Live Me

I slid the glass to her and leaned forward, talking as low as the atmosphere would allow to retain some form of privacy. “You okay, sweets?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Jessie took a steadying breath, waved her hand in a dismissive fashion, then spit out, “Fuck ’em. I’m gonna have a good time. It’s his loss.” She tossed her head back, downing the shot. Then she looked to the end of the bar and made eye contact with Rick as her tongue darted out to lick the cream from her lips.

Well, this was a whole different kind of Jessie.

“Come on, Eva,” she said, still looking at him. “Give us all one more round—on me.”

Rick shook his head and turned his back to pay attention to the other customers.

Before I knew it, the place was clearing out and it was time to wind down. Jessie left without saying goodbye to Rick, and Sandra and Jeremy followed behind her to make sure she got home safely. I hadn’t kept tabs on Eric, but my guess was he hadn’t left empty-handed.

Blake tossed a twenty dollar bill on the bar. “I’ll wait for you outside.”

I nodded and made quick work of cleaning up and counting the drawer.

I eyed Rick. “I don’t know what that was all about, but she really likes you, ya know? It would be a shame to let a good thing slip away. I can tell you’re a decent guy, and I’m sure you could do far worse.”

Rick looked over at me as if I’d broken him out of a trance. I put up my hands. “Just an observation.” With that, I slung my bag over my shoulder. “Night, Rick.”

“Night, Eva. Get home safe,” he replied catatonically. “Oh, and Eva . . .”

I twirled around. “Yeah?”

“I could say the same to you.” He cocked an eyebrow at me.

I paused, briefly taken aback. Not knowing how to answer, I simply nodded, ducked my head, and walked out of the bar. Shaking that off, I smiled up at Blake and slipped my hand into his. “Come on, Romeo. Walk me home.”

“If you insist.” His dimple smiled down at me, and I wondered for the hundredth time what that divot would feel like beneath my fingertips.

I looked down at my feet, biting my lip and trying to figure out how to start the conversation, planning out the words in my head before I lost the nerve. “About last night . . . It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known what you did. I thought about what you said and it made sense. If we’re going to be spending time together—and based on the fact you just won’t go away, I suspect we will—then you’re going to have to be aware of some of my,” I gulped, “triggers.”

There. That’s a good word.

“I’m all ears.” Blake kept his focus straight ahead, knowing this wouldn’t be easy for me.

I couldn’t believe I was about to admit this to him and give him a glimpse inside my world. “The word beautiful.” I shivered involuntarily just saying it now. “Though I appreciate the sentiment, and I’ve tried to push past it—trigger.” I was keeping things honest, yet simple.

He glanced down briefly at me and I continued. “Putting your thumb in my mouth—yes, sexy as all hell, and yes, you taste delicious, but—trigger.”

He still looked concerned, but the corner of his mouth twitched.

“Both of them together, well, you witnessed that one firsthand.” I peered up at him and braced myself for the look one gives when they’re in the presence of a crazy person. I mean, who goes berserk when a guy calls them beautiful? This psycho, that’s who.

Instead, a broad smile stretched the spectrum of his perfect features, and his dimple winked at me. “You think I taste delicious, huh?”

“What? I . . . um . . .” Oh my god, I did say that, didn’t I?

“It’s okay, I think you’re pretty scrumptious yourself.” He chuckled. “Don’t be embarrassed. I’m flattered. And glad you finally admitted you feel something too for a change. I was beginning to get a complex.”

I blinked at him. That hadn’t gone at all like I pictured. “Yeah, so um, anyway, now you know. Steer clear of those things, and we should be okay.”

“Noted. Thanks for the heads up. And you’re forgiven.” He squeezed my hand. “But now you owe me a cupcake. Those bad boys are not meant to be wasted. Your punishment for the way you reacted will commence upon the next lesson on how to eat them.” His eyes blazed, dripping with humor and promise. And again he’d managed to evoke the little sexy-place tingle that let me know I was alive, sending a buzzing thrum that started in my most intimate parts and traveled throughout my entire body.

Celeste Grande's books