Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

I whistle in amazement. “One million dollars?”

“Crazy, right?” Kellen says. “And we can definitely put it to good use. You know this town’s been wanting to build a new outdoor sports complex for the high school.”

That’s true. Our current football, baseball, and soccer fields pretty much suck. The bleachers are old and splintered and the fields are barren. We don’t even have an electronic scoreboard.

“So what do you think?” Kellen asks. “Flowers? Candy? I mean, what do you give a woman who just donated a million bucks to her town?”

I shake my head with a smile. “I’m thinking you say thank you and that’s it. Eden didn’t do it for any recognition.”

I know this as sure as I know the sun rises every day. Eden was never one to bask in accolades. I could even see it at that awards show a few days ago. While she was honored and flattered, she was also embarrassed. She would be happier having them mail the award to her house, and would have done that but for Samuel coming in to give it to her.

Kellen nods as if this is wise advice. “I’ll drive out to Goodnight House and tell her myself.”

“Not tonight,” I say quickly. “She has plans already.”

“Maybe I’ll just call her then,” Kellen says as he starts to walk back toward the town hall. “Thanks for the advice, Coop.”

“Sure thing.” I wave at him as I start back for the excavator. I want to hurry up, pull these bushes out, and get home to Eden. I’m thinking now the shower can wait, but dragging her to the floor and making her come hard cannot.

“Jesus, Coop,” Eden rasps out as I lift my face from between her legs. She’s splayed on the kitchen floor, naked from the waist down. I didn’t hesitate when I walked into the kitchen to find her putting a pan of something in the oven. I grabbed her, dragged her to the tile floor, and stripped her jeans and panties off. Then I fucked her with my mouth and she came gloriously hard.

She’s panting when she asks, “What was that for?”

I shrug as I look up her body, her head raised off the floor to meet my gaze. My dick is hard as a rock and getting mashed painfully. I need to either fuck her or get up and go shower.

Eden comes up to her elbows. “Seriously…that was totally freaking awesome, but what did I do to deserve it?”

I crawl up Eden’s body and give her a quick kiss, knowing she can taste herself on my mouth, which makes me hornier yet. Still, I want to get a shower because I’m dirty and sweaty. “No reason.”

“No reason?” she asks skeptically.

“No reason,” I confirm with a smile.

“You’re lying,” she says, calling me out.

“Am not.”

“Are too. Coop, you’re not getting laid tonight unless you tell me the truth,” she says evilly.

Whatever. I can totally get her to spread those pretty legs for me.

“Coop,” she warns.

I’ll prove it to her.

I bend my head down and kiss her hard. While she’s occupied—and I know she is because her arms go around my neck—I reach down and fumble with the button and zipper to my pants.

With my cock freed, I line it up and slide into her slippery heat.

“Oh God.” Eden turns her face to the side and moans as I bury myself inside her.

“Knew you couldn’t resist me,” I whisper as I rub my nose along her cheek.

“Asshole,” she says affectionately, and then rotates her hips to pull me in a bit deeper. And yup…that feels fucking fantastic.

I start moving, raising both of her legs with my palms to the back of her hands and I fuck her hard. I do it quick and nasty, hitting her deep so I can get her to come again. It doesn’t take long with the taste of her in my mouth and my cock gripped by her pussy and Eden thrashing underneath me on the kitchen floor. We both come together in tandem violent explosions and I ease down onto her gently, supporting my weight with my elbows on the floor.

She looks at me with the sweetest, most sated smile, and it hurts to look at it. It hurts because I know I want to put that smile there every day. I want it just for myself and no one else, and I don’t think that’s possible.

“You donated a million dollars to Newberry,” I murmur as I bend down to kiss her softly.

She jerks in surprise, and when I lift my head, her eyes are narrowed. “How did you know that? It’s an anonymous donation.”

“Relax,” I tell her. “Kellen wants to get you something nice and asked my advice. No one else knows. But the real question is, why didn’t you tell me in the first place?”

Eden shrugs. “It’s not a big deal.”

“A million dollars isn’t a big deal?” I ask her dubiously.

“Not to me it’s not,” she says stiffly.

“It is to this town,” I tell her gently. “You’re amazing.”

“And that’s why you ate me out on the kitchen floor?”

“And that’s why I ate you out on the kitchen floor,” I reply.

“Remind me to give more money away.” She giggles and then pushes at my chest. “But seriously, don’t tell anyone, okay?”

“Your secret will go to my grave,” I promise her with a smile, and I know I should let her up, but I don’t want to move. My dick is softening, but it’s still snugly inside of her. The tile is cold and hard, yet I want to stay here.

“I have to leave tomorrow,” Eden says abruptly, her eyes guarded as she waits for my reaction.

My cock totally deflates and slips out of her.


“Just for about a week,” she says quickly. “My next movie isn’t set to start filming for another five weeks, but they unexpectedly got access to a location that wasn’t originally available. But now it is for a limited time so they want to get those scenes filmed ASAP.”

“Where are you going?” I asked, slightly off-kilter that tomorrow Eden will be gone. I realize I’d actually had been making plans in my head for the next several days. Figured we’d go fishing, and out on a date with Clay and Jeannie, and possibly to Atlanta for the weekend to a nice hotel where we could fuck and order room service.

“It’s a period piece that takes place in seventeenth-century London, and most of the filming will be there, but I’m leaving tomorrow for Ireland. There’s a castle they got permission to film in.”

“Jesus,” I say as I push up off the floor and tuck my dick back into my pants. I reach a hand down and help Eden up. I hardly notice as she shimmies into her panties and jeans with a grimace, and I know she’d love nothing more than to get a shower right now.

Scrubbing my hand through my hair, I ask, “So you’ll be gone a week?”

“Maybe ten days,” she says with a slight wince.

“And then what? You’ll come back here?” I know my voice sounds combative, but I can’t help it.