Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

Finally I hear her say to Colleen, “Well, that changes everything. Of course I’ll go.”

She listens for a moment, then nods at whatever Colleen says. “Okay…let me know when my flight leaves. Thanks, Colleen.”

Eden disconnects the call and tosses the phone onto the bed. Placing both hands on my chest, she says, “I’m going to have to go to LA for the weekend. The Screen Actor’s Guild has a charity benefit every year, and they give awards to members for their philanthropy. I’m getting one for some work I did this past year helping to build schools in Ghana.”

“You went to Ghana and built schools?” I ask her. Talk about the fucking irony.

She smiles and nods. “For two weeks in between films I did. Would have loved to have done more, but my free time is so minimal.”

“And yet you spend it working doing physical labor rather than sunning yourself on a tropical beach to rest and relax.” And yes, there’s part censure and part wonder in my voice over her work ethic fueled by her humanity. I always knew Eden had a big heart. I just didn’t know how much she exercised it.

“You weren’t going to go originally?” I ask, because that was the vibe I got from listening to her end of the conversation.

Eden shakes her head. “Honestly, I’m enjoying my time so much here, I just thought I’d forego it.”

“What changed your mind?”

Those green eyes get soft with tender memories. “I found out one of the students I got close to while I was there is being brought here to present me the award. They were going to surprise me, but when I offered my regrets, they had to let me in on the secret. Of course, I’m going now. I can’t wait to see Samuel.”

“What’s his story?”

“His mother died in childbirth, father not long after that. He was raised by his grandmother, but she died when he was thirteen. He was fortunate to be taken in by another family. He’s fifteen now and so smart. He wants to come study in the U.S. and become a doctor.”

I smile at this woman who constantly reminds me she’s so much more than a pretty face on a billboard. “You’re going to have an amazing time.”

“I’ll fly out Friday. The award gala is on Saturday night, then I’ll catch the red-eye back.” She leans over, brushes her lips against mine. “I’ll be back so fast you won’t even miss me.”

My hand goes to the back of her head, holding her mouth to mine, and I mumble, “I’ll totally miss you.”

Eden pulls back and locks eyes with me. “Why don’t you come with me?”

“To a Hollywood awards gala?” I ask dubiously. “I’m afraid I’m fresh out of tuxedos.”

She snickers. “I can get you a tuxedo with the snap of my fingers.”

There’s something about her offer that’s intriguing and frightening. There’s no doubt I’m curious as to how Eden lives. I have no doubt it’s probably 180 degrees from where I am in life. But I’m also not keen on knowing the details, because it will only serve to reiterate that our lives are just too different to make this a long-term thing.

And that just fucking sucks, because if you removed the little problem of our lives being rooted on opposite sides of the country, I’d completely buy into the notion that Eden and I would be amazing together again as a committed couple.

As a couple in love.

“I can see the hesitation, Coop,” Eden teases me. She places her hand to my cheek, strokes her fingers over my temple and then through my hair. Her eyes follow her fingers’ movements for a moment before her gaze slides back to mine. Her voice is challenging when she says, “Come on…take a walk in my world. It’s not so bad, you’ll see.”

My eyes narrow and I contemplate. “What will you give me if I go with you?”

“Oh, so this is a negotiation?” she asks with a laugh.


Eden turns her eyes up to the ceiling and hums while she thinks. When she looks back down to me, she trails a finger down the center of my chest before she says in a warm, husky voice, “I’ll let you have my ass.”

And just like that, my dick gets hard and she chuckles as she feels it nudging her while she straddles me. Her look goes dark, sexy, and promising. “I have toys you can use on me. Lots of toys to get me ready.”

“Jesus fuck,” I mutter as my hands fly to Eden’s hips to lift her up from my pelvis. She helps by going to her knees slightly. I slip my hand between us, grab my cock, and push the tip into her pussy that’s still slippery from when I came in her not that long ago. Eden takes over from there and pushes herself down with a groan. My breath wheezes out of my body, it feels so good.

“So, you’re coming to LA with me for the weekend?” she asks to make sure while holding herself still on my dick.

“Ready to go right now,” I tell her as I try to buck upward to get her to move.

Eden throws her head back and laughs. “It’s only Wednesday. And you have to work. You can wait a few more days.”

“For that ass?” I ask incredulously. “I really can’t wait. Let’s do that right now.”

Her laugh deepens and she’s thoroughly amused. “Waiting will make it better. You’ll like my toys. They make me do crazy things.”

“Jesus,” I mutter. “I’m going to come just thinking about it.”

“Then let me help you along,” Eden murmurs in that silky voice that promises me I’ll be seeing stars. She starts to ride me and all thoughts of LA and her toys are gone.

And there’s only Eden.

Chapter 19

Now we’re getting kinky…


My house is something to behold, and not because it’s a nine-million-dollar home in Pacific Palisades. It’s a treasure because I stuck to my roots, purchasing a home that could easily have passed for a close cousin of Goodnight House. I may not have had a relationship with my grandmother, which prevented me from returning home, but this house confirms to me that I sure as hell missed my heritage. While not exactly like Goodnight House, it’s similar enough, done in stucco with long white pillars and outdoor balconies that run the length of the house. Inside, the décor is traditional with custom crown molding, wainscot paneling, and coffered ceilings.

On a street of houses that look like large glass boxes or haciendas, my house looks like it came straight from the South. When Coop and I walk in, I can’t help but prattle on about the features, which include a media room, gym, and a wet/dry sauna. The backyard includes an infinity pool that overlooks the canyon with the ocean in the distance. Coop listens to me patiently as I give him a tour, but I know that he knows I’m nervous to have him here. I’m terrified my world is going to overwhelm him. I’m also afraid how completely obvious it is by the house I chose to live in that I have some serious longing for those things I left behind that were a comfort to me, and I’m afraid that makes me pathetic.

Coop got a very quick taste of my fame at the airport, as I was immediately recognized. Fans were whipping out cameras to take pictures. When we were about to exit the airport, I muttered to him, “Put on your sunglasses.”