Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

After Eden’s asshole ex left, it was a race up the stairs. There may have been some shoving, biting, clawing, throwing of persons upon the bed, ripping of clothes, and tearing of bed linens from the mattress. The foreplay was fervent, with deep, claiming kisses, hard strokes of hands, and thrusting of fingers.

While the foreplay may have been hot, it was not extended. As quickly as we ignited, we consummated. I may have slid into her slowly, but it wasn’t gently. One solid push in until I was rooted. She was wet and slick, and the sensation was so intense it bordered on overwhelming. Eden arched her back, brought her legs up to dig her heels in my ass, and stared at me with her lower lip tucked between her perfect teeth.

It was fucking transcendental. Face-to-face was how this first experience without condoms had to be because we were both being hit with such overwhelming physical pleasure it was impossible to talk.

Our eyes did the talking to each other.

This feels unbelievable.

So damn amazing.

I don’t want this to stop.

We’ll never stop.

I fucked Eden with my bare cock, relishing in an intimacy that was stripped down to essentials, and I made the most of that first experience. We were all rolling of hips and rocking of bodies. The buildup was slow and I saw it coming from a mile away. I urged it closer but at a snail’s pace. With every thrust inside of her, my pelvis rubbed her clit. With every circle of my hips, her clit got rolled. I did this over and over again, slowly rocking and grinding, and by the time my orgasm was just in reach, I was gritting my teeth hard with the need to come but the desire to keep this going.

Didn’t matter, though.

I felt Eden’s body start to shudder, her pussy contract hard around me, and the knowledge she was coming made me explode. I dove off the cliff right beside her and it was fucking cataclysmic as our hands gripped each other tightly when we fell.

The best, most intense, robust, shocking, memorable, perfect orgasm ever.

The force of those orgasms stunned us stupid, so all I could do was roll us over and haul Eden onto my body, where she currently rests in her dreamy state.

I wonder if her experience was everything I’d just experienced.

Reaching a hand out, I start to stroke the top of her head. She hums in her throat and nudges her head into me like a cat wanting a firmer touch.

“You okay?” I ask her as I slide my fingers into her hair and massage her scalp.

Even though her eyes are still closed, her smile curls bigger. “I don’t know if I’ve ever felt better in my life. In fact, if I could keep this feeling right now, I would never leave. I’d stay here the rest of my days and I’d never want for another thing.”

Chuckling, I drop my hand and brush a thumb across her cheek. Her eyes flutter open, the green irises dark and glassy as they lock with mine. I can tell that was a changing experience for her as well, although I know that wasn’t the first time she’s had sex without a condom. She clearly had with Brad, or otherwise she wouldn’t have been so worried about him cheating.

And I hate the idea that he’s had that intimacy with her before I did. Hate he knew her in that way when I was in her life long before he was. But I also get it too. They were engaged, and with that can come that “next” level you want to take it to, discussions of alternate forms of birth control and tests to ensure both parties are healthy before you make that true commitment to be monogamous.

God that guy’s a fucker to have put Eden at risk like that. Thank God she’s okay, but still…you don’t do that to someone you love.

“What are you thinking?” Eden asks, her eyebrows drawn together in worry. “You look like you could kill someone right now.”

“About your asshole ex,” I admit to her. “The worry he caused you by cheating on you. I wish he was back here again; I should have kicked his ass.”

Eden slides her hand up my chest, her expression understanding and empathetic. “You always were so protective of my feelings. It was one of the things I missed most when we broke up. No one cared about how I felt about anything.”

Christ, I hate that for her. All those years of making your way through life all on your own. It also makes me wonder if I was wrong not to go with her. I could have left school and come back to it later. I could have taken a few years and traveled with Eden so she had someone.

But I didn’t, and even though I gave Eden an ultimatum, she had never done that to me. She knew how important it was for me to come back to Newberry. So she ventured out alone while I had a comfortable life surrounded by family and friends. It’s an absolute testament to the strength of character Eden’s developed over the years.

So many things she did on her own, including falling in love with another man. Hell, maybe there were even more before she got engaged to Brad, but I really don’t want to know about them.

“I hate that he had this with you before I did,” I mutter.

“This?” she asks.

“Sex with you…without a condom. No barriers.”

Her lips curve with sympathy and her fingers glide along my chest. “He may have been before you, but when we decided to move forward to the next level and do away with the condoms, the sex wasn’t any better or any worse than before. There was no change.”

That’s interesting. And validating.

“And if it makes you feel any better,” she continues, “there has been no one in my life that has compared to you as a lover. Not even come close. Brad wasn’t my worst, but he wasn’t great. He was one of those types of guys who goes straight for his own pleasure, and he’s totally happy for you if you get there too, but he doesn’t care if you don’t. You’re the exact opposite. I always feel it’s never about you, and always about me. I don’t know how you do that…make me feel that way. In fact, I’m not even sure you’re real half the time because of the things you make me feel when you’re fucking me.”

Goddamn I like that. A lot, because it’s the exact way Eden makes me feel.

The ringing of Eden’s phone on the nightstand prevents me from responding. She lifts her head from my chest, slithers her naked body across mine to reach it, and then pulls up to straddle my hips while she answers it. She grins down at me as she says, “Hey, Colleen. What’s up?”

Eden listens as Colleen talks and I have no clue what she’s saying. Don’t care either. All I really care about is that Eden is straddling my hips with her legs wide, which means her pussy is on beautiful display. I’m hypnotized by my semen leaking out of her and dripping onto the base of my cock, which is starting to perk up with interest again.

My hand slowly moves to touch her there, rub the slickness of me against her, but her hand slams against my wrist and locks tight. I raise my eyes to her, fogged with lust, and see her smirking at me as she shakes her head.

The message is clear. No touching while I’m on the phone.

I capitulate and push my hands under my head, giving her an accommodating smile and waiting for her to finish her phone call. When she’s done, I want to fill her up again. My dick starts to swell at this thought and pushes up against her, but she ignores me.