Live Me

I tried to shake it off and appear unaffected, my body feeling as though it was vibrating back over to Rick.

Blake sat there the rest of the night, watching my display, an inscrutable look on his face. I made him a few more drinks, careful not to linger too long.

When my shift ended, my eyes immediately sought out Blake. He was gone. He’d left without saying goodbye. All that remained was the twenty dollar tip he’d left hanging over the edge of the bar with his empty glass on top of it. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach. I cleared away the glass and threw the twenty into the oversized fishbowl. Trying to cover up my disappointment, I cheerfully turned to Rick. “So, how’d I do?”

He gleamed. “Phenomenal! Seriously, Eva. You were awesome. The job is yours. How’d you like it?”

“I loved it. I had such a good time, and we worked so well together, don’t ya think?”

“I couldn’t agree more. So what nights are you free?”

I beamed. “I’ll make myself free. You just say the word and I’m here.”

“Let’s start with Monday, Wednesday and Friday for now. Deal?”


We shook on it and I was elated. I plucked my cell from my bag to text Jes as I walked out the door.

Me: I so owe you a months worth of pedicures. I got the job! Rick’s great and I couldn’t be happier. Thanks, girl!

My fingers worked quick as I walked absentmindedly. Smiling, I slid my phone back into my bag. When I looked up, my steps halted. Blake’s magnificent form was only a few feet away, illuminated under a streetlight. He was standing how he normally did—leaning against the side of the building, one foot perched behind him, pieces of his silky hair falling into his eyes.

God, the man was gorgeous.

I approached him the way you would a butterfly you didn’t want to fly away. “Hey, I thought you’d left without saying goodbye.” I gave a flirty little pout.

Stupid shots!

One corner of his mouth tipped up. “Come on now. Would I do that?”

A smile crept up my lips. “No, I guess not.”

“So, how’d it go?”

“So great! I got the job. I start tomorrow. I guess studying will have to wait again.”

He gave a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. The faintest look of something short of distress flickered there instead.

I didn’t like that smile.

“I can always help you study, you know.”

“Really? You would do that for me?”

Blake rolled his eyes. “Angel, I’m starting to think there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for you at this point.”

I didn’t know what to do with that. Blushing, I tucked my hair behind my ear and ducked my head. “Thanks. Well, I guess I’ll see you around campus then?”

“Uh-uh. I’m walking you home. You didn’t think I was letting you walk alone this time of night, did you? I didn’t just stand here to hold this wall up.” He pushed off the side of the building, landing nearly chest to chest with me.

I fought the urge to step forward, while at the same time fighting the urge to step back. Friggin’ head case.

“Lead the way.” He enveloped my hand, and we began to walk toward my apartment.

We had such a nice, easy stroll, you’d think it was the middle of the afternoon. I was so comfortable with him; it was like we’d known each other for years. We talked easily and somehow he managed to get me to open up. Every time I was with him, I felt like I could actually be myself. It’d been so many years since I’d done that, I thought I’d forgotten how.

Rounding the corner, my building came into view. I hadn’t considered he would wind up knowing where I lived. Too late now.

We reached my front door, both dragging our feet, prolonging the inevitable.

I looked at my toes, my voice small as I said, “Hey, Blake?”

“Yeah, Angel.”

I peeked up at him. “I’m glad you waited.”

A slow smile swept across his lips. I wondered if he realized he was chewing away at my resolve. “Ditto. Actually, gimme your phone.”

“For what?”

“Stop being so difficult all the time. Can you do that? I want to give you my number in case I’m ever not here on the nights you’re working and you have a problem. That okay?” He reached out his hand, waiting.

I considered what he’d said a moment and the fact this would put us one step closer before fishing my phone from my bag and placing it in his waiting palm. His fingers made quick work of the buttons and with a smirk he passed it back to me. When our hands met, he wrapped his around mine and tugged me in.

He hesitated a moment, watching my eyes for trepidation with every descending inch.

Celeste Grande's books