Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

Coop grunts and groans and I feel a drop of his sweat hit me on my lower back. I just squeeze my eyes shut and hang on tight for the ride.

“Touch yourself,” Coop orders me in a thick voice. I comply, one hand immediately going to my clit while the other braces against the mattress. It’s throbbing, achy, and coupled with the feel of his cock in my pussy and the thick plug in my ass, it takes only a few gentle circles of my finger and I’m exploding again.

“Coop,” I cry out as my head rears backward, hair flying. “Oh shit…damn.”

“Yes,” Coop mutters in triumph as my body shudders so fucking hard. His hand goes to the plug and he pulls it out, the sensation causing my orgasm to intensify.

“Fuck,” I scream, and tears leak from my eyes because that felt so damn good.

Coop drives into me once more, then pulls all the way out. “Taking that ass,” he whispers.

I can only nod my head, my body pushing backward.

The tip of his thick head presses against my tight opening, and I tense for one second before I relax. I relax because I trust him more than any other man I’ve ever been with. Then he pushes in slowly, the ring of muscles giving way from the workout they got from the plug. Coop slides into me in a singular, continuous move until his pelvis is pressed against my ass.

“Eden…you okay?” he asks, and I can tell by his tone his teeth are gritted tight.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Not hurting?”

That’s sweet. “No. Move.”

Coop chuckles at my demand and he pulls out slowly, then pushes back in.

“That right there,” I encourage him. “That’s it. Right there.”

“Can you take it faster?” he rasps.

“And harder.”

“Christ, you’re perfect,” he says reverently as he pulls his cock out and slams it back into me.

Later I’ll probably be embarrassed, but I shriek out the word yes and then Coop proceeds to fuck my ass like it’s never been fucked before.

Chapter 20

And she shines so brilliantly…


This is batshit crazy.

Admittedly, I’ve never sat in front of the TV and watched a Hollywood awards show in my life. I’ve heard of the Oscars and even the Golden Globes, but I didn’t give two fucks about them. And Eden told me that this event tonight isn’t even a tenth of the size and grand spectacle of one of those other shows.

Still, I was completely thrown off balance the minute we alighted from the limousine that Colleen had arranged for us and was immediately blinded by what seemed like a million flashes going off.

“Don’t look directly at any person with a camera,” Eden had muttered out of the side of her mouth as I helped her out of the car. “You’ll be seeing stars for hours.”

“Too late,” I muttered back. “I’m temporarily blinded.”

She laughed as she stepped out, one long leg coming out first to rest on the curb. Her foot was encased in silver strappy heels, her leg completely bare to midthigh because of the slit in the satiny dark gray dress she was wearing that fit her like a glove. The top draped low over her chest but didn’t reveal any cleavage, and hung off her shoulders with long sleeves going down to her wrists. My tuxedo fit me perfectly, since Eden had sent his measurements to Colleen, but really…who gives a fuck when I’ve got Eden Goodnight on my arm? Someone came to her house today and arranged her hair, which is a multitude of pinned curls all over her head along with wavy tendrils that frame her face. Her makeup is flawless and she’s wearing berry-red lipstick that makes me think of how those full, pillowy lips would look around my cock in that color.

When we get back home to Newberry, that lipstick is coming out to play one night.

When Eden straightens, she puts her hand in the crook of my elbow and we begin walking toward the front of the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza where the ceremony will take place. This isn’t a televised event and will be an intimate affair according to Eden. Given the pomp and circumstance surrounding the stars alighting from limos and thousands of flashing cameras, I’d hate to see what wasn’t an intimate affair.

When we reach the lobby of the hotel, a man in a dark gray suit escorts us to a ballroom where just inside another round of picture taking ensues. This time it’s done in front of a large backdrop with the sponsorship logos printed on diagonal rows. Eden keeps her hand firmly on my elbow as she leads me to the front of the backdrop, which is bordered in front by probably a dozen photographers. Some are kneeling and crouching, while others are standing up, all poised and ready to take our pictures.

Eden strikes a sexy pose and slips her arm around my back. I follow suit and do the same to her, and she leans into the side of my body. I try to plaster a smile to my face as the camera flashes go off and people shout questions at Eden. I can honestly say I’ve never felt more awkward or out of place in my entire life. It’s bad enough these people are staring at us, but she’s also being peppered with questions left and right, making it impossible to even answer any of them. She’s asked about her dress and whether she and I are an official couple now.

Eden doesn’t address one question but just brilliantly smiles as she poses. After what seems like hours but was probably less than a minute, we’re escorted further into the ballroom where multiple round tables are set up and a large curtained stage is at one end of the room.

We’re led to one of the front tables and I have to assume it’s because Eden is an “it” girl right now. She’s a highly sought after actress for serious and coveted roles. She’s getting an award tonight for her humanitarianism, and I’m sure the organizers of this event want her to shine. I look around, taking in probably three hundred seats in all by counting the tables. There is going to be a formal dinner before the awards are given.

The tables are large and seat ten, with most of them filling up as more people enter. Eden introduces me to several people who come up to see her, and I want to laugh at how she gives fake air kisses to everyone. Thank God the guys all prefer handshakes, except for one guy who was clearly gay and gave me an air kiss.

“Eden, darling,” I hear as a woman a few decades older than Eden and me approaches. She’s dripping in silk, diamonds, and layers of makeup. I vaguely recognize her as an actress—a very popular one I think—but I’m not sure, as I just don’t watch a lot of movies or pay attention to that stuff.

After air kisses are exchanged, Eden introduces me to Meredith Winters, and I immediately recognize the name, although I still can’t place a movie she’s been in. That’s all on me, though, and not in any way related to her being an unforgettable actress.