Live Me

“A s-slippery nipple?” I stutter now? I bit down on my bottom lip, hard.

His grin got even broader. “Yes, extra wet. I just love a wet, slippery nipple. My mouth waters just thinking about it.” Blake let out a noticeable shiver. “Oh, and a cherry on top. Please.” He licked his lips, and my eyes instinctively followed his tongue.

God help me.

I exhaled the breath caught in my throat. “One extra wet slippery nipple coming right up.”

With shaky hands, I managed to keep the two different liquids separate in the shot glass. I deserved props. I topped it off with a cherry, knowing I’d probably regret it. I should have just said we didn’t have any.

I placed the horny glass in front of him. Staring at me, he extended his index finger, and lightly traced circles around the rim. I swallowed deep, my eyes trained on that finger. And those hands. Even they were gorgeous. I had a thing for hands. Weird, yes, but a thing nevertheless. Blake’s were strong, his nails well kept. Tight, tanned, skin-covered, thick veins.


Now I was picturing what they would look like gliding over my ivory colored skin.


“Thank you,” Blake said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

“You’re welcome. I hope I did it to your liking.”

“Oh, you did it just right.” He winked.

I knew I should get back to work, but apparently my feet were cemented to the floor.

Carefully, he picked up the cherry by the stem, twirled it around, and placed the tantalizing fruit between his teeth, eyes still glittering into mine. He did a short tug, freeing it into his mouth. I gasped. I wasn’t sure which would taste better, but I’d bet the combination was mouthwatering.

Swirling the ball of fruit over his taste buds, he closed his eyes and groaned out a noise equivalent to an orgasm. Moisture pooled between my legs, and I found myself gripping the edge of the bar for support. That was the most erotic noise I’d ever heard, and I wondered what it would feel like to drown it out with my mouth.

When Blake opened his eyes, they were electric. His gaze flitted to the lip I had clasped between my teeth, and the corner of his mouth tilted up. In one drawn-out motion, he opened his mouth and slid out his tongue, still red with the juice of the cherry he’d just fucked, and placed the stem on its tip. He curled his tongue around it and pulled it inside.

I watched him assault that stem, doing god only knows what. Rolling, flicking, sucking. Each movement feeling like it was me gyrating around his tongue. I was one flick away from going into convulsions.

Moist lips parted as he pinched the end of the stem and revealed a perfectly tied knot. Twirling his victory between his fingers, those damn sexy fingers, he said, “You know what they say about a person who can tie a cherry stem in a knot in their mouth . . .”

Yeah, I knew what they said about that. I also knew I was turning into putty. My breathing was so erratic, I wondered if my brain was getting any oxygen at all.

He raised his glass to me and tipped his head back, gulping down the sweet liquid in one long swig. I watched his Adam’s apple ride his throat, and I ached to follow it with my tongue.

Blake licked the full circle of his lips and breathed out, “Now, that was one hell of a slippery nipple.”

And that’s when I fell on the floor.


I scrambled around, trying to find something, anything I could have been down here for.

The dollar! Yes!

Jumping to my feet, I waved the bill around like I’d found treasure. At least I was discreet about it.

My subconscious rolled her eyes at me. I don’t even know who you ARE anymore.

Blake lifted his chin and settled back in his chair with an exaggerated casualness.

Smug bastard.

I wanted to slap him, or kiss him, or slap him.


“You okay, Angel?” he asked through an arrogant chuckle.

“Couldn’t be better. Why?” That’s it, play it cool.

“Because you just dive-bombed that rubber padding on the floor, you haven’t blinked for about five minutes, and um . . .” He pointed to my head.

“What?” I spun around to look in the mirror behind the bottles, becoming instantly mortified. My hair was thrown upside down, coming over the top and then falling over the sides of my head, making me look more Afghan Hound and less beauty queen. I scrambled to put myself back together in every sense imaginable.

“A little help here, Eva.” Rick’s voice threw me back into reality. He didn’t look happy.

“Coming! Sorry.” I put the last strand in place and turned my attention back to Blake. Leaning over the bar, I hissed, “You’re going to get me fired.”

Unaffected, Blake leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head. His shirt rode up, revealing a sliver of bronze, toned skin with indents placed perfectly adjacent to his hipbones and, God forgive me, I loved that inch more than I should. I swallowed the puddle of saliva in my mouth with a long, hard gulp.

Celeste Grande's books