and I gasped. Slowly, he licked the inside of my finger clean. I squirmed, feeling each swipe between my legs. He made a circle around the top before pushing it inside his mouth.

I almost fell off the couch.

Oh. My. God.

His tongue was warm and soft, curling around me. Lost in his ministrations, I wanted to feel it everywhere. A tremor followed my exhale.

His voice was husky. “You taste delicious. I’ll bet every inch of you tastes just as sweet.” And then he nipped the tip of my finger with his teeth.

I swallowed the moisture pooling in my mouth. How I wished he would find out whether or not that was true.

He broke off a piece of the cake at the bottom, containing the rich frosting in the middle and held it close to my lips. “Take a lick.” Though it held no threat, his tone left no room for disobedience.

Letting myself enjoy this, I dragged my tongue up the center of the cupcake, and his eyes blazed with desire, his pupils dilating. He put the cake to my lips, and I took it inside my mouth.

Following its path, he slid his thumb inside my mouth as he breathed in ecstasy, “Beautiful.”

Immediately, my walls slammed down, reinforcing my icy fortress. My eyes widened in horror, and I snapped my head back as I was propelled into a different time and place. Remembering the fear, the panic, the disgust.

I scrambled to the opposite end of the couch and blanketed myself with my arms. “Get out.”

“What?” His breathing was still labored while shock engulfed his features.

“You heard me. Get. Out. Get out now!” I was in full panic mode.

He reached for me. “What did I do?”

I recoiled from him. “Don’t touch me. Don’t you dare put your hands on me. You’re just like him.”

“Just like who? Tell me what I did!” He looked desperate. He didn’t understand. Logically, I knew he couldn’t possibly, but there was no reasoning with my emotions right now.

“Just. Leave. Me. Alone—Go!”

He set what was left of the cupcake on the coffee table. With a frustrated but calm voice, he leveled his eyes on me. “This is number two, Angel. Your second bug out. I’ll go because I can tell that’s what you need right now. But when you calm down and come to your senses, you’re going to have to explain to me what it is exactly that I did so it doesn’t happen again. And, by the way, I don’t know who the him is you’re referring to, but I would never hurt you. Remember that.” Without another word, he stood and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

I flinched at the abruptness. The half-eaten cupcake lying in front of me only fueled my anger. Tonight had gone from great to disastrous and it was all my fucking fault. I screamed, tears flooding my eyes as I hurled the damn cupcake as hard as I could at the door Blake had just retreated from. Pieces of cake exploded, crumbling into scattered pieces, much like my insides.

“You fucking psychopath. What is wrong with you!” I screamed out loud, watching the icing drip down the door.

You did it again.

I pummeled my legs with my fists before throwing myself into the cushions and crying myself into oblivion.

I awoke the next morning in a blanket of anger and dread. How had I let myself react that way? And worse, I’d accused him of being just like him. Flipping out and making him leave was bad enough, but now he’d surely know I was hiding something.

Groaning, I rolled myself off the couch and into the shower. I closed my eyes as I rested my forehead against the tiles, letting the water cascade over my slumped form. Memories from yesterday invaded my thoughts, and I tried my best to push them away. My body seemed to be getting lighter as I allowed the water to cleanse not only my physical being, but my soul as well.

This too shall pass . . . right?

Shirt over head, mascara to lashes, blush to cheeks. I went through the motions of getting ready in a zombie-like state.

Celeste Grande's books