Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

Coop stalks around the bed to my nightstand but he watches me the entire time. After he has the lube in hand, he comes back around the bed to where I’m removing my panties. He casually tosses the plug and lube onto the bed and takes over for me. His thumbs go into the elastic edge and he squats as he pulls the silky material down my legs. I gasp as he leans in, licks me between my legs hard before straightening again. My entire body feels taut and on the verge of snapping from the sexual tension he’s already filled me with.

“Crawl on the bed, Eden,” Coop murmurs, even giving me a little push at the center of my back. I do as he asks, and because he’d told me previously to put my ass in my air, I go down to my elbows. Craning my neck, I look back to see him take the lube and crawl up behind me.

“Aren’t you going to get undressed?” I ask him.

“Be quiet,” he says in a low voice that’s threaded with absolute command. I’ve never heard that tone from him, but my pussy absolutely trembles as it knows this is a different Coop I’m seeing. “Turn around and look straight ahead.”

A quavering breath releases from my mouth and I do as he orders. I suck it back in just as quickly as Coop crawls up close, using a knee to sweep my legs to push them farther apart. Then his large, warm palm callused by his work covers my ass where he strokes it softly before dipping down. Bypassing my ass, his fingers go to my slick folds and he drags his fingers through briefly.

A mere test, I know.

He pulls them out, drags his fingertips down the inside of one thigh, and I can feel the trail of wetness it leaves behind.

“You’re so responsive,” Coop murmurs, almost to himself. He sounds awed.

I tense at the click of the lube cap and start to turn my head to look at him.

“Face straight,” he barks at me in a low voice, and my head snaps back. His voice softens. “Don’t you worry about what I’m doing back here.”

And I don’t.

Worry at all.

But I wish he’d get on with it. I’m dying from the anticipation.

Cold liquid hits the very top of my ass crack and I can tell he’s squirted a large amount. Very slowly, and very gently, he uses just one long finger to drag it down between my cheeks, where he massages around my tight hole. When he pushes just the tip of his finger in, I moan and my forehead falls to the mattress. My muscles contract back against him, and he pushes in farther until I can feel his knuckle grazing against the muscle of my ass.

“So tight,” Coop murmurs. “Hot…tight…perfect.”

I groan.

Coop’s finger is gone and I brace for the plug, but he moves off the bed. My head pops up and I turn to look at him. He grins at me and says, “Come up on your hands, baby. And spread those legs a little wider.”

Shamelessly, I do as he asks, knowing my backside is looking incredibly enticing, because he can’t take his eyes off it.

“Move forward,” he orders. “Until you can grasp the headboard.”

Oh geez. He’s not only going to fuck my ass, but it’s going to be hard. I don’t know whether to be scared or delighted.

Again I do as Coop tells me, and the minute my hands latch on to the headboard, I’m surprised to feel him immediately come back onto the bed as the mattress dips. Then I feel the mattress moving, and something brushing past the insides of my thighs, then grazing my breasts. I look down and find Coop on his back—still fully clothed—and inching his way underneath me on his back until we’re face-to-face.

He grins at me, head resting on the pillow, and says, “Hi.”

“What are you doing down there?” I ask with a return grin. “Last I heard, you were interested in the vicinity of my butt.”

“True,” he admits, then gives me a devilish wink. “Still am. But I’m not one to rush things back there.”

“What did you have in mind then?” I ask him, because he just lubed my ass and now he’s underneath me fully clothed.

I shriek in surprise when Coop’s large hands grab my thighs and he heaves me up his body. He uses pure strength to lift me and spread my legs so I’m perched right over his face. My eyes are wide as I hunch my back to look down at him. He rolls his eyes backward to gaze at me and says, “Lower yourself, baby.”

“Lower?” I ask, my voice so thick with lust I’m surprised the words come out.

“Sit. On. My. Face,” Coop orders. “I want to make you come this way.”

“Oh geez, baby,” I murmur as my entire body tingles with appreciation for the generosity of this man.

“Down,” he murmurs.

And I lower myself. Right onto his mouth, and he devours me. His hands palm my ass, massaging the muscles, while he uses his lips and tongue in a well-choreographed dance to assault my clit. His feasting is hard, brutal, and determined to get me where he wants me to go quickly. I know I won’t last long.

Coop’s hands leave my ass, one hand dropping to push two fingers into my pussy from behind. He curls them, sucks on my clit, and I start to explode.

I cry out, the burst of pleasure so intense, and then…and then…Coop begins to gently insert the glass plug into my ass as I continue to shake and tremble through my orgasm. His lips purse around my clit and he sucks yet again. I explode again as he pushes the plug to the hilt. The small bite of pain quickly recedes and the fullness is welcome and missed. It’s been a long time since I’ve done something like this.

If I thought Coop was going to give me some time to recuperate, I would have been wrong. He puts his arms around me, locks them tight, and rolls us so I’m on my back. When my ass hits the mattress, the plug jostles and I groan from the sensation.

Coop peers down at me as he lays his fully clothed body down my length. “You okay?”

I nod with a dazed smile.

“Good,” he says as he pushes up, goes to his knees, and edges backward. Just as he reaches the end of the bed and places one foot on the floor, he grabs my ankles and hauls me down the mattress. I cry out, because the plug moves again and it feels exquisitely good.

With a tight jawline and eyes blazing with lust, Coop quickly works at his belt, button, and zipper. He pushes his pants down his hips and past his ass, freeing his cock. It’s so fucking hard, long, and almost angry looking because of the dark purple coloring of the head. It’s weeping clear liquid, and with his hand he strokes upward and squeezes it out so it dribbles down onto the mattress.

In another quick move that makes me dizzy, Coop releases himself, takes me by my legs, and flips me over onto my stomach. His hands go to my hips and he pulls me up. My hands scrabble, latch on to the comforter, and finally flatten out with my palms supporting my weight along with my knees. My shins rest on the edge of the bed and Coop holds me secure with one hand on a hip. With the other, he takes his cock, lines it up to my pussy, and drives into me hard. His pelvis slams into the flattened end of the butt plug and it causes my muscles to ripple in pleasure.

“Oh fuck,” I scream out from the sensation of his hitting deep and the plug being manipulated by his thrust.

“God that feels good,” Coop says through gritted teeth as he pulls out. Then he drives back in and immediately sets up a deep, hard pace. He fucks me quickly, our flesh slapping and my breasts swaying so hard they actually hurt a little.