Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

Meredith gives me a careful once-over, spending extra time on my face. Then she turns to Eden and practically purrs, “This one is totally hot. Very good choice to get over Brad.”

Even though Eden rolls her eyes, instantly dismissing this woman’s claim that I’m just helping her get through a rough patch or some shit, my spine stiffens. Is that what people are thinking when they see us together? Is that what every photographer was doing as they snapped pictures? Comparing me to Brad Wright? Thinking I’m a temporary bed warmer?

Okay, granted…that was our original agreement.

Rebound sex.

But it’s so not that anymore. Our relationship still has an expiration date, but I want to tell this woman that I know Eden far better than she ever could, and I’m much more than just a hot dude.

And fuck, I’m pissed that this grates on my nerves.

I stand patiently beside Eden as she makes small talk with Meredith, and then several others approach. All attention is on Eden and I’m barely given a second look after I get the once-over. Not one single person I’m introduced to asks me a question about myself.

Instead, I listen in on Eden’s conversations, which shocks me to my core as to how shallow they are.

Eden, did you know that Bobbi Flynn got passed over for Midnight Ship and they’re offering it to Kennedy Caesar? They say it’s because Bobbi’s hooked on heroin again, but I heard from Grant, who heard from Liza that wasn’t true. It was just an addiction to sleeping pills.

About the only positive thing I can say about this experience so far is that Eden doesn’t seem to get sucked into these conversations. She smiles, she listens, and she empathizes, but she doesn’t postulate or add to any of the speculation. Still, it’s driving me batshit crazy to sit here in this penguin suit like I’m invisible and listen to this inane mockery of conversation.

Finally, I’m granted a reprieve, and it’s a special one at that when someone escorts a young man toward Eden. He’s tall, lanky, and his skin is dark as midnight. I smile when I see him tug uncomfortably on the neckline of his shirt and he looks about at home in a tuxedo as I do.

When Eden’s eyes land on the boy I can only assume is Samuel, she gives a soft, “I’m sorry…if you’ll excuse me,” to some movie producer she was talking to and practically runs up to Samuel. His smile gets big, matches the breadth of hers, and they lock in a tight hug where they rock back and forth. Warmth spreads throughout my chest watching this reunion, and I wait patiently for them to have their moment.

When Eden pulls back, my body goes still to see tears in her eyes until I realize they are happy ones, and my chest gets warmer when she takes Samuel by the hand and leads him directly to me for introduction.

“Samuel,” Eden says as she puts her arm around his shoulders and her other hand on my arm. “This is Coop. A very close and dear friend of mine for many, many years.”

I don’t begrudge her calling me a friend and not her lover, since the kid’s only fifteen. I grin at the boy and hold my hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Samuel. I’ve heard a lot about you from Eden.”

Samuel gives a side look to Eden then looks back to me with a grin. His accent is distinctly African, but his words are crisp and confident. “Did she tell you about the time we put a fake spider in her bed the first night she was in Ghana?”

Laughing, I squeeze Samuel’s hand before I release it. “Now that she didn’t tell me. I can’t wait to hear all about it.”

Eden just beams at the two of us, and now she’s in her element. Talking to two people she cares about. Talking about things that matter.

We chat with Samuel for a few minutes, but then he’s led away by someone who wants to show him how to enter the stage. He’s apparently going to be giving Eden her award, although he’ll be sitting at our table. In fact, the minute he leaves, Eden rearranges the place cards and puts Samuel between us.

Smiling, I pull Eden’s chair out for her and temporarily sit in Samuel’s. A waiter magically appears and we give drink orders. I look around briefly and survey the room. It’s opulent with heavy crystal chandeliers, expensive carpeting, and expensive flowers absolutely drenching the place. The china and silver on the table probably cost a fortune, and I’m betting all of the jewelry in this room could end hunger in the third world.

Bringing my gaze to Eden, I find her watching me expectantly. “What do you think so far?”

“Pretty lavish,” I tell her.

“This is nothing,” she says with a wave of her hand. “A very small affair.”

“It’s overwhelming,” I tell her honestly.

She nods and gives me an understanding smile. “Don’t feel bad. It took me years to get used to this stuff. Now it seems normal to me.”


And all that time she was alone getting used to this strange world.

“Samuel’s great,” I say, and her face lights up.

“Isn’t he?” she gushes. “He’s so damn smart and such a hard worker. I’m going to help him with a college visa and then pay for his education once he gets over here.”

Not even surprised. “You’re amazing. I’m really proud of you, baby. You’ve taken life by the horns and made it your bitch, and tonight you deserved to be honored for the great things you do.”

Eden laughs softly and leans in to kiss me. “My sweet, poetic man.”

“Seriously,” I tell her, taking her chin between my finger and thumb. “You’re amazing. No matter all that shit that happened with Brad and what people say, you are an incredible person with astounding accomplishments. You’re quite a woman, Eden Goodnight.”

I’m amused that this makes Eden blush. I feel terrible when she says, “Thank you for saying that. You’re the first person who’s really cared for me who has complimented what I do for a living.”

With a hand to the back of her head, I pull Eden forward so she leans precariously on the edge of her chair toward me. I brush my lips against hers, then let my forehead drop until we’re touching. I have nothing to say to her. I can’t apologize for the years of loneliness she had because she chose to lead that life. And yet I can’t fault her for it either. The type of success she’s had is like one in a billion, and therefore how could she or I have any regrets about anything?

The lights start to dim and someone announces over a loudspeaker for guests to start making their way to their tables as the dinner will be starting in five minutes. Eden and I separate, our eyes still locked together for a moment.

She then smiles and whispers, “Thanks for coming out here with me, Coop.”

I grin at her and lean into her space, put my lips to her ear, and whisper back, “That ass was more than worth it.”

Eden giggles as she turns her face to rub her cheek against mine. “You’re crazy.”

“For you,” I murmur back to her, then stand up to move out of Samuel’s chair.