Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

I shriek, jump a good three feet in the air, and I was so scared I would have run straight out the door had Coop not wrapped his arm around my waist. I take in a deep breath and my eyes start to focus on people.

Missy stands front and center, holding a platter of cupcakes. Clay and Jeannie stand beside her.

And Bonnie from the Pit Stop, and Mason, and George, and Suzanne.

Mr. Pearce, my attorney, and Mrs. Raynor, my high school English teacher.

There’s Carla from the library and Dale from the barbershop.

My eyes sweep the small crowd standing just inside of Tilley’s and I recognize dozens of people from my past who are still here but I haven’t run into yet.

“What is this?” I ask to no one in particular, my hand fluttering over my heart.

Coop’s hand goes to my back and he pushes me forward. “This is a very overdue Welcome Back to Newberry party.”

Missy grins at me. “All these cupcakes are for you.”

I laugh as I look at them. “You’re awesome.”

Everyone smiles at me.

The smiles are all genuine.

They like me.

“Thank you, everyone,” I say, my voice quavering. “This was totally unnecessary and also very unexpected, but it’s one of the nicest things anyone’s ever done for me.”

Then the crowd starts to swarm me and I’m in the middle of hugs, back slaps, kisses on the cheek, and I think Peter from the dry cleaners copped a feel on my ass.

Didn’t matter. I was officially welcomed back home and I was happy about it.

“I do believe this is the first time we’ve ever danced together,” I remark softly as Coop leads me in a two-step around the dance floor.

Our bodies are close, his cheek to my temple, but he pulls his head back abruptly without missing a beat of our dance. Cocking an eyebrow at me, he says, “Prom. We danced at prom.”

“No,” I correct him firmly. “We stood in the middle of the basketball court at the high school gymnasium and swayed back and forth. That was not dancing.”

Coop laughs, spins me around, and continues leading me in the dance I didn’t know five minutes ago but learned quickly. I’ve always had good rhythm. I am surprised Coop knows it, though, since he didn’t dance when we were in high school.

Tonight has been amazing. I’m still all tingly from the adrenaline rush I received after being surprised, and then it continued, knowing that I had a lot of longtime amazing friends in this town. I talked to people about my parents, and some even had some funny stories to tell about my grandmother after I’d left town. People asked me about my career in a genuinely interested way, and asked if I would be coming back to visit more.

That was the only question I couldn’t answer.

“So how did you learn to dance?” I ask Coop, mainly to get my mind off of that question.

“It’s the fastest way to get in all the girls’ pants,” Coop answers me mischievously.

My jaw drops. “You did not just say that to me.”

His grin gets bigger. “Will I or will I not get laid tonight when we get home?”

“I’m thinking not,” I grumble with a mock pout as he whirls me around the floor.

“This is Newberry,” Coop says softly as he presses his cheek back to my temple. “Not a lot to do here, Eden. Tilley’s is where we all hang out. I guess I just learned it.”

“With another woman,” I mutter.

Coop chuckles, presses me closer to him. “We’ve had this conversation. You know I wasn’t celibate the last fourteen years, right?”

“Yes,” I huff out. “I still don’t like to think about it, though.”

“Not easy for me to think about it either,” he replies in a low voice. “You being with others, that is.”

We’re silent for a few moments as we move counterclockwise around the edge of the floor. I catch people watching, and I know they’re wondering.

I’m wondering too.

This thing between me and Coop…is it headed anywhere beyond what we have right now?

As if he senses the direction of my thoughts, he lifts his head again so he can look down at me. “There may have been others, but no one like you.”

I blink at him.

“Ever,” he tacks on firmly as the song comes to an end. “And that’s all I know right now.”

My lips curve upward as we stop on the dance floor. I look up at him and tell him the truth. “I don’t know much either, other than there’s been no one like you, Coop.”

He bends down and touches his lips lightly to mine.

And changes the subject in a completely different direction. “Have fun tonight?”

I nod, and I know he sees the happiness shining in my eyes. “This was amazing.”

“You about ready to go?”

I nod again, and this time I know he sees my eyes darkening, because bedtime with Coop is the best time.

“Still have that same color lipstick you wore to that awards ceremony in LA?”

I cock an eyebrow at him and drawl, “Yes. Why?”

Coop pulls me in closer, tilts his head to put his lips at my ear, and whispers, “Because I want it smeared on my cock tonight.”

“I can arrange that.” My voice is husky and my legs rubbery at the thought. I love taking this man in my mouth. Love the sounds he makes and that look in his eye that I believe only I can really give him.

Coop starts to lead me off the dance floor. “Let’s start saying our goodbyes.”

I glance at my watch. It’s late, almost one A.M. “Okay. I’m going to use the restroom first.”

We separate, and I head to the women’s bathroom. It’s starting to clear out so there’s no line like usual, and I’m able to get in and out quickly. Just as I step out of a stall, I’m confronted with Ashley Barton. She’s flanked by her cronies, Simone and Kerri, the same two who were with her the night she accosted me here in Tilley’s.

The night Coop broke up with her.

Her arms are crossed over her chest and she’s glaring at me. She’s been here most of the night, and obviously not part of the group of people to welcome me back to Newberry, but clearly here on the hunt for a new man. She’s dressed like a hooker with a black bra under a mesh shirt, a short skirt, and black cowboy boots. Her makeup is heavy and her eyes are glassy from booze. I actually wonder what Coop saw in her.

“So the prodigal daughter is now the town’s favorite girl,” she sneers at me.

And fuck that grates on me. That she can’t let it go and just move on. I know I should turn the other cheek, but I know if I don’t stand up to her, this will always be a thing.

“Not sure about the town’s favorite,” I tell her with a wink. “But I am Coop’s favorite.”

As expected, her face gets red over the reminder. She drops her arms and balls them into fists, but I think Ashley’s mostly blustering heat. She doesn’t concern me, especially since at five eight I’ve got a good four inches on her.

“Not for long,” Ashley practically spits at me. “He doesn’t do commitment. You’ll be yesterday’s news before too long.”

“Like you?” I ask sweetly.

Her face goes a deeper shade of red and she takes a step toward me. I stand my ground and decide to torture her some more.