Live Me

“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t forget yours now.” Blake winked a beautifully mischievous eye.

I rolled my eyes and turned to grab the bottles again but was handed a shot overflowing with whipped cream. Rick was far ahead of me.

“Thanks,” I said unenthusiastically, turning back around. “Okay, guys. Who’d like a blow job?” I teased.

“A what?” Jessie cried. Her hand came up to cover her chest, shocked at my audacity. “Eva!”

“What?” I laughed. “Blake here wants a blow job and thinks you would all like one too, so drink up.” I raised the glass to my lips when Blake’s hand shot out to cover the glass before I could guzzle it.

“Oh, no you don’t, babe. Not so fast.” The corner of his mouth tilted up. “I told you, there’s certain ways you have to go about consuming things.”

My cheeks caught fire as I remembered the last thing he showed me how to consume. I didn’t want to do it again in front of an audience. He applied pressure to my hand, forcing the glass back down.

“Everybody ready?” Blake looked around.

Seeming to know more than the rest of us, Rick’s face split into an enormous grin.

I hated them both.

“Everyone put your hands behind your back.” He moved his arms behind himself and looked around, waiting for everyone to follow. Rick and Eric, enjoying every second of Blake’s show, were next to join in.

Jessie, then Jeremy, then finally Sandra, followed suit. I looked around at them in amazement as they all stared at me, waiting for me to comply.

“Oh, hell,” I threw my arms behind my back and stuck my tongue in my teeth, giving Blake a look that said you happy now.

His smile told me he was delighted. “Now, lean forward and put your mouth around the glass. Pick it up, drop your head back, and swallow. On the count of three. One . . .” His eyes locked with mine. “Two . . .” I looked around at everyone gearing up to dip their heads. Were we really doing this? “Three!”

Everyone’s heads leaned forward, and their mouths circled around their glasses.

We were really doing this.

Blake lifted his eyes to me, keeping his head low.

“We’re waiting.”

With a scowl, I lowered my head to the fluffy-filled glass and encased it with my mouth. One by one, each of us shot up, drinking down our share. White froth lined all of our mouths. I rushed to wipe mine away with the back of my hand, feeling dirty, and like everyone was seeing something private, even though in reality it was just whipped cream.

Washing his away, Blake licked the full circle of his lips, his tongue leaving a glistening trail in its wake. Reaching across the bar, he wiped a stray piece of cream from the corner of my lips, and then stuck his finger in his mouth, licking it off. He closed his eyes as my taste invaded his senses. My belly clenched at the intimateness of the gesture.

“Oh my god, that was so good.” Jessie fanned herself. “I think I’m turned on.”

“Jessie!” Sandra nudged her.

“Now there’ll be none of that talk.” The humor was gone in Rick’s voice as he leveled his gaze at her.

“Why?” Her eyes challenged him. “It’s not like you’re interested anyway. I’m not dead. I can get turned on, and I can find a guy to take care of it for me if I want to.” Jessie puffed out her chest. “As a matter of fact,” she slipped her arm around Eric’s middle, “there seems to be quite the delicious selection tonight. What do you say, cute stuff? Wanna show me a good time?”

“Jessie,” Rick warned, narrowing his eyes.

“Rick,” she shot back in the same warning tone.

Oh boy. She wasn’t playing. And she wasn’t backing down, either. Good for her. Maybe this needed to come to a head.

Eric put his hands up. “You’re cute, sweetie, but something tells me I should stay out of this one.” Slipping out from under Jessie’s arm, he said, “Oh, would you look at that, I think I see an old girlfriend of mine. Catch you guys later.”

Still noticeably livid, Rick glowered at Jessie. “We’ll talk about this later.”

“Maybe we will, maybe we won’t.” She glanced in my direction, hands crossed over her chest. “Eva, I’d like another one of those please.”

I looked over at Rick for a cue. It was his bar, after all, and he was my boss.

With his disapproving glare pinned on her, his voice could cut ice. “Go ahead. Give it to her. Let her have her fun.”

“Thank you.” She stuck out her chin like a rebellious child.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but then a look of disappointment washed over him, and he turned and walked away.

She kept her tough stance, not budging as I made her drink, but her eyes betrayed her. I knew that took more out of her than she let on.

Celeste Grande's books